54 research outputs found

    Türkiye İstanbul İlinde Yetiştirilen İtalyan Orijinli Manda Sürülerinde Farklı Modeller ile Laktasyon Eğrilerinin Karşılaştırılması

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    This study was aimed to investigate biometry of lactation curve for Italian origined water buffalo in Istanbul province of Turkey. Total 72 heads Italian origined water buffalo were used at first lactation and three calving seasons as animal material. Wood, Wilmink and Cobby and Le Du models were chosen in this study. The general average lactation length, total lactation milk yield average and average daily milk yield were found 234 days, 1607.4 kg and 6.86 kg, respectively. Determination coefficient was calculated for Wood, Wilmink and Cobby and Le Du models for summer calving season as 0.94, 0.92 and 0.93, respectively. Wood model was found the highest coefficient of determination in general. Moreover, persistency (S) and maximum milk yields (Ymax) for Wood model were calculated. These values were found as 5.89 and 9.76 for first lactation in general group, respectively. Finally, this study is showed that the Wood model has the best fitted model among all models for all groups for first lactation for Italian origined water buffalo,Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de İstanbul ilinde yetiştirilen İtalyan orijinli mandalarda laktasyon eğrilerinin biyometrisi araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Hayvan materyali olarak üç malaklama mevsiminde ve ilk laktasyonda olan 72 baş İtalyan orijinli manda kullanılmıştır. Sunulan çalışmada Wood, Wilmink ve Cobby ve Le Du modelleri seçilmiştir. Genel ortalama laktasyon süresi, toplam süt verim ortalaması ve günlük ortalama süt verimi sırasıyla 234 gün, 1607,4 kg ve 6.86 kg olarak bulunmuştur. Yazın malaklayan hayvanlarda Wood, Wilmink ve Cobby ve Le Du modelleri için belirleme katsayıları sırasıyla 0.94, 0.92 ve 0.93 olarak bulunmuştur. Genel olarak Wood modeli en yüksek belirleme katsayısına sahip olmuştur. Bunun yanında, Wood modeli için persistens (S), maksimum süt verimi (Ymax) değerleri hesaplanmıştır. Bu değerler ilk laktasyon için sırasıyla 5.89 ve 9.76 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak çalışma göstermiştir ki ilk laktasyondaki İtalyan orijinli mandalarda tüm gruplar için diğer modeler içinde en iyi uyum Wood modelinde görülmüştür

    Genetic Animal Heritage of Anatolia: Short-beaked Pigeon Genotypes

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    This study aimed to determine the morphological and morphometric characteristics of Bango, Mısıri and Baska pigeons, which have been preferred to breed as ornamental and diver pigeons in Anatolia. The ages of the pigeons were classified into four groups: 12-24 months of age (age group I), 25-36 months of age (age group II), 37-48 months of age (age group III), and 48 months of age and over (age group IV). These three pigeon genotypes were included in the bird group with short beak and small body structure. There were statistically significant differences among the genotypes in terms of body weight, head length-width, beak length-depth, chest depth-width, thoracic perimeter, tail and body length, wing span-length, tarsus diameter (p?0.01). Considering the body plumage color of pigeons, Mısıri and Bango pigeons show more similar appearance, however Baska pigeons has a different appearance from both genotypes. However, it is thought that it would be appropriate to evaluate morphological data together with genetic analysis. We think that these three pigeon genotypes should be taken under immediate protection in order to protect the domestic gene resources of Turkey.

    Türkiye?in yerli gen kaynağı, muradiye dönek güvercinlerinin morfolojik özellikleri]

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    This study was conducted to investigate the morphological characteristics of Muradiye Dönek pigeon. It is a local animal genetic resource and cultural heritage and has an important place among the genotypes of domestic pigeons in Turkey. The animal material of this study consisted of 100 pigeons (50 females and 50 males) from seven pigeon enterprises. In the study, morphological characteristics were evaluated and morphometric measurements were determined. Body plumage colors of pigeons were determined as black (70%), red (16%) and blue (14%) galaca. In some birds, the yellow beaks and nails may bear black spots, which pigeon breeders refer to as ‘zikir’. The term ‘biyik’ (mustache) is used when black feathers appear among the white feathers on the head, and the term ‘kemer’ (belt) is used when black feathers appear in the tail. The differences between the mean values of body weight and wingspan (P<0.001), chest depth (P<0.05) values were statically significant for age groups, which were reported to affect flight characteristics in birds. As a result, when the morphological characteristics obtained in Muradiye Dönek pigeons are compared with other researchers, it is thought that the selection of these birds were carried out by the breeders in terms of the game behavior such as rotation movement during the diving and landing. Although the data obtained in the study support the hypothesis that Muradiye Dönek pigeons should be defined as a different breed, further studies with DNA analysis are required to confirm this situation. © 2021, Chartered Inst. of Building Services Engineers. All rights reserved.17,138This work is supported by the Scientific Research Project Fund of Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University under project number 10.GA.17.138 (NKUBAP, Tekirdağ, Turkey).This work is supported by the Scientific Research Project Fund of Tekirda? Nam?k Kemal University under project number 10.GA.17.138 (NKUBAP, Tekirda?, Turkey)

