266 research outputs found

    V-Belt Winding along Archimedean Spirals During the Variator Speed Ratio Shift

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    Starting from a previous model for the shift mechanics of rubber belt variators, this lecture elaborates practical design formulas for the torque and the axial thrust making use of the very close resemblance of the belt path to a linear spiral of Archimedes along a large part of the arc of contact. In addition, as an alternative to the modern calculus tools, it is shown how the drive variables can be equally calculated applying some propositions of Archimedes' classical treatise περι ‘ελικων (On Spirals)

    Vacuum polarization on the spinning circle

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    Vacuum polarization of a massive scalar field in the background of a two-dimensional version of a spinning cosmic string is investigated. It is shown that when the `radius of the universe' is such that spacetime is globally hyperbolic the vacuum fluctuations are well behaved, diverging though on the `chronology horizon'. Naive use of the formulae when spacetime is nonglobally hyperbolic leads to unphysical results. It is also pointed out that the set of normal modes used previously in the literature to address the problem gives rise to two-point functions which do not have a Hadamard form, and therefore are not physically acceptable. Such normal modes correspond to a locally (but not globally) Minkowski time, which appears to be at first sight a natural choice of time to implement quantization.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, REVTeX4, published versio

    Pauli-Lubanski scalar in the Polygon Approach to 2+1-Dimensional Gravity

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    In this paper we derive an expression for the conserved Pauli-Lubanski scalar in 't Hooft's polygon approach to 2+1-dimensional gravity coupled to point particles. We find that it is represented by an extra spatial shift Δ\Delta in addition to the usual identification rule (being a rotation over the cut). For two particles this invariant is expressed in terms of 't Hooft's phase-space variables and we check its classical limit.Comment: Some errors are corrected and a new introduction and discussion are added. 6 pages Latex, 4 eps-figure

    Path integrals on a flux cone

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    This paper considers the Schroedinger propagator on a cone with the conical singularity carrying magnetic flux (``flux cone''). Starting from the operator formalism and then combining techniques of path integration in polar coordinates and in spaces with constraints, the propagator and its path integral representation are derived. "Quantum correction" in the Lagrangian appears naturally and no a priori assumption is made about connectivity of the configuration space.Comment: LaTeX file, 9 page

    Euclidean thermal spinor Green's function in the spacetime of a straight cosmic string

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    Within the framework of the quantum field theory at finite temperature on a conical space, we determine the Euclidean thermal spinor Green's function for a massless spinor field. We then calculate the thermal average of the energy-momentum tensor of a thermal bath of massless fermions. In the high-temperature limit, we find that the straight cosmic string does not perturb the thermal bathComment: 11 pages, latex, no figure

    Time-Dependent Open String Solutions in 2+1 Dimensional Gravity

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    We find general, time-dependent solutions produced by open string sources carrying no momentum flow in 2+1 dimensional gravity. The local Poincar\'e group elements associated with these solutions and the coordinate transformations that transform these solutions into Minkowski metric are obtained. We also find the relation between these solutions and the planar wall solutions in 3+1 dimensions.Comment: CU-TP-619, 18 pages. (minor changes

    Time-dependent quantum scattering in 2+1 dimensional gravity

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    The propagation of a localized wave packet in the conical space-time created by a pointlike massive source in 2+1 dimensional gravity is analyzed. The scattering amplitude is determined and shown to be finite along the classical scattering directions due to interference between the scattered and the transmitted wave functions. The analogy with diffraction theory is emphasized.Comment: 15 pages in LaTeX with 3 PostScript figure

    SO(10) Cosmic Strings and Baryon Number Violation

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    SO(10) cosmic strings formed during the phase transition Spin(10) \rightarrow SU(5) ×Z2\times{\cal Z}_2 are studied. Two types of strings --- one effectively Abelian and one non-Abelian --- are constructed and the string solutions are calculated numerically. The non-Abelian string can catalyze baryon number violation via the ``twisting'' of the scalar field which causes mixing of leptons and quarks in the fermion multiplet. The non-Abelian string is also found to have the lower energy possibly for the entire range of the parameters in the theory. Scattering of fermions in the fields of the strings is analyzed, and the baryon number violation cross section is calculated. The role of the self-adjoint parameters is discussed and the values are computed.Comment: LaTex (RevTex), 36 pages, 6 figures (available upon request), MIT-CTP#215

    Dirac fields in the background of a magnetic flux string and spectral boundary conditions

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    We study the problem of a Dirac field in the background of an Aharonov-Bohm flux string. We exclude the origin by imposing spectral boundary conditions at a finite radius then shrinked to zero. Thus, we obtain a behaviour of eigenfunctions which is compatible with the self-adjointness of the radial Hamiltonian and the invariance under integer translations of the reduced flux. After confining the theory to a finite region, we check the consistency with the index theorem, and evaluate its vacuum fermionic number and Casimir energy.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure Two references added To be published in International Journal of Modern Physics

    (2+1)-Gravity Solutions with Spinning Particles

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    We derive, in 2+1 dimensions, classical solutions for metric and motion of two or more spinning particles, in the conformal Coulomb gauge introduced previously. The solutions are exact in the NN-body static case, and are perturbative in the particles' velocities in the dynamic two-body case. A natural boundary for the existence of our gauge choice is provided by some ``CTC horizons'' encircling the particles, within which closed timelike curves occur.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, no figure