17 research outputs found

    Interpretacja stanowisk prahistorycznych Niaux i la Vache w Pirenejach jako „miejsc pamięci” i „krajobrazu pamięci”

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    This article is an attempt to interpret Niaux prehistoric sites (where rites and rock paintings were discovered) and La Vache (the place where the prehistoric people were camped) in the Pyrenees as “sites of memory” and “landscape of memory”. The article attempts to answer the question of whether cave positions that are the subject of the work can be interpreted and defined as “sites of memory” from a modern point of view, and whether the cave in Niaux could be a kind of “site of memory” for the prehistoric population. Additionally, whether the area within which these two caves are located can be considered as part of the “landscape of memory”.This article is an attempt to interpret Niaux prehistoric sites (where rites and rock paintings were discovered) and La Vache (the place where the prehistoric people were camped) in the Pyrenees as “sites of memory” and “landscape of memory”. The article attempts to answer the question of whether cave positions that are the subject of the work can be interpreted and defined as “sites of memory” from a modern point of view, and whether the cave in Niaux could be a kind of “site of memory” for the prehistoric population. Additionally, whether the area within which these two caves are located can be considered as part of the “landscape of memory”

    Robotyka w medycynie

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    Robotics has application to medicine for many years. Its rapid development has greatly improved the work of doctors of many specialities in recent years. Capabilities of robots are used i.a.: in surgery, gynecology, urology, bariatrics, thoracic surgery, transplantology. Worldwide famous the „da Vinci” robot enables minimally invasive treatments, which often has an advantage over laparoscopic and traditional surgery. The work on the polish group of robots „Robin Heart” may soon simplify to carry out cardiac surgery. Moreover, the robots are used in nanomedicine, which is more and more famous in recent years. The first attempts of application of nanobots in human cells gives hope for wider use in the future.Robotyka znajduje zastosowanie w medycynie już od wielu lat. Jej szybki rozwój w ostatnim czasie zdecydowanie ułatwił pracę lekarzom wielu specjalności. Możliwości robotów są wykorzystywane między innymi w chirurgii ogólnej, chirurgii onkologicznej, ginekologii, urologii, bariatrii, torakochirurgii, transplantologii. Robot da Vinci umożliwia wykonywanie małoinwazyjnych operacji, które mają przewagę nad chirurgią laparoskopową i klasyczną. Praca nad polską rodziną robotów Robin Heart może niebawem ułatwić przeprowadzanie operacji kardiochirurgicznych. Ponadto coraz częstsze staje się zastosowanie robotów w nanomedycynie. Pierwsze próby zastosowania nanorobotów w komórkach ludzkich dają nadzieję na szersze ich wykorzystanie w przyszłości

    An Early Neolithic House in the Foothills:A Case Study of Pottery and Lithic Artefacts from the Biskupice Site 18 (Wieliczka Foothills, Southern Poland)

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    Highlights•Biskupice site (S Poland) represents the late Želiezovce phase (5300 to 5000 BCE).•Pottery was produced locally, and showed a use of animal fats for cooking.•The face vessel was of local origin, but influenced by Transcarpathian style.•Obsidian artefacts originated from the Carpathian 1a/1b chemical type, S-E Slovakia.•Transcarpathian contacts between LBK and Bükk culture were discussed.AbstractThe paper presents a comprehensive analysis of pottery and lithic materials found in archaeological features associated with an Early Neolithic house from Biskupice (southern Poland) to shed light on exchange networks of the first farmers in Central Europe. The research began with the discovery of a unique fragment of a face vessel made in the Želiezovce style, a motif primarily found in Moravia and north-eastern Austria. Therefore, specialised analyses were undertaken to determine whether the Biskupice fragment was locally produced or originated from areas south of the Sudetes and Carpathians. The study involved an examination of raw clay material and the technology used to create the anthropomorphic vessel, aiming to establish its provenance (local production versus import). Petrographic methods were employed to analyse a diverse group of vessel types for comparison. Additionally, a selected group of pottery fragments, including the face vessel, underwent lipid residue analysis to determine their potential use. The combination of microscopic examinations and lipid residues analysis was utilised to study the link between the physical properties and function of the vessels. Finally, the archaeological context of other artifacts from the same house, including lithic assemblages, was investigated to determine the presence of both local and imported raw materials in Biskupice. The main conclusion of the study indicates local production of pottery, including the face vessel, and lithic implements. Conversely, a Transcarpathian transfer of some technological and decorative ideas, as well as imports of raw material such as obsidian, were confirmed