    The morphological and morphometric characteristics of Alabadem pigeons

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    This study aimed to determine the morphological and morphometric characteristics of Alabadem pigeons, which are grown as ornamental pigeons in Edirne province, and to determine mutual traits with other indigenous pigeon breeds in Turkey by comparing with previous studies. Body weight (P < 0.001), head length (P < 0.01), head width (P < 0.05), beak length (P < 0.001), and tarsus diameter (P < 0.05) of age group III were higher than those of other age groups; however, the wingspan of age group II was greater than that of other age groups in Alabadem pigeon. Compared to other indigenous genotypes in Turkey, the Alabadem pigeon is a small-sized genotype. Alabadem pigeons were similar to Edremit butterfly pigeons and Thracian tumbler pigeons in terms of crested and blackeyed pigeons. On the other hand, the irregularly shaped mark (almond) on the head in Alabadem pigeons was similar to the wide-long irregular shaped mark on the neck of Edremit butterfly pigeons. Some basic plumage colors (black, yellow, and red) and intermediate colors (chickpea and scarlet) were identical to Alabadem pigeons and Thrace roller pigeons. Since Alabadem pigeons have many mutual characteristics with Edremit butterfly pigeons and Thracian roller pigeons, genetic studies may be recommended to determine the degree of relationship among these breeds.Tekirdag Namik Kemal University Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit [NKUBAP.10, 17.138]This study was funded by Tekirdag Namik Kemal University Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit (Project No: NKUBAP.10.GA.17.138)

    Fertility Traits of Holstein Cows Raised at Sarımsaklı State Farm

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    Araştırma, Sarımsaklı Tarım İşletmesinde yetiştirilen Siyah Alaca sığırların bazı döl verim özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın materyalini bu işletmede yetiştirilen 764 baş Siyah Alaca ineğin 1983-2003 yılları arasındaki döl verim kayıtları oluşturmuştur. Yılın, İlkine Damızlıkta Kullanma Yaşı(İDKY), İlk Buzağılama Yaşı(İBY) ve Buzağılama Aralığı(BA) üzerine etkisi önemli bulunmuştur(P0.05). Laktasyon Sırası (LS) ve İBY’ nın BA üzerine etkisi önemsiz bulunmuştur(P>0.05). İlkine Damızlıkta Kullanma Yaşı (İDKY)’ nın İBY üzerine etkisi önemli bulunmuştur(P0,05). Effects of Lactation Length (LL) and FCA on CI was not significant(P>0.05). Effect of FBA on FCA was significant(P<0,01). Overall means for FBA, FCA and CI were found as; 18,98 ± 2,73 month, 28,15 ± 2,50 month and 407,07 ± 78,59 day, respectively

    Determination of Growth Curve with Different Model in the Karacabey Merinos x Kıvırcık Crossbred Lambs Raised in Tekirdağ Provinces

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    Bu çalışma ile Karacabey Merinosu x Kıvırcık melezi kuzuların doğum - 101 günlük yaşlar arası dönemde göstermiş oldukları canlı ağırlıklar kullanılarak büyümenin zamana göre değişimini ifade eden çeşitli büyüme eğrilerine ilişkin parametrelerin tahmini ve büyüme modellerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla Gompertz, Logistik ve doğrusal model kullanılmıştır. Uygulanan modeller içinden hangisinin daha uygun olup olmadığı konusunda belirleme katsayıları (R2 ) ile her modele ilişkin canlı ağırlık ortalamalarının gözlenen ve tahminlenen değerleri arasındaki sapmalarının kareleri toplamından (SKT) yararlanılmıştır. Analizler cinsiyet faktörünün etkisi dikkate alınarak erkek, dişi ve genel olmak üzere üç grup halinde değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonunda sapma kareler toplamı dişi kuzularda Gompertz modelde 3.14, Logistik modelde 4.47 ve doğrusal modelde ise 4.73, erkek kuzular için ise sapma kareler toplamı Gompertz modelde 7.06 Logistik modelde 15.83 ve doğrusal modelde ise 15.85 olarak bulunmuştur.This study is aimed for estimation of variation of growth by time as the form of several growth curves of the data of Karacabey Merinos x Kıvırcık crossbred lambs raised in Tekirdağ province of Turkey. The Gompertz , Logistic and linear models were used to evaluate the best fit model. The best model was selected according to the values of determination coefficient (R2 ) and sum of squares of differences between observed and estimated values obtained as average live weights of lambs and values obtained by equation of interest for the same period of growth respectively. Data were divided three groups according to sexes and general groups. Sum of square differences were found 3,14 (Gompertz model), 4,47 ( Logistic model), 4,73 (Linear model) for female lambs. Similarly sum of square differences were found 7,06 (Gompertz model), 15,83 ( Logistic model), 15,85 (Linear model) for male lambs

