1,929 research outputs found

    Variability and power enhancement of current controlled resistive switching devices

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    characterized using both current and voltage sweeps, with the device resistance and its cycle-to-cycle variability being analysed in each case. Experimental measurements indicate a clear improvement on resistance states stability when using current sweeps to induce both set and reset processes. Moreover, it has been found that using current to induce these transitions is more efficient than using voltage sweeps, as seen when analysing the device power consumption. The same results are obtained for devices with a Ni top electrode and a bilayer or pentalayer of HfO2/Al2O3 as dielectric. Finally, kinetic Monte Carlo and compact modelling simulation studies are performed to shed light on the experimental resultsConsejería de Conocimiento, Investigaci´on y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía (Spain)FEDER program for the project B-TIC-624-UGR20Spanish Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) for the intramural project 20225AT012Ramón y Cajal grant No. RYC2020-030150-I

    Social, clinical, and policy implications of ultra-processed food addiction

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    Key messages Ultra-processed foods high in refined carbohydrates and added fats are highly rewarding, appealing, and consumed compulsively and may be addictive Behaviours around ultra-processed food may meet the criteria for diagnosis of substance use disorder in some people •   Ultra-processed food addiction is estimated to occur in 14% of adults and 12% of children and is associated with biopsychological mechanisms of addiction and clinically significant problems Understanding of these foods as addictive could lead to novel approaches in the realm of social justice, clinical care, and policy approache

    Thermal dependence of the current in TiN/Ti/HfO2/W memristors at different intermediate conduction states

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    We acknowledge grants PID2022-139586NB-C42, PID2022-139586NB-C43, PID2022-139586NB-C44 funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER, UE. IMB authors thank the CSIC funding through project 20225AT012 and the Generalitat de Catalunya- AGAUR for project 2021 SGR 00497. M.B.G. acknowledges the grant RYC2020-030150-I funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future”.The dependence of the current in TiN/Ti/HfO2/W devices on the temperature is investigated in the range from 78 K to 340 K. Resistive switching cycles at 78 K are conducted to explore the thermal dependence in filament configurations with different intermediate resistance states. The less conductive states show an increase of the current as the temperature rises, while the fully formed filament displays a metallic-like behavior. A comprehensive model, based on the Stanford Model including a series resistance, is proposed and successfully validated by experimental data. The interplay between the ohmic and non-linear components in the model for different filament states is analyzed, emphasizing the dominance of the non-linear component (and its corresponding thermal dependence) in partially formed filaments and the prevalence of the ohmic component in the fully formed filament, which shows a decreasing current as the temperature rises. A complete compact model for simulation of circuits including the thermal dependence of these devices is developed.MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033: PID2022-139586NB-C42, PID2022-139586NB-C43, PID2022-139586NB-C44, RYC2020-030150-IFEDER, UECSIC 20225AT012Generalitat de Catalunya- AGAUR 2021 SGR 00497“ESF Investing in your future

    Nuevos registros fósiles de vertebrados terrestres para Las Llanadas, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba

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    El depósito paleontológico Las Llanadas es un manantial con sedimento rico en materia orgánica. Estudios del sitio a principios del siglo XX, dieron a conocer materiales fósiles de perezosos, cocodrilos, tortugas terrestres, y jutías. Dos especies de perezosos, Acratocnus antillensis y Neocnus gliriformis, fueron nuevas para la ciencia. En el presente trabajo se dan a conocer nuevos registros fósiles de anuros, un reptil y aves para el depósito: Peltophryne empusus, Osteopilus septentrionalis, Cyclura nubila, Tyto alba, Buteogallus borrasi y Boromys ofella. Huesos recientes de Lithobates catesbeianus y Capromys pilorides se encontraron entre los materiales, lo que indica que el depósito se mantiene activo en la recepción de especímenes. De un total de 2030 piezas solo 3% pudo ser identificado taxonómicamente, debido al alto nivel de fragmentación