    The girls figures in M. Karamzin's, A. Puszkin's, I. Turgieniew's works

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    Moja praca dyplomowa jest poświęcona postaciom dziewcząt w twórczości trzech pisarzy rosyjskich: M. Karamzina, A. Puszkina i I. Turgieniewa. W poszczególnych rozdziałach starałam się pokazać jak zmieniał się wizerunek kobiet na przestrzeni okrasów literackich, począwszy od sentymentalizmu, poprzez romantyzm, po zaczątki realizmu. We wstępie zawarłam wprowadzenie do tematu pracy, zakres materiału oraz informacje o bibliografii. Krótko opisałam rolę kobiet w kształtowaniu się społeczeństwa rosyjskiego. Korzystając ze źródła autorstwa J. Łotmana, podałam klasyfikację trzech kobiecych typów: kobieta-anioł, kobieta demoniczna i kobieta-bohater. Następnie przeszłam do omawiania rozdziałów. W pierwszym rozdziale scharakteryzowałam Lizę, bohaterkę noweli Biedna Liza. to przykład postaci wyidealizowanej: czułej, dobrej wieśniaczki, uwikłanej w wątek miłosny z mężczyzną pochodzącym z wyższej warstwy społecznej. Podałam tu informacje o imieniu Liza, różnice między "standardową" wówczas nosicielką tego imienia a karamzinowską Lizą. Opisałam cechy bohaterów sentymentalnych, a także omówiłam motyw idilli w utworze. W kolejnym rozdziale opisałam Tatianę Łarinę, bohaterkę dzieła A. Puszkina - Oniegin. To postać, która przechodzi ewolucję od młodej, naiwnej dziewczyny do dorosłej, świadomej swojej wartości kobiety. Starałam się pokazać jak pod wpływem doświadczeń i przeżyć kształtowała sie jej osobowość, psychika i charakter. W trzecim rozdziale scharakteryzowałam postaci dziewcząt w twórczości I. Turgieniewa. W pierwszej kolejności skupiłam się na omówieniu bohaterek "czystych", niewinnych, idealnych, takich jak: Asia, Natalia czy Liza Kalitina. Następnie przeszłam do charakterystyki reprezentantek kobiet demonicznych, tak zwanych femme fatale, a także omówiłam cechy wspólne wyżej wymienionych bohaterek i krótko scharakteryzowałam postaci mężczyzn. W zakończeniu podsumowałam całość, jak również podałam przyczyny kreowania przez autorów takich, a nie innych postaci dziewcząt.My thesis is about girls figures in Russian literature, from M. Karamzin's, A. Puszkin's and I. Turgieniew's works. In chapters I showed how to change women's picture in literature of sentimentality, romanticism and beginning of realizm. In introduction I provided informations about subject and bibliography, which I used in my thesis. I described the role of women in the development of Russian society. I also presented classification of three types of women: woman-angel, demonic woman, woman-heroine. In the first of chapters I characterized Liza's figure from short story- Poor Liza. This is example of perfect figure. She is sensitive, good person who is from village and she loves man from nobility. In the second of chapters I presented heroine from novel Eugeniusz Oniegin. I showed her since young girl to mature woman. In the last of chapters I characterized girls from I. Turgieniew's works. First I described "pure", good, perfect girls: Asia, Natalia and Liza Kalitina. After that I focused on present of heroines femme fatale:Zinaida and Maria Połozow

    Shells – pendants – amulets from Poland in the early Middle Ages based on the finds from Kruszwica

