1,374 research outputs found

    Spectral cutoffs in indirect dark matter searches

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    Indirect searches for dark matter annihilation or decay products in the cosmic-ray spectrum are plagued by the question of how to disentangle a dark matter signal from the omnipresent astrophysical background. One of the practically background-free smoking-gun signatures for dark matter would be the observation of a sharp cutoff or a pronounced bump in the gamma-ray energy spectrum. Such features are generically produced in many dark matter models by internal Bremsstrahlung, and they can be treated in a similar manner as the traditionally looked-for gamma-ray lines. Here, we discuss prospects for seeing such features with present and future Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table; conference proceedings for TAUP 2011, Munich 5-9 Se

    Aspects of production and kinetic decoupling of non-thermal dark matter

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    We reconsider non-thermal production of WIMP dark matter in a systematic way and using a numerical code for accurate computations of dark matter relic densities. Candidates with large pair annihilation rates are favored, suggesting a connection with the anomalies in the lepton cosmic-ray flux detected by Pamela and Fermi. Focussing on supersymmetric models we will consider the impact of non-thermal production on the preferred mass scale for dark matter neutralinos. We have also developed a new formalism to solve the Boltzmann's equation for a system of coannihilating species without assuming kinetic equilibrium and applied it to the case of pure Winos.Comment: Proceedings for the conference TAUP 201

    Constraints on small-scale cosmological perturbations from gamma-ray searches for dark matter

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    Events like inflation or phase transitions can produce large density perturbations on very small scales in the early Universe. Probes of small scales are therefore useful for e.g. discriminating between inflationary models. Until recently, the only such constraint came from non-observation of primordial black holes (PBHs), associated with the largest perturbations. Moderate-amplitude perturbations can collapse shortly after matter-radiation equality to form ultracompact minihalos (UCMHs) of dark matter, in far greater abundance than PBHs. If dark matter self-annihilates, UCMHs become excellent targets for indirect detection. Here we discuss the gamma-ray fluxes expected from UCMHs, the prospects of observing them with gamma-ray telescopes, and limits upon the primordial power spectrum derived from their non-observation by the Fermi Large Area Space Telescope.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in J Phys Conf Series (Proceedings of TAUP 2011, Munich

    Thermal decoupling and the smallest subhalo mass in dark matter models with Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation rates

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    We consider dark matter consisting of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) and revisit in detail its thermal evolution in the early universe, with a particular focus on models where the annihilation rate is enhanced by the Sommerfeld effect. After chemical decoupling, or freeze-out, dark matter no longer annihilates but is still kept in local thermal equilibrium due to scattering events with the much more abundant standard model particles. During kinetic decoupling, even these processes stop to be effective, which eventually sets the scale for a small-scale cutoff in the matter density fluctuations. Afterwards, the WIMP temperature decreases more quickly than the heat bath temperature, which causes dark matter to reenter an era of annihilation if the cross-section is enhanced by the Sommerfeld effect. Here, we give a detailed and self-consistent description of these effects. As an application, we consider the phenomenology of simple leptophilic models that have been discussed in the literature and find that the relic abundance can be affected by as much two orders of magnitude or more. We also compute the mass of the smallest dark matter subhalos in these models and find it to be in the range of about 10^{-10} to 10 solar masses; even much larger cutoff values are possible if the WIMPs couple to force carriers lighter than about 100 MeV. We point out that a precise determination of the cutoff mass allows to infer new limits on the model parameters, in particular from gamma-ray observations of galaxy clusters, that are highly complementary to existing constraints from g-2 or beam dump experiments.Comment: minor changes to match published versio

    Is dark matter with long-range interactions a solution to all small-scale problems of \Lambda CDM cosmology?

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    The cold dark matter (DM) paradigm describes the large-scale structure of the universe remarkably well. However, there exists some tension with the observed abundances and internal density structures of both field dwarf galaxies and galactic satellites. Here, we demonstrate that a simple class of DM models may offer a viable solution to all of these problems simultaneously. Their key phenomenological properties are velocity-dependent self-interactions mediated by a light vector messenger and thermal production with much later kinetic decoupling than in the standard case.Comment: revtex4; 6 pages, 3 figures; minor changes to match published versio

    New Positron Spectral Features from Supersymmetric Dark Matter - a Way to Explain the PAMELA Data?

