260 research outputs found

    The Human SLC25A33 and SLC25A36 Genes of Solute Carrier Family 25 Encode Two Mitochondrial Pyrimidine Nucleotide Transporters

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    The human genome encodes 53 members of the solute carrier family 25 (SLC25), also called the mitochondrial carrier family, many of which have been shown to transport inorganic anions, amino acids, carboxylates, nucleotides, and coenzymes across the inner mitochondrial membrane, thereby connecting cytosolic and matrix functions. Here two members of this family, SLC25A33 and SLC25A36, have been thoroughly characterized biochemically. These proteins were overexpressed in bacteria and reconstituted in phospholipid vesicles. Their transport properties and kinetic parameters demonstrate that SLC25A33 transports uracil, thymine, and cytosine (deoxy)nucleoside di- and triphosphates by an antiport mechanism and SLC25A36 cytosine and uracil (deoxy)nucleoside mono-, di-, and triphosphates by uniport and antiport. Both carriers also transported guanine but not adenine (deoxy)nucleotides. Transport catalyzed by both carriers was saturable and inhibited by mercurial compounds and other inhibitors of mitochondrial carriers to various degrees. In confirmation of their identity (i) SLC25A33 and SLC25A36 were found to be targeted to mitochondria and (ii) the phenotypes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells lacking RIM2, the gene encoding the well characterized yeast mitochondrial pyrimidine nucleotide carrier, were overcome by expressing SLC25A33 or SLC25A36 in these cells. The main physiological role of SLC25A33 and SLC25A36 is to import/export pyrimidine nucleotides into and from mitochondria, i.e. to accomplish transport steps essential for mitochondrial DNA and RNA synthesis and breakdown

    Transcription of the mitochondrial citrate carrier gene: identification of a silencer and its binding protein ZNF224

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    In the last few years, we have been functionally characterizing the promoter of the human mitochondrial citrate carrier (CIC). In this study we show that CIC silencer activity extends over 26 bp (-595/-569), which specifically bind a protein present in HepG2 cell nuclear extracts. This transcription factor was purified by DNA affinity and identified as ZNF224. Overexpression of ZNF224 decreases LUC transgene activity in cells transfected with a construct containing the CIC silencer region, whereas ZNF224 silencing activates reporter transcription in cells transfected with the same construct. Moreover, overexpression and silencing of ZNF224 diminishes and enhances, respectively, CIC transcript and protein levels. Finally, ZNF224 is abundantly expressed in fetal tissues contrary to CIC. It is suggested that CIC transcriptional repression by ZNF224 explains, at least in part, the low expression of CIC in fetal tissues in which fatty acid synthesis is low

    Welcome to the family: Identification of the nad+ transporter of animal mitochondria as member of the solute carrier family slc25

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    Subcellular compartmentation is a fundamental property of eukaryotic cells. Communication and metabolic and regulatory interconnectivity between organelles require that solutes can be transported across their surrounding membranes. Indeed, in mammals, there are hundreds of genes encoding solute carriers (SLCs) which mediate the selective transport of molecules such as nucleotides, amino acids, and sugars across biological membranes. Research over many years has identified the localization and preferred substrates of a large variety of SLCs. Of particular interest has been the SLC25 family, which includes carriers embedded in the inner membrane of mitochondria to secure the supply of these organelles with major metabolic intermediates and coen-zymes. The substrate specificity of many of these carriers has been established in the past. However, the route by which animal mitochondria are supplied with NAD+ had long remained obscure. Only just recently, the existence of a human mitochondrial NAD+ carrier was firmly established. With the realization that SLC25A51 (or MCART1) represents the major mitochondrial NAD+ carrier in mammals, a long-standing mystery in NAD+ biology has been resolved. Here, we summarize the functional importance and structural features of this carrier as well as the key observations leading to its discovery

    Rtg signaling sustains mitochondrial respiratory capacity in hog1-dependent osmoadaptation