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    The aim of this paper will be the analysis of recent archaeological fieldworks conducted at the Argaric site of Cerro de la Encina. Two large areas, partially known thanks to the research undertook at the beginning of 1980s, have been systematically excavated. As a result different habitation areas consisting in artificial stone structures terraced into the natural slopes were documented. Following the classic pattern of this culture, burials were located within the settlement area under the floors of dwellings. The funerary ritual characterized by single, double and triple inhumations in cists, pits and covachas (artificial chambers cut into de rock) stand out due to the wealthiest grave-goods.Se presentan los resultados de las recientes excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en el Cerro de la Encina con motivo del proyecto de puesta en valor y musealización del yacimiento. Los trabajos han consistido en la excavación sistemática de dos áreas del poblado de grandes dimensiones, parcialmente conocidas por las investigaciones realizadas a principios de los años 80. Se han documentando varias zonas de hábitat aterrazado pertenecientes a la Cultura de El Argar en las que destaca su registro funerario que siguiendo la norma argárica se sitúa bajo los suelos de las viviendas

    Guidelines for the definition of operational management units

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    The objective of fisheries management is the sustainable exploitation of the fish resources over the extent of their spatial distribution. Along with the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) objectives, the socio-economic viability of the fisheries exploiting the resource is also to be achieved. To reach these aims, managers need to define the management units they are going to work with. For the purpose of GEPETO project, we define a management unit (MU) as the set of fishing fleets exploiting a common pool of fish resources with strong spatial overlapping and sharing of habitats, which make them being typically fished together. In other words, a MU is the set of fishing fleets exploiting a common fish community over their spatial distribution. MUs have to be defined by the fish community, by the spatial range of distribution of the fish community, and by the set of fishing fleets sharing the exploitation of the fish communityL'objectif de gestion de la pêche est l'exploitation durable des ressources halieutiques sur l'étendue de leur répartition spatiale. Avec la nouvelle Politique Commune de la pêche (PCP) l' objectif de la viabilité socio-économique des pêcheries exploitant la ressource doit également être réalisé. Pour l'atteindre, les gestionnaires doivent définir des unités de gestion. Les partenaires du projet GEPETO, définissent une unité de gestion (MU) comme l'ensemble des flottes de pêche exploitant un pool commun de ressources halieutiques disponibles dans des habitats communs, ce qui les rend très imbriquées. En d'autres termes, un MU est l'ensemble des flottes de pêche exploitant une communauté de poissons ordinaires sur leur répartition spatiale. La MU peu être définie par la communauté de poissons, par la gamme spatiale de la distribution de la communauté de poissons, et par l'ensemble des flottes de pêche qui partagent l'exploitation de la communauté de poissons

    Typologies of young pathological gamblers based on sociodemographic and clinical characteristics

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    Objective: the aim of this study is to explore empirical clusters within the population of young Spanish individuals attending outpatient pathological gambling treatment. Method: the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS), the Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R), the Temperament and Character Inventory-R (TCI-R) and other clinical and psychopathological measures were administered to 154 patients (between 17 and 25 years old). The two-step cluster analysis explored the presence of empirical heterogeneous groups based on clinical and socio-demographic characteristics. Results: three clusters of young pathological gambling patients emerged. Type I showed less psychopathology and more functional personality traits. Type II showed a profile characterized by major emotional distress, shame, immaturity, hostility and negative feelings. Type III showed the most severe psychopathological profile and most psychopathological disturbances and schizotypal traits. Conclusions: these results suggest that three distinct endophenotypes exist, and that environmental factors have a stronger influence in the first, while in the second and third, individual factors related to deficits of emotional regulation stand out

    Clinical, psychopathological, and personality characteristics associated with ADHD among individuals seeking treatment for gambling disorder

