33 research outputs found

    Concentrations of Selected Heavy Metals in Bones and Femoral Bone Structure of Bank (Myodes glareolus) and Common (Microtus arvalis) Voles from Different Polluted Biotopes in Slovakia

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    Concentrations of selected heavy metals in the femora and femoral bone structure of bank (Myodes glareolus) and common (Microtus arvalis) voles from different polluted biotopes in Slovakia (Kolíňany and Nováky sites) were investigated. Length, weight, and histological structure of vole bones were also analyzed. We observed higher concentrations of lead (Pb), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) in the bones of both species from the Kolíňany site. Significant differences were observed in the concentration of Fe in bank and common voles (p < 0.05) and in the concentration of Zn (p < 0.05) in common voles. The animals from Nováky had higher concentrations of cadmium (Cd) and nickel (Ni) in their bones; however, the differences were not significant. The measured values for bone length and weight were higher in both species from Nováky (p < 0.05). We did not identify differences in qualitative histological characteristics of the femora between the voles (M. glareolus and M. arvalis separately) between the two biotopes. In addition, no statistically significant differences for any the measured variables of primary osteons’ vascular canals were observed. Correlation analysis in M. glareolus showed a strong positive relation between Cd and Ni (r = 0.52), Pb and bone weight (r = 0.53), Fe and bone weight (r = 0.52), and Fe and perimeter size of primary osteons’ vascular canals (r = 0.55). In common voles, a strong positive relation was found between Fe and Cu (r = 0.60) and between Fe and perimeter size of vascular canals of primary osteons (r = 0.55). Our results indicate that accumulation of some heavy metals is slightly increased in the femora of both species at Kolíňany

    Lippia citriodora (verbascoside) extract supplementation: Effect on rabbit semen quality in vivo and in vitro

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    Verbascoside, the main component of Lippia citriodora extract, is one of the most powerful free radical scavengers exhibiting a wide biological activity. In in vivo study 20 adult New Zealand white rabbit bucks were divided into two homogeneous groups, one control (CON) and one verbascoside-supplemented (0.1%) in feed mixture (EXP) and later in vitro effects of verbascoside on the motility aspects of rabbit spermatozoa were analysed. The spermatozoa concentration, ejaculate volume, spermatozoa motility, progressive motility, distance parameters, velocity parameters and type of spermatozoa movement were negatively affected by Lippia citriodora leaves extract after the first 4 weeks of dietary treatment, till the end of experiment (8 weeks). Four weeks after the suspension of feed additive supplementation, all spermatozoa traits values returned to the normality, and in line with CON group. For in vitro findings, ejaculates from 10 male New Zealand white bucks were collected using an artificial vagina. Then it was diluted in physiological saline solution containing different concentrations of verbascoside at the concentration of 0, 0.0024, 0.0219, 0.157, 120.0 mg/ml (Ctrl, VB1, VB2, VB3, VB4 groups, respectively), using a dilution ratio of 1: 4. The obtained data proved that verbascoside at the concentration of 0.0024 and 0.0219 mg/ml had no adverse effect on spermatozoa. Additionally, we found that verbascoside at higher concentrations (0.157 and 120.0 mg/ml) significantly altered all the motility parameters analysed in the experiment. In conclusion a possible negative effect of verbascoside supplementation into feed mixture (0.1%) on semen quality parameters in rabbit bucks as well as in vitro can be stated, obviously considering that target organs of antioxidant activities of phenylpropanoid glycosides are various. In addition it has to be emphasized that the extract showed a reversible action, since the semen traits of treated animals returned to the normality after the dietary administration period

    Content of heavy metals in soils in different seasons

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    Badano zawartość Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu i Ni w glebach łąkowych w powiecie bocheńskim w sezonie jesiennym i zimowym 2010/2011. Łąki usytuowane były w różnej odległości od drogi: 2, 100 i 200 m. Gleby na badanych stanowiskach wykazywały odczyn od średnio kwaśnego do prawie obojętnego i wilgotność jesienią 17,17÷29,53%, natomiast w zimie 24,68÷37,59%. Wykazano statystycznie istotne różnice w zawartości Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb na poszczególnych stanowiskach w badanych sezonach. W stosunku do kadmu nie wykazano takich zależności. Pierwiastek ten w podobnym stężeniu (0,6÷0,88 ppm) występował na wszystkich stanowiskach bez względu na porę roku. Analizowano również liczebność i różnorodność pedofauny, która była większa w sezonie zimowym w glebach badanych łąk. Stwierdzono jednak, że znaczne różnice w zawartości metali nie miały wpływu na liczebność fauny glebowej na poszczególnych stanowiskach w badanych porach roku.The content of heavy metals like cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) was investigated in the meadow soils in the district of Bochnia in autumn and winter season 2010/2011. The meadows were located at different distances from the road 2 m, 100 m and 200 m. The soils tested showed an average pH of acidic to nearly neutral and humidity in autumn 17.17÷29.53% and in winter season within 24.68÷37.59%. Statistically significant showed differences in the content of Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb between stations in the autumn and winter seasons. In relation to cadmium did not show such dependence. The content of this element (0.6÷0.88 ppm) is similar occurred at all stations, regardless of the season. The number and diversity of pedofauna were also analyzed, which was higher in the winter season in the studied meadow soils. It has been found, however, that significant differences in metal content did not affect the abundance of soil fauna at different stations in the studied seasons