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    Mitochondrial RTG-dependent retrograde signaling, whose regulators have been characterized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, plays a recognized role under various environmental stresses. Of special significance, the activity of the transcriptional complex Rtg1/3 has been shown to be modu-lated by Hog1, the master regulator of the high osmolarity glycerol pathway, in response to osmotic stress. The present work focuses on the role of RTG signaling in salt-induced osmotic stress and its interaction with HOG1. Wild-type and mutant cells, lacking HOG1 and/or RTG genes, are compared with respect to cell growth features, retrograde signaling activation and mitochondrial function in the presence and in the absence of high osmostress. We show that RTG2, the main upstream regulator of the RTG pathway, contributes to osmoadaptation in an HOG1-dependent manner and that, with RTG3, it is notably involved in a late phase of growth. Our data demonstrate that impairment of RTG signaling causes a decrease in mitochondrial respiratory capacity exclusively under os-mostress. Overall, these results suggest that HOG1 and the RTG pathway may interact sequentially in the stress signaling cascade and that the RTG pathway may play a role in inter-organellar metabolic communication for osmoadaptation

    PRNP genetic variability and molecular typing of natural goat scrapie isolates in a high number of infected flocks

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    One hundred and four scrapie positive and 77 negative goats from 34 Greek mixed flocks were analysed by prion protein gene sequencing and 17 caprine scrapie isolates from 11 flocks were submitted to molecular isolate typing. For the first time, the protective S146 variant was reported in Greece, while the protective K222 variant was detected in negative but also in five scrapie positive goats from heavily infected flocks. By immunoblotting six isolates, including two goat flockmates carrying the K222 variant, showed molecular features slightly different from all other Greek and Italian isolates co-analysed, possibly suggesting the presence of different scrapie strains in Greece

    A competitive polymerase chain reaction-based approach for the identification and semiquantification of mitochondrial DNA in differently heat-treated bovine meat and bone meal

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    The risk of bovine spongiform encephalopathy propagation was drastically reduced after the European Union (EU) Health Authorities adopted restrictions involving a ban on animal-derived proteins in the diet of farm animals. Currently, the EU's officially recommended method for controlling meat and bone meal (MBM) in animal feed is the microscopic method, which involves the identification of bone fragments on the basis of their morphological characteristics. Recently, we demonstrated that a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay can be used for the detection of taxon-specific DNA in MBM and animal feeds. To ensure the safe rendering of animal by-products, the EU Council requires that this material be treated at 133degreesC at 300 kPa for 20 min. Here we investigate the relationship between DNA degradation, PCR amplification, and MBM heat treatment. With a competitive PCR-based approach, we compare the amplification efficiency of bovine mitochondrial DNA target sequences of different lengths in several heat-treated MBM samples. For our method, a synthetic competitive DNA is used as an internal control for both DNA extraction and PCR reaction. A correlation between an increase in treatment temperature and a reduction in the size of the target sequences suitable for amplification was observed, suggesting progressive DNA fragmentation due to the temperature. We show that short amplicons (147 bp) can be used to detect the presence of bovine mtDNA in MBM samples treated according to the current European regulations. The use of such a competitive approach to compare amplification efficiency levels of targets of different lengths might represent a useful tool for the determination of both the amount of MBM in animal feeds and its proper heat treatment

    Identification of mitochondrial carriers in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by transport assay of reconstituted recombinant proteins".

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    The inner membranes of mitochondria contain a family of carrier proteins that are responsible for the transport in and out of the mitochondrial matrix of substrates, products, co-factors and biosynthetic precursors that are essential for the function and activities of the organelle. This family of proteins is characterized by containing three tandem homologous sequence repeats of approximately 100 amino acids, each folded into two transmembrane α-helices linked by an extensive polar loop. Each repeat contains a characteristic conserved sequence. These features have been used to determine the extent of the family in genome sequences. The genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains 34 members of the family. The identity of five of them was known before the determination of the genome sequence, but the functions of the remaining family members were not. This review describes how the functions of 15 of these previously unknown transport proteins have been determined by a strategy that consists of expressing the genes in Escherichia coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae, reconstituting the gene products into liposomes and establishing their functions by transport assay. Genetic and biochemical evidence as well as phylogenetic considerations have guided the choice of substrates that were tested in the transport assays. The physiological roles of these carriers have been verified by genetic experiments. Various pieces of evidence point to the functions of six additional members of the family, but these proposals await confirmation by transport assay. The sequences of many of the newly identified yeast carriers have been used to characterize orthologs in other species, and in man five diseases are presently known to be caused by defects in specific mitochondrial carrier genes. The roles of eight yeast mitochondrial carriers remain to be established. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Obese mice exposed to psychosocial stress display cardiac and hippocampal dysfunction associated with local brain-derived neurotrophic factor depletion

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    Introduction: Obesity and psychosocial stress (PS) co-exist in individuals of Western society. Nevertheless, how PS impacts cardiac and hippocampal phenotype in obese subjects is still unknown. Nor is it clear whether changes in local brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) account, at least in part, for myocardial and behavioral abnormalities in obese experiencing PS. Methods: In adult male WT mice, obesity was induced via a high-fat diet (HFD). The resident-intruder paradigm was superimposed to trigger PS. In vivo left ventricular (LV) performance was evaluated by echocardiography and pressure-volume loops. Behaviour was indagated by elevated plus maze (EPM) and Y-maze. LV myocardium was assayed for apoptosis, fibrosis, vessel density and oxidative stress. Hippocampus was analyzed for volume, neurogenesis, GABAergic markers and astrogliosis. Cardiac and hippocampal BDNF and TrkB levels were measured by ELISA and WB. We investigated the pathogenetic role played by BDNF signaling in additional cardiac-selective TrkB (cTrkB) KO mice. Findings: When combined, obesity and PS jeopardized LV performance, causing prominent apoptosis, fibrosis, oxidative stress and remodeling of the larger coronary branches, along with lower BDNF and TrkB levels. HFD/PS weakened LV function similarly in WT and cTrkB KO mice. The latter exhibited elevated LV ROS emission already at baseline. Obesity/PS augmented anxiety-like behaviour and impaired spatial memory. These changes were coupled to reduced hippocampal volume, neurogenesis, local BDNF and TrkB content and augmented astrogliosis. Interpretation: PS and obesity synergistically deteriorate myocardial structure and function by depleting cardiac BDNF/TrkB content, leading to augmented oxidative stress. This comorbidity triggers behavioral deficits and induces hippocampal remodeling, potentially via lower BDNF and TrkB levels. Fund: J.A. was in part supported by Rotary Foundation Global Study Scholarship. G.K. was supported by T32 National Institute of Health (NIH) training grant under award number 1T32AG058527. S.C. was funded by American Heart Association Career Development Award (19CDA34760185). G.A.R.C. was funded by NIH (K01HL133368-01). APB was funded by a Grant from the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region entitled: “Heart failure as the Alzheimer disease of the heart; therapeutic and diagnostic opportunities”. M.C. was supported by PRONAT project (CNR). N.P. was funded by NIH (R01 HL136918) and by the Magic-That-Matters fund (JHU). V.L. was in part supported by institutional funds from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Pisa, Italy), by the TIM-Telecom Italia (WHITE Lab, Pisa, Italy), by a research grant from Pastificio Attilio Mastromauro Granoro s.r.l. (Corato, Italy) and in part by ETHERNA project (Prog. n. 161/16, Fondazione Pisa, Italy). Funding source had no such involvement in study design, in the collection, analysis, interpretation of data, in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the paper for publication

    HIPEC after Interval Debulking Surgery as Best Clinical Practice in Ovarian Cancer Patients: Case Series and Literature Review

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    Background: Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) combined with interval debulking surgery (IDS) constitutes an adjunctive treatment strategy in advanced ovarian cancer (AOC). This approach is based on the concept of perfusing chemotherapy targeting directly the site of residual tumor after optimal surgical debulking. It improves patients' outcome in terms of overall survival (OS) and disease free survival (DFS). The correct selection of patients eligible for IDS + HIPEC is crucial: in particular, they must have shown a good response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) and have a good performance status (PS). The application of HIPEC at the end of debulking does not seem to increase neither the rate of intra/postoperative complications nor the time of hospitalization. Clinical Cases: After approving an internal protocol for the application of HIPEC in our hospital, we have submitted four patients to IDS + HIPEC in the past 12 months. One of these patients underwent a minimally invasive procedure. No intra- or postoperative complications were observed. Results: All patients underwent IDS + HIPEC after being assessed as eligible and after showing a good response to NACT. In the course of IDS in all cases complete debulking was achieved. No patient developed intra- or postoperative complications. Conclusions: The addition of HIPEC to interval debulking surgery should be offered to all eligible patients, considering that the association of HIPEC to IDS seems to improve patients' outcomes in terms of OS and DFS, without increasing post-operative morbidity
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