86,794 research outputs found

    Observing collapse in two colliding dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We study the collision of two Bose-Einstein condensates with pure dipolar interaction. A stationary pure dipolar condensate is known to be stable when the atom number is below a critical value. However, collapse can occur during the collision between two condensates due to local density fluctuations even if the total atom number is only a fraction of the critical value. Using full three-dimensional numerical simulations, we observe the collapse induced by local density fluctuations. For the purpose of future experiments, we present the time dependence of the density distribution, energy per particle and the maximal density of the condensate. We also discuss the collapse time as a function of the relative phase between the two condensates.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Phonon anomalies in pure and underdoped R{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (R = Ba, Sr) investigated by Raman light scattering

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    We present a detailed temperature dependent Raman light scattering study of optical phonons in Ba{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (x ~ 0.28, superconducting Tc ~ 29 K), Sr{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (x ~ 0.15, Tc ~ 29 K) and non-superconducting BaFe{2}As{2} single crystals. In all samples we observe a strong continuous narrowing of the Raman-active Fe and As vibrations upon cooling below the spin-density-wave transition Ts. We attribute this effect to the opening of the spin-density-wave gap. The electron-phonon linewidths inferred from these data greatly exceed the predictions of ab-initio density functional calculations without spin polarization, which may imply that local magnetic moments survive well above Ts. A first-order structural transition accompanying the spin-density-wave transition induces discontinuous jumps in the phonon frequencies. These anomalies are increasingly suppressed for higher potassium concentrations. We also observe subtle phonon anomalies at the superconducting transition temperature Tc, with a behavior qualitatively similar to that in the cuprate superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted versio

    Transport properties in resonant tunneling heterostructures

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    We use an adiabatic approximation in terms of instantaneous resonances to study the steady-state and time-dependent transport properties of interacting electrons in biased resonant tunneling heterostructures. This approach leads, in a natural way, to a transport model of large applicability consisting of reservoirs coupled to regions where the system is described by a nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. From the mathematical point of view, this work is non-rigorous but may offer some fresh and interesting problems involving semiclassical approximation, adiabatic theory, non-linear Schr\"odinger equations and dynamical systems.Comment: 25 pages including 9 postscript figures; requires REVTeX 3.0, psfig; uuencoded gz-compressed .tar file; preprint 1133 April 96 Ecole Polytechnique to be published in J. Math. Phys. october 199

    Four not six: revealing culturally common facial expressions of emotion

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    As a highly social species, humans generate complex facial expressions to communicate a diverse range of emotions. Since Darwin’s work, identifying amongst these complex patterns which are common across cultures and which are culture-specific has remained a central question in psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and more recently machine vision and social robotics. Classic approaches to addressing this question typically tested the cross-cultural recognition of theoretically motivated facial expressions representing six emotions, and reported universality. Yet, variable recognition accuracy across cultures suggests a narrower cross-cultural communication, supported by sets of simpler expressive patterns embedded in more complex facial expressions. We explore this hypothesis by modelling the facial expressions of over 60 emotions across two cultures, and segregating out the latent expressive patterns. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, we first map the conceptual organization of a broad spectrum of emotion words by building semantic networks in two cultures. For each emotion word in each culture, we then model and validate its corresponding dynamic facial expression, producing over 60 culturally valid facial expression models. We then apply to the pooled models a multivariate data reduction technique, revealing four latent and culturally common facial expression patterns that each communicates specific combinations of valence, arousal and dominance. We then reveal the face movements that accentuate each latent expressive pattern to create complex facial expressions. Our data questions the widely held view that six facial expression patterns are universal, instead suggesting four latent expressive patterns with direct implications for emotion communication, social psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and social robotics

    Constant-temperature molecular-dynamics algorithms for mixed hard-core/continuous potentials

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    We present a set of second-order, time-reversible algorithms for the isothermal (NVT) molecular-dynamics (MD) simulation of systems with mixed hard-core/continuous potentials. The methods are generated by combining real-time Nose' thermostats with our previously developed Collision Verlet algorithm [Mol. Phys. 98, 309 (1999)] for constant energy MD simulation of such systems. In all we present 5 methods, one based on the Nose'-Hoover [Phys. Rev. A 31, 1695 (1985)] equations of motion and four based on the Nose'-Poincare' [J.Comp.Phys., 151 114 (1999)] real-time formulation of Nose' dynamics. The methods are tested using a system of hard spheres with attractive tails and all correctly reproduce a canonical distribution of instantaneous temperature. The Nose'-Hoover based method and two of the Nose'-Poincare' methods are shown to have good energy conservation in long simulations.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Application of density dependent parametrization models to asymmetric nuclear matter

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    Density dependent parametrization models of the nucleon-meson effective couplings, including the isovector scalar \delta-field, are applied to asymmetric nuclear matter. The nuclear equation of state and the neutron star properties are studied in an effective Lagrangian density approach, using the relativistic mean field hadron theory. It is known that the introduction of a \delta-meson in the constant coupling scheme leads to an increase of the symmetry energy at high density and so to larger neutron star masses, in a pure nucleon-lepton scheme. We use here a more microscopic density dependent model of the nucleon-meson couplings to study the properties of neutron star matter and to re-examine the \delta-field effects in asymmetric nuclear matter. Our calculations show that, due to the increase of the effective \delta coupling at high density, with density dependent couplings the neutron star masses in fact can be even reduced.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Characterization of Thin Film Materials using SCAN meta-GGA, an Accurate Nonempirical Density Functional

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    We discuss self-consistently obtained ground-state electronic properties of monolayers of graphene and a number of beyond graphene compounds, including films of transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), using the recently proposed strongly constrained and appropriately normed (SCAN) meta-generalized gradient approximation (meta-GGA) to the density functional theory. The SCAN meta-GGA results are compared with those based on the local density approximation (LDA) as well as the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). As expected, the GGA yields expanded lattices and softened bonds in relation to the LDA, but the SCAN meta-GGA systematically improves the agreement with experiment. Our study suggests the efficacy of the SCAN functional for accurate modeling of electronic structures of layered materials in high-throughput calculations more generally

    Time reversal symmetry breaking superconductivity

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    We study time reversal symmetry breaking superconductivity with Δk=Δx2y2(k)+eiθΔα\Delta_k = \Delta_{x^2-y^2} (k) +e^{i\theta} \Delta_{\alpha} (α=s\alpha = s or dxyd_{xy}) symmetries. It is shown that the behavior of such superconductors could be {\em qualitatively} different depending on the minor components (α\alpha) and its phase at lower temperatures. It is argued that such {\em qualitatively different} behaviors in thermal as well as in angular dependencies could be a {\em source} of consequences in transport and Josephson physics. Orthorhombicity is found to be a strong mechanism for mixed phase (in case of α=s\alpha = s). We show that due to electron correlation the order parameter is more like a pure dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry near optimum doping.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures (attached), to be published in Physical Review