    Zawartość metali ciężkich w glebach łąkowych w różnych porach roku

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    The content of heavy metals like cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) was investigated in the meadow soils in the district of Bochnia in autumn and winter season 2010/2011. The meadows were located at different distances from the road 2 m, 100 m and 200 m. The soils tested showed an average pH of acidic to nearly neutral and humidity in autumn 17.17–29.53 % and in winter season within 24.68–37.59 %. Statistically significant showed differences in the content of Zn, Cu, Ni and Pb between stations in the autumn and winter seasons. In relation to cadmium did not show such dependence. The content of this element (0.6–0.88 ppm) is similar occurred at all stations, regardless of the season. The number and diversity of pedofauna were also analyzed, which was higher in the winter season in the studied meadow soils. It has been found, however, that significant differences in metal content did not affect the abundance of soil fauna at different stations in the studied seasons.Badano zawartość Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu i Ni w glebach łąkowych w powiecie bocheńskim w sezonie jesiennym i zimowym 2010/2011. Łąki usytuowane były w różnej odległości od drogi: 2, 100 i 200 m. Gleby na badanych stanowiskach wykazywały odczyn od średnio kwaśnego do prawie obojętnego i wilgotność jesienią 17.17-29.53 %, natomiast w zimie 24.68-37.59 %. Wykazano istotne statystycznie różnice w zawartości Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb na poszczególnych stanowiskach w badanych sezonach. W stosunku do kadmu nie wykazano takich zależności. Pierwiastek ten w podobnym stężeniu (0.6; 0.88 ppm) występował na wszystkich stanowiskach bez względu na porę roku. Analizowano również liczebność i różnorodność pedofauny, która była większa w sezonie zimowym w glebach badanych łąk. Stwierdzono jednak, że znaczne różnice w zawartości metali nie miały wpływu na liczebność fauny glebowej na poszczególnych stanowiskach w badanych porach roku

    The content of heavy metals in shells of Mytilus sp. from the Adriatic, Baltic and Black seas

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    Kumulacja wybranych metali ciężkich w kości udowej drobnych ssaków lądowych

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    The accumulation of lead, cadmium, iron, nickel, copper and zinc in the femora of yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) and bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) living near the site of coal power station Novaky (Slovakia) was investigated. The content of heavy metals in the bones was assessed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry method. Altogether 20 femora of adult individuals were analysed. Higher concentrations of Cd, Ni, Cu and Zn were detected in the bones of bank vole. Significant differences were observed for the concentrations of Cd, Ni and Zn (p < 0.05). On the contrary, higher concentrations of Pb and Fe were found in the femora of yellow necked mouse. However, the differences were not significant. Our results indicate that Clethrionomys glareolus may be considered as more bone loaded zoomonitor in comparison with Apodemus flavicollis.Zbadano kumulację ołowiu, kadmu, żelaza, niklu, miedzi i cynku w kości udowej myszy leśnej (Apodemus flavicollis) i nomicy rudej (Clethrionomys glareolus) zasiedlających tereny w pobliżu elektrowni Novaky na Słowacji. Zawartość metali ciężkich w kościach zmierzono metodą spektrofotometrii atomowej. Przebadano 20 kości udowych podchodzących od dorosłych osobników. Większe zawartości Cd, Ni, Cu i Zn stwierdzono w kościach nornicy rudej niż w kościach myszy leśnej. Istotne statystycznie różnice między badanymi ssakami dotyczyły zawartości Cd, Ni i Zn (p < 0.05). Z drugiej strony kości myszy leśnej zawierały więcej Pb i Fe niż kości nomicy rudej. Różnice te nie były jednak istotne statystycznie. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że kości nornicy rudej kumulują więcej metali ciężkich niż kości myszy leśnej, co może mieć znaczenie dla przyszłych badań monitoringowych

    Kumulacja metali ciężkich we wczesnych stadiach ontogenezy Phrynohyas resinifictrix (Goeldi)

