183 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 21, 1938

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    Peace to be topic of all-Ursinus conference • Dr. Graves stresses value of education for leadership • War is inevitable, peace group fears • Sophisticated Swing for junior prom • Name-forgetting theme of junior play • Local thespians offer double bill Friday • Former Ursinus athlete to address Ys Wednesday • May Day finery for rent; see committee members • Women hear Sweden lecture this afternoon • Men and women debaters argue at six colleges during week • Science blind spot topic of lecturer tomorrow • Chamber music, speaker featured at vespers • Comprehensive grade three-tenths of senior\u27s final mark • Commencement in the gymnasium? • Letters to the editor: Student avers majority do not want speakers; A six point program for introduction to science; A reader criticizes the Weekly\u27s news evaluation • Co-ed undergraduates vote to start junior women\u27s club • Chemical Society to send delegates to I. S. C. meet • Faculty club hears Miller at March 9 meeting • Fraternity row • Michael sends list of expectant teachers to schools • Recordings, solos heard at meeting of Music Club Monday • Roberts\u27 Northwest Passage reviewed for English Club • Students\u27 attitudes toward peace strike movement to be IRC topic • Barnard encourages organization of pre-law society at Y tea • Notices • Alumni note • Questionnaire reveals alumni most help in informing prospective students • Wrestlers choose Meklos 1939 captain • Coed basketeers end lucrative year with 35-20 win from Temple • Astheimer high scorer during mat season • 35 infielders, outfielders report for practice • Winter sports summaries • Women pick class captains for basketball tourney • Day is dorm champion by defeating Brodbeck • Frosh courtmen win single game in hapless season • Ys combat ho-hum Saturdays with informal bingo party • Sheeder names committee for open house day • Apes take plaque • Wreath placed on Bomberger grave by son • Ys old fashioned dance attracts 150 personshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/3113/thumbnail.jp

    GP-SUM. Gaussian Processes Filtering of non-Gaussian Beliefs

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    This work studies the problem of stochastic dynamic filtering and state propagation with complex beliefs. The main contribution is GP-SUM, a filtering algorithm tailored to dynamic systems and observation models expressed as Gaussian Processes (GP), and to states represented as a weighted sum of Gaussians. The key attribute of GP-SUM is that it does not rely on linearizations of the dynamic or observation models, or on unimodal Gaussian approximations of the belief, hence enables tracking complex state distributions. The algorithm can be seen as a combination of a sampling-based filter with a probabilistic Bayes filter. On the one hand, GP-SUM operates by sampling the state distribution and propagating each sample through the dynamic system and observation models. On the other hand, it achieves effective sampling and accurate probabilistic propagation by relying on the GP form of the system, and the sum-of-Gaussian form of the belief. We show that GP-SUM outperforms several GP-Bayes and Particle Filters on a standard benchmark. We also demonstrate its use in a pushing task, predicting with experimental accuracy the naturally occurring non-Gaussian distributions.Comment: WAFR 2018, 16 pages, 7 figure

    Hamiltonicity of 3-arc graphs

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    An arc of a graph is an oriented edge and a 3-arc is a 4-tuple (v,u,x,y)(v,u,x,y) of vertices such that both (v,u,x)(v,u,x) and (u,x,y)(u,x,y) are paths of length two. The 3-arc graph of a graph GG is defined to have vertices the arcs of GG such that two arcs uv,xyuv, xy are adjacent if and only if (v,u,x,y)(v,u,x,y) is a 3-arc of GG. In this paper we prove that any connected 3-arc graph is Hamiltonian, and all iterative 3-arc graphs of any connected graph of minimum degree at least three are Hamiltonian. As a consequence we obtain that if a vertex-transitive graph is isomorphic to the 3-arc graph of a connected arc-transitive graph of degree at least three, then it is Hamiltonian. This confirms the well known conjecture, that all vertex-transitive graphs with finitely many exceptions are Hamiltonian, for a large family of vertex-transitive graphs. We also prove that if a graph with at least four vertices is Hamilton-connected, then so are its iterative 3-arc graphs.Comment: in press Graphs and Combinatorics, 201

    Shift invariant preduals of &#8467;<sub>1</sub>(&#8484;)

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    The Banach space &#8467;&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt;(&#8484;) admits many non-isomorphic preduals, for example, C(K) for any compact countable space K, along with many more exotic Banach spaces. In this paper, we impose an extra condition: the predual must make the bilateral shift on &#8467;&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt;(&#8484;) weak&lt;sup&gt;*&lt;/sup&gt;-continuous. This is equivalent to making the natural convolution multiplication on &#8467;&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt;(&#8484;) separately weak*-continuous and so turning &#8467;&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt;(&#8484;) into a dual Banach algebra. We call such preduals &lt;i&gt;shift-invariant&lt;/i&gt;. It is known that the only shift-invariant predual arising from the standard duality between C&lt;sub&gt;0&lt;/sub&gt;(K) (for countable locally compact K) and &#8467;&lt;sub&gt;1&lt;/sub&gt;(&#8484;) is c&lt;sub&gt;0&lt;/sub&gt;(&#8484;). We provide an explicit construction of an uncountable family of distinct preduals which do make the bilateral shift weak&lt;sup&gt;*&lt;/sup&gt;-continuous. Using Szlenk index arguments, we show that merely as Banach spaces, these are all isomorphic to c&lt;sub&gt;0&lt;/sub&gt;. We then build some theory to study such preduals, showing that they arise from certain semigroup compactifications of &#8484;. This allows us to produce a large number of other examples, including non-isometric preduals, and preduals which are not Banach space isomorphic to c&lt;sub&gt;0&lt;/sub&gt;

    Stromal senescence establishes an immunosuppressive microenvironment that drives tumorigenesis

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    Age is a significant risk factor for the development of cancer. However, the mechanisms that drive age-related increases in cancer remain poorly understood. To determine if senescent stromal cells influence tumorigenesis, we develop a mouse model that mimics the aged skin microenvironment. Using this model, here we find that senescent stromal cells are sufficient to drive localized increases in suppressive myeloid cells that contributed to tumour promotion. Further, we find that the stromal-derived senescence-associated secretory phenotype factor interleukin-6 orchestrates both increases in suppressive myeloid cells and their ability to inhibit anti-tumour T-cell responses. Significantly, in aged, cancer-free individuals, we find similar increases in immune cells that also localize near senescent stromal cells. This work provides evidence that the accumulation of senescent stromal cells is sufficient to establish a tumour-permissive, chronic inflammatory microenvironment that can shelter incipient tumour cells, thus allowing them to proliferate and progress unabated by the immune system

    A comparison of variational and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for inference in partially observed stochastic dynamic systems

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    In recent work we have developed a novel variational inference method for partially observed systems governed by stochastic differential equations. In this paper we provide a comparison of the Variational Gaussian Process Smoother with an exact solution computed using a Hybrid Monte Carlo approach to path sampling, applied to a stochastic double well potential model. It is demonstrated that the variational smoother provides us a very accurate estimate of mean path while conditional variance is slightly underestimated. We conclude with some remarks as to the advantages and disadvantages of the variational smoother. © 2008 Springer Science + Business Media LLC

    A perspective from 25 years in critical care

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