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    In this article, the author takes a closer look at the finds of sea shell ornaments in the early Middle Ages, based on artefacts discovered at two sites (Nos. 2 and 4) in Kruszwica. The four pendants in question come from settlement levels dating from the 11th to the 12th centuries. A malacological analysis suggests that the ornaments reached Kruszwica from the Mediterranean area (Acanthocardia tuberculata and Bolinus brandaris), and probably the Red Sea (Monetaria moneta), and from southern Poland (Turritella sp). These objects had been in use for a long time, as evidenced by the microtraces and damage visible on their surface. During the early medieval period, among the various species of shells that were ‘imports’, money cowrie shell ornaments with the most ‘exotic’ origins were the most common in Europe. It is highly probable that during this period of time, they were used in the exchange/trade and their value as a female symbol object and an amulet. Most likely, the shell pendants reached Kruszwica via trade routes that have been previously documented, alongside other artifacts. These ornaments provide additional evidence of long-distance trade

    Biological drugs in selected endocrine diseases

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    Leki biologiczne to przyszłość w leczeniu wielu chorób o podłożu autoimmunologicznym. Poprzez naśladowanie funkcji naturalnych białek ludzkich mogą wpływać na zmianę odpowiedzi immunologicznej. Są białkami pochodzącymi z żywych komórek lub uzyskanymi dzięki rozwojowi inżynierii genetycznej. Znalazły one zastosowanie w wielu dziedzinach medycyny, między innymi w onkologii, dermatologii, endokrynologii, reumatologii. W endokrynologii stanowią alternatywę leczenia orbitopatii (TAO) w przebiegu choroby Gravesa-Basedowa oraz cukrzycy typu 1. Dotychczasowe badania nad skutecznością leków biologicznych w leczeniu TAO wykazały korzyść u pacjentów z aktywną fazą choroby. W kręgu zainteresowań lekarzy znajduje się także immunoterapia skierowana przeciwko autoagresywnym limfocytom T, które są odpowiedzialne za rozwój cukrzycy typu 1. Celem pracy było omówienie roli leków biologicznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem chorób wewnętrznego wydzielania.Biological drugs are the future in the treatment of many autoimmune diseases. By imitation natural functions of the human proteins, they may change the immune response. These proteins were derived from living cells or obtained through the development of genetic engineering. They have been used in many fields of medicine (including oncology, dermatology, endocrinology, and rheumatology). They could be an alternative treatment of thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO) in the course of Graves’ disease and type 1 diabetes. Previous studies on the effectiveness of biological drugs in the treatment of TAO bring benefit to patients with active phase of the disease. An issue of interest to physicians is also immunotherapy directed against autoaggressive T cells, which are responsible for the development of type 1 diabetes. The aim of this study was to present the role of biological drugs with particular emphasis onendocrine diseases

    Sharpening stones, beads, spindle whorls and other stone artefacts from an early-medieval stronghold in Grzybowo

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    The article discusses the issue of stoneware in the time of the Grzybowo stronghold’s operations. Special emphasis has been placed on imports and contacts between the stronghold’s communities and various distant areas, ruled by the Piast dynasty and others

    Telemedycyna – przyszłość lekarza rodzinnego

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    Combination of silver nanoparticles and Drosera binata extract as a possible alternative for antibiotic treatment of burn wound infections caused by resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

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    Staphylococcus aureus is the most common infectious agent involved in the development of skin infections that are associated with antibiotic resistance, such as burn wounds. As drug resistance is a growing problem it is essential to establish novel antimicrobials. Currently, antibiotic resistance in bacteria is successfully controlled by multi-drug therapies. Here we demonstrate that secondary metabolites present in the extract obtained from Drosera binata in vitro cultures are effective antibacterial agents against S. aureus grown in planktonic culture and in biofilm. Moreover, this is the first report demonstrating the synergistic interaction between the D. binata extract and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), which results in the spectacular enhancement of the observed bactericidal activity, while having no cytotoxic effects on human keratinocytes. Simultaneous use of these two agents in significantly reduced quantities produces the same effect, i.e. by killing 99.9% of bacteria in inoculum or eradicating the staphylococcal biofilm, as higher amounts of the agents used individually. Our data indicates that combining AgNPs with either the D. binata extract or with its pure compound (3-chloroplumbagin) may provide a safe and highly effective alternative to commonly used antibiotics, which are ineffective towards the antibiotic-resistant S. aureus