125 research outputs found

    Dimensionamento de sistemas de aquecimento em pisos elétricos para frangos de corte.

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    Comportamento de frangos de corte em sistemas de aquecimento.

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    Naturalness and theoretical constraints on the Higgs boson mass

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    Arbitrary regularization dependent parameters in Quantum Field Theory are usually fixed on symmetry or phenomenology grounds. We verify that the quadratically divergent behavior responsible for the lack of naturalness in the Standard Model (SM) is intrinsically arbitrary and regularization dependent. While quadratic divergences are welcome for instance in effective models of low energy QCD, they pose a problem in the SM treated as an effective theory in the Higgs sector. Being the very existence of quadratic divergences a matter of debate, a plausible scenario is to search for a symmetry requirement that could fix the arbitrary coefficient of the leading quadratic behavior to the Higgs boson mass to zero. We show that this is possible employing consistency of scale symmetry breaking by quantum corrections. Besides eliminating a fine-tuning problem and restoring validity of perturbation theory, this requirement allows to construct bounds for the Higgs boson mass in terms of ÎŽm2/mH2\delta m^2/m^2_H (where mHm_H is the renormalized Higgs mass and ÎŽm2\delta m^2 is the 1-loop Higgs mass correction). Whereas ÎŽm2/mH2<1\delta m^2/m^2_H<1 (perturbative regime) in this scenario allows the Higgs boson mass around the current accepted value, the inclusion of the quadratic divergence demands ÎŽm2/mH2\delta m^2/m^2_H arbitrarily large to reach that experimental value.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Induced Lorentz- and CPT-violating Chern-Simons term in QED: Fock-Schwinger proper time method

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    Using the Fock-Schwinger proper time method, we calculate the induced Chern-Simons term arising from the Lorentz- and CPT-violating sector of quantum electrodynamics with a bÎŒÏˆË‰ÎłÎŒÎł5ψb_\mu \bar{\psi}\gamma^\mu \gamma_5 \psi term. Our result to all orders in bb coincides with a recent linear-in-bb calculation by Chaichian et al. [hep-th/0010129 v2]. The coincidence was pointed out by Chung [Phys. Lett. {\bf B461} (1999) 138] and P\'{e}rez-Victoria [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 83} (1999) 2518] in the standard Feynman diagram calculation with the nonperturbative-in-bb propagator.Comment: 11 pages, no figur

    On the influence of a Coulomb-like potential induced by the Lorentz symmetry breaking effects on the Harmonic Oscillator

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    In this work, we obtain bound states for a nonrelativistic spin-half neutral particle under the influence of a Coulomb-like potential induced by the Lorentz symmetry breaking effects. We present a new possible scenario of studying the Lorentz symmetry breaking effects on a nonrelativistic quantum system defined by a fixed space-like vector field parallel to the radial direction interacting with a uniform magnetic field along the z-axis. Furthermore, we also discuss the influence of a Coulomb-like potential induced by Lorentz symmetry violation effects on the two-dimensional harmonic oscillator.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, this work has been accepted for publication in The European Physical Journal Plu

    Consistency analysis of a nonbirefringent Lorentz-violating planar model

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    In this work analyze the physical consistency of a nonbirefringent Lorentz-violating planar model via the analysis of the pole structure of its Feynman propagators. The nonbirefringent planar model, obtained from the dimensional reduction of the CPT-even gauge sector of the standard model extension, is composed of a gauge and a scalar fields, being affected by Lorentz-violating (LIV) coefficients encoded in the symmetric tensor ÎșΌΜ\kappa_{\mu\nu}. The propagator of the gauge field is explicitly evaluated and expressed in terms of linear independent symmetric tensors, presenting only one physical mode. The same holds for the scalar propagator. A consistency analysis is performed based on the poles of the propagators. The isotropic parity-even sector is stable, causal and unitary mode for 0≀Îș00<10\leq\kappa_{00}<1. On the other hand, the anisotropic sector is stable and unitary but in general noncausal. Finally, it is shown that this planar model interacting with a Î»âˆŁÏ†âˆŁ4−\lambda|\varphi|^{4}-Higgs field supports compactlike vortex configurations.Comment: 11 pages, revtex style, final revised versio

    Avaliacao termica ambiental de diferentes sistemas de acondicionamento em maternidades suinicolas.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as condicoes termicas em diferentes sistemas de acondiconamento termico, em maternidades suinicolas, no verao, utilizando-se os seguintes tratamentos: 1) sala con ventilacao forcada com ar externo (VFE); 2) sala sem sistema de ventilacao forcada (SSV); 3) sala com amplas aberturas de janelas e sistemas de cortinas (SAC) e 4) sala com resfriamento evaporativo (RAE). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com oito horarios nas subparcelas e quatro repeticoes. Foram utilizadas 104 matrizes, distribuidas aleatoriamente por numero de paricao, em quatro lotes de 26 matrizes. Indice de temperatura de globo e umidade (ITGU), carga termica radiante (CTR), indice bioclimatico (IBC) e umidade relativa do ar (UR) foram estimados. No verao, o tratamento SAC foi o que obteve os menores valores de ITGU, CTR e IBC. As maternidades suinicolas com amplas aberturas de janelas e sistemas de cortinas proporcionaram condicoes termicas ambientais mais favoraveis para as porcas em lactacao, no Estado de Santa Catarina, no verao
