92 research outputs found

    Production et caractérisation d'anticorps monoclonaux contre l'histamine

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    Afin de produire un anticorps monoclonal anti-histamine, des souris sont immunisées par 7 conjugués histamineprotéine en utilisant plusieurs protéines et agents de couplage. Après un premier criblage employant les protéines natives et les conjugués histamine-caséine et histamine-BSA comme antigènes pour identifier les clones qui sécrètent des anticorps monoclonaux, les hybridomes sont clonés par dilution limite et cultivés en ascites. Quatre anticorps monoclonaux ont été seléctionnés (4C9, 4D9, 7E10 .et 9D9 ) et leur spécificité a été étudiée. Les anticorps réagissent avec tous les conjugués histamine-protéine préparés. Mais, ils ne réagissent pas avec les protéines natives, les protéines dérivées ou le conjugué témoin glycine-caséine. De plus, aucune réaction croisée n'a été observée avec les 6 amines biogènes et 2 acides aminés succeptibles d'interférer dans le dosage de l'histamine. L'histamine libre non conjuguée inhibe de façon significative la liaison entre les anticorps etle conjugué histaminecaséine. L'histamine libre inhibe moins efficacement les anticorps que le dérivé histamine-benzoquinone et le conjugué histamine-caséine. L'épitope reconnu par ces anticorps semble être constitué essentiellement par la molécule d'histamine dérivée.Preparation and characterisation of Monoclonal anti-histamine antibodiesIn order to produce monoclonal antibody to histamine, mice are immunized with seven conjugates histamineprotein using several protein and coupling agents. After an initial screening using native protein and histaminecase in, histamine-BSA conjugates as antigens to identify monoclonal antibody secreting clones, the hybridomes are isolated by limiting dilution cloning and grown in ascites. Four antibodies have been selected (4C9, 409, 7E10, 909) and their specificity has been studied. The antibodies react with ail our prepared conjugates histamineprotein. But they are unreactive with native proteins, the derivative proteins, or glycine-casein conjugate. Moreover, no cross-reaction is observed with six biogenic amines and two smino acids that would interfere in the quantitation of histamine. Free unconjugated histamine significantly inhibits antibodies binding to histaminecasein. A much more lower inhibitory potency of free histamine is recorded , as compared to histaminebenzoquinone derivative and to histamine-casein. The main epitope seems encompass the molecule of histamine derived by the coupling agents

    Correlation effects during liquid infiltration into hydrophobic nanoporous mediums

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    Correlation effects arising during liquid infiltration into hydrophobic porous medium are considered. On the basis of these effects a mechanism of energy absorption at filling porous medium by nonwetting liquid is suggested. In accordance with this mechanism, the absorption of mechanical energy is a result expenditure of energy for the formation of menisci in the pores on the shell of the infinite cluster and expenditure of energy for the formation of liquid-porous medium interface in the pores belonging to the infinite cluster of filled pores. It was found that in dependences on the porosity and, consequently, in dependences on the number of filled pores neighbors, the thermal effect of filling can be either positive or negative and the cycle of infiltration-defiltration can be closed with full outflow of liquid. It can occur under certain relation between percolation properties of porous medium and the energy characteristics of the liquid-porous medium interface and the liquid-gas interface. It is shown that a consecutive account of these correlation effects and percolation properties of the pores space during infiltration allow to describe all experimental data under discussion
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