    Jersey ineklerinde süt verim özelliklerine ait genetik ve çevresel parametrelerin tahmini

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters and environmental factors for testday milk yield (TDMY), lactation milk yield (LMY), 305-day milk yield (305-DMY), milk fatpercentage (FP) and milk protein percentage (PP) of Jersey cows raised on KaraköyAgricultural State Farm in Samsun province of Turkey. The data were obtained from 279 milkyield records of 170 heads cows calved from 2011 to 2013 years. Parity, calving season andcalving year were considered as fixed effects. Heritability, additive genetic variance andphenotypic variance were estimated by multiple trait derivative free restricted maximumlikelihood (MTDFREML) with the animal model. Variance analysis results showed thatexcept for FP, the effects of parity and calving year on TDMY, LMY, 305-DMY and PP weresignificantly important (P0.05). Heritability estimates for TDMY, LMY, 305-DMY, FP and PPwere 0.38, 0.30, 0.28, 0.19, and 0.36, respectively. Repeatability for TDMY, LMY, 305-DMY, FP and PP were ranged from 0.35 to 0.45. The results indicate that these traits can beused as a selection criteria in genetic improvement of Jersey cattle this herd.Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’nin Samsun ilinde bulunan Karaköy Tarım İşletmesi’nde yetiştirilen Jersey ineklerinin test günü süt verimi (TGSV), laktasyon süt verimi (LSV), 305- gün süt verimi (305-GSV), süt yağ oranı (YO) ve süt protein oranı (PO) için genetik parametre ve çevresel faktörleri tahmin etmektir. Veriler, 2011 ve 2013 yılları arasında buzağılamış 170 baş ineğin 279 süt verim kaydından elde edilmiştir. Laktasyon sırası, buzağılama mevsimi ve buzağılama yılı sabit faktörler olarak dikkate alınmıştır. Kalıtım derecesi, eklemeli genetik varyans ve fenotipik varyans, bireysel hayvan modelinde MTDFREML ile tahmin edilmiştir. Varyans analiz sonuçları, YO hariç, TGSV, LSV, 305-GSV, YO ve PO üzerine laktasyon sırası ve buzağılama yılının etkilerinin istatistiksel olarak önemli olduğunu göstermiştir (P<0.05). Ancak, buzağılama mevsimi TGSV, LSV, 305-GSV, YO ve PO’nı etkilememiştir. TGSV, LSV, 305-GSV, YO ve PO için kalıtım dereceleri sırasıyla 0.38, 0.30, 0.28, 0.19 ve 0.36 olarak tahmin edilmiştir. TGSV, LSV, 305-GSV, YO ve PO için tekrarlama dereceleri ise 0.35 ile 0.45 arasındadır. Sonuçlar, bu özelliklerin bu sürüde Jersey sığırların genetik olarak iyileştirilmesinde bir seleksiyon kriterleri olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermektedir

    Genetic polymorphism of STAT1 and STAT5A genes in holstein, Jersey, and indigenous cattle breeds in Turkey