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    Objectives: (1) To assess the current presence of ADHD symptoms among patients seeking treatment for gambling disorder; (2) to explore clinical and sociodemographic differences between patients who score high and low on the measure of ADHD symptoms; (3) to analyze whether the presence of ADHD symptoms is associated with more severe psychopathology and with specific personality traits; (4) to analyze the mediating role of ADHD symptoms in the relationship between novelty seeking and gambling severity. Method: A total of 354 consecutive patients were administered an extensive battery assessing gambling behavior, psychopathology, and personality traits. Results: Male and female gamblers did not differ significantly in their mean scores on the ADHD measure. However, younger participants aged 18-35 scored higher. Higher ADHD scores were also associated with greater severity of gambling disorder and more general psychopathology. Regarding personality traits, high persistence and self-directedness were negatively related to ADHD scores, while in women alone a positive correlation was found between ADHD scores and scores on harm avoidance and self-transcendence. Conclusion: The presence of ADHD symptoms in both male and female gambling disorder patients may act as an indicator of the severity of gambling, general psychopathology, and dysfunctional personality traits

    Comparative analysis of distinct phenotypes in gambling disorder based on gambling preferences

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    Background: studies examining gambling preferences have identified the importance of the type of gambling practiced on distinct individual profiles. The objectives were to compare clinical, psychopathological and personality variables between two different groups of individuals with a gambling disorder (strategic and non-strategic gamblers) and to evaluate the statistical prediction capacity of these preferences with respect to the severity of the disorder. Method: a total sample of 2010 treatment-seeking patients with a gambling disorder participated in this stand-alone study. All were recruited from a single Pathological Gambling Unit in Spain (1709 strategic and 301 non-strategic gamblers). The design of the study was cross-sectional and data were collected at the start of treatment. Data was analysed using logistic regression for binary outcomes and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for quantitative responses. Results: there were significant differences in several socio-demographic and clinical variables, as well as in personality traits (novelty seeking and cooperativeness). Multiple regression analysis showed harm avoidance and self-directedness were the main predictors of gambling severity and psychopathology, while age at assessment and age of onset of gambling behaviour were predictive of gambling severity. Strategic gambling (as opposed to non-strategic) was significantly associated with clinical outcomes, but the effect size of the relationships was small. Conclusions: it is possible to identify distinct phenotypes depending on the preference of gambling. While these phenotypes differ in relation to the severity of the gambling disorder, psychopathology and personality traits, they can be useful from a clinical and therapeutic perspective in enabling risk factors to be identified and prevention programs targeting specific individual profiles to be developed

    Cognitive behaviour therapy response and dropout rate across purging and nonpurging bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder : DSM-5 implications

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    Background: With the imminent publication of the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), there has been a growing interest in the study of the boundaries across the three bulimic spectrum syndromes [bulimia nervosa-purging type (BN-P), bulimia nervosa-non purging type (BN-NP) and binge eating disorder (BED)]. Therefore, the aims of this study were to determine differences in treatment response and dropout rates following Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) across the three bulimic-spectrum syndromes. Method: The sample comprised of 454 females (87 BED, 327 BN-P and 40 BN-NP) diagnosed according to DSM-IV-TR criteria who were treated with 22 weekly outpatient sessions of group CBT therapy. Patients were assessed before and after treatment using a food and binging/purging diary and some clinical questionnaires in the field of ED. "Full remission" was defined as total absence of binging and purging (laxatives and/or vomiting) behaviors and psychological improvement for at least 4 (consecutive). Results: Full remission rate was found to be significantly higher in BED (69.5%) than in both BN-P (p < 0.005) and BN-NP (p < 0.001), which presented no significant differences between them (30.9% and 35.5%). The rate of dropout from group CBT was also higher in BED (33.7%) than in BN-P (p < 0.001) and BN-NP (p < 0.05), which were similar (15.4% and 12.8%, respectively). Conclusions: Results suggest that purging and non-purging BN have similar treatment response and dropping out rates, whereas BED appears as a separate diagnosis with better outcome for those who complete treatment. The results support the proposed new DSM-5 classification