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    The research focused on an assessment of interrelations between copper, zinc, magnesium and cadmium regarding the rate of their accumulation in Phrynohyas resinifictrix organisms. Group A consisted of organisms subjected to the effect of solution containing 2 mg/dm3 Mg2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+, whereas group B to 4 mg/dm3 Mg2+, Zn2+ and 2 mg/dm3 Cd2+. Significant changes in copper and zinc concentrations were registered during the experiment. Copper content in group A was 5.97 g/g d.m. after 2 hrs and 367.521 g/g d.m. after a week (p = 0.002). In the group B copper concentration was 12.914 g/g d.m. after 2 hrs and 234.372 g/g d.m. (p = 0.013) after 2 weeks. Zinc level in group A was 282.779 g/g d.m. after 2 hrs and 750.051 g/g d.m. after a week (p = 0.003).Badania dotyczyły oceny współzależności między miedzią, cynkiem, magnezem i kadmem w odniesieniu do tempa ich kumulacji w organizmach Phrynohyas resinifictrix. Grupę A stanowiły organizmy poddane działaniu roztworu zawierającego 2 mg/dm3 Mg2+, Zn2+ i Cd2+, a grupę B 4 mg/dm3 Mg2+ i Zn2+, 2 mg/dm3 Cd2+. W czasie trwania eksperymentu stwierdzono istotne zmiany zawartości miedzi i cynku. Zawartość miedzi w grupie A wynosiła 5,97 g/g s.m. po 2 h, a po 1 tygodniu 367,521 g/g s.m. (p = 0.002). W grupie B zawartość miedzi wynosiła 12,914 g/g s.m. po 2 h, a po 2 tygodniach 234,372 g/g s.m. (p = 0,013). Poziom cynku w grupie A wynosił 282,779 g/g s.m. po 2 h i 750,051 g/g s.m. po 1 tygodniu (p = 0.003)

    The effect of humic acid on metal accumulation by Unio tumidus

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    - Status antyoksydacyjny oraz zawartość metali w mleku ludzkim u kobiet w różnym wieku i okresie laktacji

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the concentration of chosen tracę elements, activity of catalase (CAT) and glutathione content (GSH) in human milk. The study subjects were recruited from among the lactating women from Małopolska province in Poland. Milk was taken from 23 mothers classified inlo three groups of age (20-25, 26-31 and 32-37 years) and two groups of lactation period (colostrums; 1-3 days; and transitional milk, over 4th day). CAT and GSH values were determined by the spectrophotometric method. Cu, Zn, Mg, Fe and Cd concentrations were determined by atomie absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The results indicate no significant differences between activity of catalase taking into account the age of mothers and the day of lactation. Similarly glutathione level showed insignificant differences between sludicd groups. Our results indicate that human milk of women from Małopolska province, Poland, may contain significant amount of cadmium. We found statistically significant correlation between some metals in milk from women in different age and period of lactation. It concerned: Fe vs Cd and Cd vs Cu correlation. The result of our study indicate that the actiyity of antioxidant enzymes did not change during the course of lactation and in relation to mother's age.Celem badań było określenie koncentracji metali ciężkich, a także zawartości enzymów antyoksy-dacyjnych: katalazy (CAT) i zredukowanego glutationu (GSH) w mleku ludzkim. Kobiety biorące udział w eksperymencie były rekrutowane spośród matek w różnych okresach laktacji, pochodzących z terenu województwa małopolskiego. Próbki mleka zostały pobrane od 23 zdrowych kobiet z klas wiekowych: 20-25, 26-31, 32-37 lat. Dodatkowo został dokonany podział na grupy ze względu na okres laktacji, pierwsza: 1-3 dzień laktacji - siara, druga: powyżej 4 dnia - mleko przejściowe. Aktywność katalazy była mierzona spektrofotometrycznie według metody Bartosza (1995), natomiast poziom glutationu oznaczano spektrofotometrycznie przy użyciu metody Ellmana (1965). Koncentrację pierwiastków, takich jak: Zn, Mg, Cu, Fe oraz Cd oznaczano za pomocą spektrofotometrii absorpcyjnej (AAS). Aktywność katalazy, a także poziom glutationu zredukowanego nie wykazały statystycznie istotnych różnic pomiędzy grupami wiekowymi oraz okresem laktacji. Wyniki naszych badań pokazują, że mleko kobiet z regionu Małopolski zawiera pewne ilości kadmu. Dodatkowo zostały wykazane statystycznie istotne korelacje pomiędzy zawartością metali w próbkach mleka od kobiet w różnym wieku i okresie karmienia, dotyczyło to związku pomiędzy: Fe i Cd oraz Cd i Cu. Pomiędzy pozostałymi badanymi pierwiastki nie zaobserwowano statystycznie istotnych korelacji

    Ocena wpływu gentamycyny na równowagę oksydoredukcyjną i mikrostrukturę nerki tułowiowej karasia srebrzystego (Carassius gibelio)

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    Assessment of gentamicin effect on oxidoreductive balance and microstructure of trunk kidney in Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio). The aim of this study was to investigate the potential toxic effects of gentamicin on the Prussian carp (Carrasius gibelio) by determining its effect on oxidant-antioxidant balance and by histological image analysis of trunk kidney. The fi shes were injected with single standard therapeutic dose of gentamicin of 5 mg·kg–1. The samples of trunk kidney were collected in 3 days post antibiotic administration. Concentration of reduced glutathione (GSH) and activity of enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT) were examined. The concentration of GSH and the activity of studied enzymes did not show statistically signifi cant differences between control and gentamicin-exposed group. The pathological changes were not observed in the trunk kidney structure. Renal tubules as well as renal corpuscles had correct structure. The obtained results indicate that a single injection of gentamycin at a dose of 5 mg·kg–1 does not lead to disturbance of oxidant-antioxidant balance or histopathological changes in the trunk kidney of Prussian carp. Gentamicin administration did not change oxidoreductive balance and trunk kidney microstructure in Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio)