131 research outputs found

    Ojciec profesor Józef Ścibor (30 I 1930 – 3 VI 2017) ‒ student, pracownik i świadek historii Instytutu Muzykologii Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II

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    The article introduces the figure of Redemptorist, rev. prof. Józef Ścibor, a well-known musicologist, expert in the theory and history of medieval music, a specialist in the field of Gregorian chant, and respected organist – composer of liturgical music. Father Ścibor for almost all his life was associated with the Institute of Musicology of The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. A short biography is therefore not only a reminder of J. Ścibor, but also a contribution to the history of his University and the Institute.Niniejszy artykuł przybliża postać, o. prof. dra hab. Józefa Ścibora ‒ redemptorysty znanego muzykologa, znawcy teorii i historii muzyki średniowiecza, specjalisty w zakresie chorału gregoriańskiego, cenionego organisty i kompozytora muzyki liturgicznej. Zmarły przez niemal całe swoje życie związany był z Instytutem Muzykologii KUL. Krótki biogram stanowi zatem nie tylko wspomnienie o o. Ściborze, ale także przyczynek do historii jego uczelni i Instytutu

    Dworzanie konni królowej Bony Sforzy wobec curiensorum króla Zygmunta I Starego (1518–1525)

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    The article presents the composition of Bona Sforza’s mounted courtiers, comparing them with the military escort of her royal husband. Based on the signature registers of courtiers and royal accounts, a group of twenty people was identified, who can be associated with the queen’s entourage, analyzing their period of service, the character and size of the fellowships (poczet) which they commanded and their possible changes during their presence in the monarch’s retinue. The most important duties undertaken by this group are also briefly described, especially in the context of the participation of the royal court in the military campaigns against the Tatars and Turks (1519 and 1524) on top of in the Prussian war (1520–1521). Moreover, entries were made about the composition of the queen’s curiensorum during the period of peace. The presented sketch is also a contribution to the preparation of a complete list of the mounted courtiers of the Italian princess on the Polish throne and a thorough analysis of her entourage in Poland in the years 1518–1556, including her role in the process of shaping the modern royal court of the Republic of Poland.Artykuł przedstawia skład osobowy grupy dworzan konnych Bony Sforzy zestawionych z wojskowym otoczeniem jej królewskiego męża. Na podstawie rejestrów popisowych dworzan i rachunków królewskich zidentyfikowano grupę dwudziestu osób, które można powiązać z otoczeniem królowej, poddając analizie okres ich służby, charakter i wielkość pocztu, z jakim ją podejmowali, oraz ewentualne ich zmiany w trakcie obecności w otoczeniu monarchini. Pokrótce opisano również najważniejsze obowiązki podejmowane przez tę grupę, zwłaszcza w kontekście udziału dworu królewskiego w kampaniach wojennych przeciwko Tatarom i Turkom (1519 i 1524) oraz w wojnie pruskiej (1520–1521). Dokonano także zestawienia wpisów na temat składu curiensorum królowej w okresie pokoju. Przedstawiony szkic stanowi również przyczynek do przygotowania kompletnego zestawienia dworzan konnych włoskiej księżniczki na polskim tronie oraz gruntownej analizy jej świty w Polsce w latach 1518–1556, z uwzględnieniem roli królowej w procesie kształtowania nowożytnego dworu monarszego Rzeczypospolitej

    Z dziejów organów w kościele parafialnym w Ryglicach (diecezja tarnowska)

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    The parish in Ryglice was created in 14th century. The currently existing church was built in the years 1928–1940. Basing on the archives it has been discovered that there were four instruments used in the churches of Ryglice:– Organs built before 1647 (14 voices);– Organs from 1721 (12 voices);Organs built by Rudolf Haase from Lwów in 1909 (12 voices), in 1957 extended to 18 voices by Stanisław Czachor from Tuchów;– Organs built by Mieczysław Gwóźdź from Nowy Sącz in 1991 (25 voices). This instrument has been still existing and being used in the parish church in Ryglice as the accompaniment during the devotions.The first and last names of the 9 organists working in Ryglice have also been identified. Kazimierz Zając (father of the Rev. Prof. Andrzej Zając), who had been on this duty for 40 years, is also among them.The parish in Ryglice was created in 14th century. The currently existing church was built in the years 1928–1940. Basing on the archives it has been discovered that there were four instruments used in the churches of Ryglice:– Organs built before 1647 (14 voices);– Organs from 1721 (12 voices);Organs built by Rudolf Haase from Lwów in 1909 (12 voices), in 1957 extended to 18 voices by Stanisław Czachor from Tuchów;– Organs built by Mieczysław Gwóźdź from Nowy Sącz in 1991 (25 voices). This instrument has been still existing and being used in the parish church in Ryglice as the accompaniment during the devotions.The first and last names of the 9 organists working in Ryglice have also been identified. Kazimierz Zając (father of the Rev. Prof. Andrzej Zając), who had been on this duty for 40 years, is also among them

    Krakowskie spojrzenie na polską muzykę organową okresu Wielkiego Postu

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    Enhancement of and interference among higher order multipole transitions in molecules near a plasmonic nanoantenna

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    Spontaneous emission of quantum emitters can be modified by engineering their optical environment. This allows a resonant nanoantenna to significantly modify the radiative properties of a quantum emitter. In this article, we go beyond the common electric dipole approximation for the molecular electronic transition and take light-matter coupling through higher order multipoles into account. We investigate, by means of theory and numerical simulations, a strong enhancement of the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole emission channels of a molecule adjacent to a plasmonic patch nanoantenna. While this on its own had been considered, the assumption in prior work usually has been that each molecular transition is dominated only by one of those multipolar emission channels. This leads naturally to the notion of discussing the modified emission in terms of a modified local density of states defined for each specific multipolar transition. In reality, this restricts the applicability of the approach, since specific molecular transitions occur via multiple multipolar pathways that have to be considered all at once. Here, we introduce a framework to study interference effects between higher order transitions in molecules by (a) a rigorous quantum-chemical calculation of their multipolar moments and (b) by a consecutive investigation of the transition rate upon coupling to an arbitrarily shaped nanoantenna. Based on that formalism we predict interference effects between these transition channels. This allows for a strong suppression of radiation by exploiting destructive interference. Our work suggests that placing a suitably chosen molecule at a well defined position and at a well defined orientation relative to a nanoantenna can fully suppress the transition probability.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    Incorporation of the sphenoid sinuses' septum / septa in the carotid canal : evaluation before the fess

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    The purpose of the research was to define the frequency prevalence of the incorporation of sphenoid sinuses’ septum / septa in the carotid canal of the adult population. Materials and Methods: 296 computed tomography (CT) scans of the patients (147 females, 149 males), who did not present any pathology in the sphenoid sinuses, were evaluated in this retrospective analysis. Spiral CT scanner - Siemens Somatom Sensation 16 - was used to glean the medical images. Standard procedure applied in the option Siemens CARE Dose 4D. No contrast medium was administered. Multiplans reconstruction (MPR) tool was used in order to obtain frontal and sagittal planes from the transverse planes previously received. Results: Bilateral incorporation of the main septum (MS) in the carotid canal was not present in any of the patients, whereas unilateral incorporation was noticed in 21.96% of the patients (17.68% females, 26.17% males). On the right side it occurred in 11.82% of cases (10.88% females, 12.75% males), and on the left side in 10.14% of cases (6.8% females, 13.42% males). Bilateral incorporation of the additional septum (AS) was found in 8.45% of the patients (4.08% females, 12.75% males), whereas unilateral incorporation was noted in 28.37% of the patients. It was seen on the right side in 11.82% of cases (12.93% females, 10.74% males), and on the left side in 16.55% cases (15.65% females, 17.45% males). The most common variant was the incorporation of only one of the septa (either the MS or the AS) in the wall of the carotid canal unilaterally. Such situation took place in 30.07% of the patients (29.25% females, 30.87% males). Incorporation of two septa on the same side was noticed in 4.39% of cases (4.08% females, 4.7% males), and incorporation of three septa in 0.34% of cases (0.7% males). Conclusions: The anatomy of the paranasal sinuses is varied to a great extent, hence performing a CT scan is crucial before the scheduled surgery, as it may lessen the unforeseeable surgical complications, that may result from the high prevalence of variants in the sinuses

    System size and centrality dependence of the balance function in A+A collisions at sqrt[sNN]=17.2 GeV

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    Electric charge correlations were studied for p+p, C+C, Si+Si, and centrality selected Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt[sNN]=17.2 GeV with the NA49 large acceptance detector at the CERN SPS. In particular, long-range pseudorapidity correlations of oppositely charged particles were measured using the balance function method. The width of the balance function decreases with increasing system size and centrality of the reactions. This decrease could be related to an increasing delay of hadronization in central Pb+Pb collisions

    System size and centrality dependence of the balance function in A + A collisions at sqrt s NN = 17.2 GeV

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    Electric charge correlations were studied for p+p, C+C, Si+Si and centrality selected Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt s_NN = 17.2$ GeV with the NA49 large acceptance detector at the CERN-SPS. In particular, long range pseudo-rapidity correlations of oppositely charged particles were measured using the Balance Function method. The width of the Balance Function decreases with increasing system size and centrality of the reactions. This decrease could be related to an increasing delay of hadronization in central Pb+Pb collisions

    Centrality evolution of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density over a broad pseudorapidity range in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76TeV

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