41 research outputs found

    Noncanonical quantum optics

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    Modification of the right-hand-side of canonical commutation relations (CCR) naturally occurs if one considers a harmonic oscillator with indefinite frequency. Quantization of electromagnetic field by means of such a non-CCR algebra naturally removes the infinite energy of vacuum but still results in a theory which is very similar to quantum electrodynamics. An analysis of perturbation theory shows that the non-canonical theory has an automatically built-in cut-off but requires charge/mass renormalization already at the nonrelativistic level. A simple rule allowing to compare perturbative predictions of canonical and non-canonical theories is given. The notion of a unique vacuum state is replaced by a set of different vacua. Multi-photon states are defined in the standard way but depend on the choice of vacuum. Making a simplified choice of the vacuum state we estimate corrections to atomic lifetimes, probabilities of multiphoton spontaneous and stimulated emission, and the Planck law. The results are practically identical to the standard ones. Two different candidates for a free-field Hamiltonian are compared.Comment: Completely rewritten version of quant-ph/0002003v2. There are overlaps between the papers, but sections on perturbative calculations show the same problem from different sides, therefore quant-ph/0002003v2 is not replace

    The Hitting Times with Taboo for a Random Walk on an Integer Lattice

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    For a symmetric, homogeneous and irreducible random walk on d-dimensional integer lattice Z^d, having zero mean and a finite variance of jumps, we study the passage times (with possible infinite values) determined by the starting point x, the hitting state y and the taboo state z. We find the probability that these passages times are finite and analyze the tails of their cumulative distribution functions. In particular, it turns out that for the random walk on Z^d, except for a simple (nearest neighbor) random walk on Z, the order of the tail decrease is specified by dimension d only. In contrast, for a simple random walk on Z, the asymptotic properties of hitting times with taboo essentially depend on the mutual location of the points x, y and z. These problems originated in our recent study of branching random walk on Z^d with a single source of branching

    Third post-Newtonian dynamics of compact binaries: Noetherian conserved quantities and equivalence between the harmonic-coordinate and ADM-Hamiltonian formalisms

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    A Lagrangian from which derive the third post-Newtonian (3PN) equations of motion of compact binaries (neglecting the radiation reaction damping) is obtained. The 3PN equations of motion were computed previously by Blanchet and Faye in harmonic coordinates. The Lagrangian depends on the harmonic-coordinate positions, velocities and accelerations of the two bodies. At the 3PN order, the appearance of one undetermined physical parameter \lambda reflects an incompleteness of the point-mass regularization used when deriving the equations of motion. In addition the Lagrangian involves two unphysical (gauge-dependent) constants r'_1 and r'_2 parametrizing some logarithmic terms. The expressions of the ten Noetherian conserved quantities, associated with the invariance of the Lagrangian under the Poincar\'e group, are computed. By performing an infinitesimal ``contact'' transformation of the motion, we prove that the 3PN harmonic-coordinate Lagrangian is physically equivalent to the 3PN Arnowitt-Deser-Misner Hamiltonian obtained recently by Damour, Jaranowski and Sch\"afer.Comment: 30 pages, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Canonical form of Euler-Lagrange equations and gauge symmetries

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    The structure of the Euler-Lagrange equations for a general Lagrangian theory is studied. For these equations we present a reduction procedure to the so-called canonical form. In the canonical form the equations are solved with respect to highest-order derivatives of nongauge coordinates, whereas gauge coordinates and their derivatives enter in the right hand sides of the equations as arbitrary functions of time. The reduction procedure reveals constraints in the Lagrangian formulation of singular systems and, in that respect, is similar to the Dirac procedure in the Hamiltonian formulation. Moreover, the reduction procedure allows one to reveal the gauge identities between the Euler-Lagrange equations. Thus, a constructive way of finding all the gauge generators within the Lagrangian formulation is presented. At the same time, it is proven that for local theories all the gauge generators are local in time operators.Comment: 27 pages, LaTex fil

    Sur une fonction de deux variables sans intégrale double

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    D'après le théorème connu du Lebesgue-Fubini si la fonction f(x,y) de deux variables x,y est sommable dans le rectangle P=(a,b;c,d), c'est-à-dire, s'il existe l'intégrale double finie ∫_{P}f(x,y)dxdy (1) (au sens de Lebesgue), on a constamment ∫_{F}dy∫_{E}f(x,y)dx =∫_{E}dx∫_{F}f(x,y)dy (2) pourvu que les ensembles mesurables E et F soient compris respectivement dans les intervalles (a,b) et (c,d). D'autre part, si la fonction f(x,y) est mesurable superficiellement et de signe constant, il suffit l'existence même de l'intégrale ∫_c^d dy ∫_a^b f(x,y)dx [ou ∫_a^b dx ∫_c^d f(x,y)dy] (3) pour qu'il existe l'intégral (1). Le but de cette note est de former l'exemple d'une fonction mesurable, mais de signe variable, telle que l'intégrale (1) n'existe pas, tandis que la relation (2) demeure toujours vraie

    Differentiation reeller Funktionen mehrerer Variablen

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    Integration reeller Funktionen einer Variablen

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    Integration reeller Funktionen mehrerer Variablen

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