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    This study aimed to determine genetic polymorphism in STAT1 and STAT5A genes for dairy cattle and some native cattle breeds in Turkey. 283 Jersey and a total of 472 Holstein cows from two different herds and 93 Grey Steppe, 85 Anatolian Black Cattle, and 66 East Anatolian Red cattle were used in this research. Generally, C allele gene frequency was higher than T allele for STAT1 in all breeds whereas C allele gene frequency was detected higher than G allele for STAT5A in Jersey and East Anatolian Red. On the other hand, G allele gene frequency was higher than C allele in Holstein, Grey Steppe, and Anatolian Black Cattle breeds. The expected deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium were significant only for Jersey breeds for STAT1 gene. Meanwhile, the expected deviation from equilibrium was also significantly different for Holstein in Black Sea Region (BSR), Anatolian Black Cattle and Grey Steppe for the STAT5A gene. FIS values were determined to STAT1 gene as negative for all breeds except for Holstein in Marmara Region (MR). Similarly, this value was determined to STAT5A gene as positive for all breeds except for Holstein in BSR. The genetic distances for two loci were calculated between 0.0029 and 0.1599 among all populations. Depending on the cluster analysis, Holstein in BSR and MR, Anatolian Black Cattle, East Anatolian Red were closely clustered to each other, while Grey Steppe and Jersey were located in completely different clusters. As a conclusion, based on the detected genetic diversity in STAT1 and STAT5A genes, it is possible to make a genetic improvement among bovine breeds raised in Turkey. © 2020, Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi. All rights reserved

    The Morphometrıc Characterızatıon of Anatolıan Water Buffalo Accordıng to Body Measurements

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    Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de yetiştirilen Anadolu mandalarının vücut ölçülerine göre morfometrik karakterizasyonunun yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma Afyon, Çorum, Tokat, Balıkesir, Samsun, Sakarya illerinde bulunan 793 baş manda üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada cinsiyet, yaş ve iller dikkate alınarak hayvanların 11 farklı vücut ölçüsü alınmıştır. Alınan vücut ölçülerine göre hayvanların morfometrik tanımlamasının yapılmasına çalışılmıştır. Buna göre dört yaş ve üzeri dişi mandaların cidago yüksekliği, sağrı yüksekliği, vücut uzunluğu ve göğüs çevresi ölçüleri sırasıyla 137.3±0.6, 132.9±0.6, 135.4±0.8 ve 201.3±1.4 cm olmuştur. Benzer şekilde üç yaşlı erkek mandaların cidago yüksekliği, sağrı yüksekliği, vücut uzunluğu ve göğüs çevresi ölçüleri ise sırasıyla 131.6±0.6, 129.9±1.5, 111.2±2.9 ve 174.7±4.9 cm olarak ölçülmüştür. Çalışmada cinsiyet ve yaş faktörünün tüm vücut ölçüleri üzerine etkisi önemli bulunmuşken (P<0.01). Aynı zamanda iller arasında da çeşitli vücut ölçüleri ortalamaları bakımından anlamlı faklılıklar görülmüştür (P<0.05).This research was aimed to determine morphometric characterization according to body measurement of water buffalo in Turkey. This study was done Afyon, Çorum, Tokat, Balıkesir, Samsun and Sakarya province. Total 793 water buffalo were used study and all animals were grouped by gender, age and province. Eleven body measurements were taken from all animals. Morphometric characterization was done based on these measurements for all animals. Withers height, rump height, body length and chest circumference were measured 137.3±0.6, 132.9±0.6, 135.4±0.8 and 201.3±1.4 cm respectively for four years and older female animal. Similarly the same measurements of body were measured 131.6±0.6, 129.9±1.5, and 111.2±2.9 and 174.7±4.9 cm respectively for three years male animal. Gender ad age factor were found statistically important for all body measurements (P<0.01). Furthermore, there were detected some important different according to province for some body measurements (P<0.05)

    Effects of monochromatic light stimuli during embryogenesis on some performance traits, behavior, and fear responses in Japanese quails

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    Lighting is crucial in poultry rearing and the subjects with light intensity, source, and color having been addressed in numerous studies. Numerous studies with monochromatic light from light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs have been reported. In the current study, fertile Japanese quail eggs were exposed to a dark environment (Control) or monochromatic green (560 nm) and blue (480 nm) lighting throughout incubation. There were no significant differences in hatch weight, hatchability, total embryonic mortality, hatch time, growth performance, and slaughter-carcass traits in the study (P > 0.05). Furthermore, the lowest mean in terms of early embryonic mortalities (12.37%) was determined in the group treated with green LED light-ing (P < 0.05), whereas it was discovered that the lowest mean in terms of late embryonic mortalities (13.59%) was in the group treated with blue LED lighting (P < 0.05). During the test time, the green LED group showed higher averages in terms of the number of peeps and first defecation time as response to environmental stimuli (P < 0.05). The highest mean for jumping (7.6 times) was detected in the group treated with blue LED lighting (P < 0.05). In conclusion, it was revealed that the blue and green LED lighting applied to the Japanese quail eggs in incubation had no effects on incubation traits, growth, and slaughter-carcass traits but had positive effects on some behavioral traits.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [2209-A]We thank the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for the financial support of this study with Project No. 2209-A