17 research outputs found

    Measuring the deformation of a ferrogel sphere in a homogeneous magnetic field

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    A sphere of a ferrogel is exposed to a homogeneous magnetic field. In accordance to theoretical predictions, it gets elongated along the field lines. The time-dependence of the elastic shear modulus causes the elongation to increase with time analogously to mechanic creep experiments, and the rapid excitation causes the sphere to vibrate. Both phenomena can be well described by a damped harmonic oscillator model. By comparing the elongation along the field with the contraction perpendicular to it, we can calculate Poisson's ratio of the gel. The magnitude of the elongation is compared with the theoretical predictions for elastic spheres in homogeneous fields.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    dgkg-Forum Kunststoffgeschichte am 26./27. Oktober 2009 im Museum für Angewandte Kunst in Köln

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    Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kunststoffegschichte e.V. (dgkg) hielt ihre erste Vortragsreihe - das Forum Kunststoffgeschichte - and zwei Halbtagen am 26./27. Oktober 2009 und im Anschluß daran seine diesjährige Mitgliederversammlung in Köln ab. Örtlicher Gastgeber war das Museum für Angewandte Kunst und seine Kuratorin der Designabteilung Dr. Gabriele Lueg

    Triolin - ein wenig bekannter Fußbodenbelag der 1920er Jahre

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    Nach dem ersten Weltkrieg waren die Pulverfabriken in Düneberg bei Geesthacht gezwungen auf "Friedensproduktion" umzustellen. Dabei wurde ab 1920/21 - basierend auf der bekannten Technologie der Cellulose-Nitrierung - der neu Fußbodenbelag Triolin bis 1927, bzw. das verbesserte Nachfolgeprodukt Prisma bis 1932 hergestellt. 1924 bis 1926 wurde Triolin auch in Bauhausgebäuden verwendet

    The Matrix Design

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    The term ‘Matrix Design’ is explained by developments in design andarchitecture from the middle of the 1920s to the end of the 1930s, leading to an international design movement. This ‘Matrix Design’ typically exhibits as characteristic design elements among others round corner forms and/or often ribbed but sometimes also fluted ornaments.Apparently because of the strong economic depression in the Weimar Republic, this process accelerated in Germany from 1929/30 onward in plastics design, realised by its long time forgotten pioneers. In the USA and Britain, plastics design proceeded lateron since 1933 by numerous, well-known designers.The term ‘Matrix Design’ is carefully delimited and traded off against other terms found in literature, like ‘Form around 1930’, ‘Technodesign’, ‘minor, non-functional streamline’, ‘Machine Style’ or ‘Bakelite Style’

    Bemerkungen zum Film „Plastic Planet“

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    Wer von Ihnen den Film „Plastic Planet“ sah, wurde auf bedenkliche ökologische Kreisläufe im Zusammenhang mit Verpackungs- und Gebrauchsmaterial aus „Plastik“ hingewiesen. Der Film schließt sich an den, vor einiger Zeit im Kanal ARTE gezeigten, kanadischen Streifen Plastik über alles (Adicted to plastics) an

    Weshalb eine elektronische Zeitschrift für Kunststoffgeschichte?

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    oai:ojs.pkp.sfu.ca:article/1In dieser Titelfrage stecken verschiedene Begriffe, die wir betrachten müssen, wollen wir darauf eine Antwort geben: Kunststoffe, Geschichte, Kunststoffgeschichte, elektronische Zeitschrift e-plastory

    Pre- and Protohistoric Biopolymeric Materials

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    Fossilised natural polymers like Siegburgit, Baltic amber and ‘ape hair’ were synthesized by nature million years ago. Very early, human species used some of them or even prepared on their part such biopolymeric materials. These comprise leather, birchbark pitch, horn. Later on, the manufacture of papyrus, parchment and natural rubber was realised. Without the use of those early biopolymeric materials for clothes, tools, adhesives, jewelry and many other objects of daily life, the development of human life in its full diversity would not have been possible

    The Malleable Glass of the Ancients

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    For centuries, alchemists tirelessly sought to create a transparent material that was at the same time flexible, i.e. the ‘malleable glass’ of ancient times. The intensive work of our forefathers in alchemy was in fact not in vain, because it led to the transmutation, not of base metals into gold, but rather of a secret, hermetic, cryptic and often obscure field of activity into modern chemistry and polymer science, with all its astonishing contemporary success