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    The space-borne antimatter experiment PAMELA has recently reported a surprising rise in the positron to electron ratio at high energies. It has also recently been found that electromagnetic radiative corrections in some cases may boost the gamma-ray yield from supersymmetric dark matter annihilations in the galactic halo by up to three or four orders of magnitude, providing distinct spectral signatures for indirect dark matter searches to look for. Here, we investigate whether the same type of corrections can also lead to sizeable enhancements in the positron yield. We find that this is indeed the case, albeit for a smaller region of parameter space than for gamma rays; selecting models with a small mass difference between the neutralino and sleptons, like in the stau coannihilation region in mSUGRA, the effect becomes more pronounced. The resulting, rather hard positron spectrum with a relatively sharp cutoff may potentially fit the rising positron ratio measured by the PAMELA satellite. To do so, however, very large "boost factors" have to be invoked that are not expected in current models of halo structure. If the predicted cutoff would also be confirmed by later PAMELA data or upcoming experiments, one could either assume non-thermal production in the early universe or non-standard halo formation to explain such a spectral feature as an effect of dark matter annihilation. At the end of the paper, we briefly comment on the impact of radiative corrections on other annihilation channels, in particular antiprotons and neutrinos.Comment: corrected axis labels in Fig. 3; matches the published version (PRD, in press

    A Tentative Gamma-Ray Line from Dark Matter Annihilation at the Fermi Large Area Telescope

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    The observation of a gamma-ray line in the cosmic-ray fluxes would be a smoking-gun signature for dark matter annihilation or decay in the Universe. We present an improved search for such signatures in the data of the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT), concentrating on energies between 20 and 300 GeV. Besides updating to 43 months of data, we use a new data-driven technique to select optimized target regions depending on the profile of the Galactic dark matter halo. In regions close to the Galactic center, we find a 4.6 sigma indication for a gamma-ray line at 130 GeV. When taking into account the look-elsewhere effect the significance of the observed excess is 3.2 sigma. If interpreted in terms of dark matter particles annihilating into a photon pair, the observations imply a dark matter mass of 129.8\pm2.4^{+7}_{-13} GeV and a partial annihilation cross-section of = 1.27\pm0.32^{+0.18}_{-0.28} x 10^-27 cm^3 s^-1 when using the Einasto dark matter profile. The evidence for the signal is based on about 50 photons; it will take a few years of additional data to clarify its existence.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables; extended discussion; matches published versio

    Sommerfeld Enhancement of DM Annihilation: Resonance Structure, Freeze-Out and CMB Spectral Bound

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    In the last few years there has been some interest in WIMP Dark Matter models featuring a velocity dependent cross section through the Sommerfeld enhancement mechanism, which is a nonrelativistic effect due to massive bosons in the dark sector. In the first part of this article, we find analytic expressions for the boost factor for three different model potentials, the Coulomb potential, the spherical well and the spherical cone well and compare with the numerical solution of the Yukawa potential. We find that the resonance pattern of all the potentials can be cast into the same universal form. In the second part of the article we perform a detailed computation of the Dark Matter relic density for models having Sommerfeld enhancement by solving the Boltzmann equation numerically. We calculate the expected distortions of the CMB blackbody spectrum from WIMP annihilations and compare these to the bounds set by FIRAS. We conclude that only a small part of the parameter space can be ruled out by the FIRAS observations.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, version accepted by JCA

    Antiproton constraints on dark matter annihilations from internal electroweak bremsstrahlung

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    If the dark matter particle is a Majorana fermion, annihilations into two fermions and one gauge boson could have, for some choices of the parameters of the model, a non-negligible cross-section. Using a toy model of leptophilic dark matter, we calculate the constraints on the annihilation cross-section into two electrons and one weak gauge boson from the PAMELA measurements of the cosmic antiproton-to-proton flux ratio. Furthermore, we calculate the maximal astrophysical boost factor allowed in the Milky Way under the assumption that the leptophilic dark matter particle is the dominant component of dark matter in our Universe. These constraints constitute very conservative estimates on the boost factor for more realistic models where the dark matter particle also couples to quarks and weak gauge bosons, such as the lightest neutralino which we also analyze for some concrete benchmark points. The limits on the astrophysical boost factors presented here could be used to evaluate the prospects to detect a gamma-ray signal from dark matter annihilations at currently operating IACTs as well as in the projected CTA.Comment: 32 pages; 13 figure
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