526 research outputs found

    Extremal Optimization: Methods derived from Co-Evolution

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    We describe a general-purpose method for finding high-quality solutions to hard optimization problems, inspired by self-organized critical models of co-evolution such as the Bak-Sneppen model. The method, called Extremal Optimization, successively eliminates extremely undesirable components of sub-optimal solutions, rather than ``breeding'' better components. In contrast to Genetic Algorithms which operate on an entire ``gene-pool'' of possible solutions, Extremal Optimization improves on a single candidate solution by treating each of its components as species co-evolving according to Darwinian principles. Unlike Simulated Annealing, its non-equilibrium approach effects an algorithm requiring few parameters to tune. With only one adjustable parameter, its performance proves competitive with, and often superior to, more elaborate stochastic optimization procedures. We demonstrate it here on two classic hard optimization problems: graph partitioning and the traveling salesman problem.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, 5 ps-figures included. To appear in ``GECCO-99: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference,'' (Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 1999

    Improving Image Clustering using Sparse Text and the Wisdom of the Crowds

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    We propose a method to improve image clustering using sparse text and the wisdom of the crowds. In particular, we present a method to fuse two different kinds of document features, image and text features, and use a common dictionary or “wisdom of the crowds” as the connection between the two different kinds of documents. With the proposed fusion matrix, we use topic modeling via non-negative matrix factorization to cluster documents
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