2 research outputs found

    Characterisation study of solid wastes: A case of districts in Tekirdağ

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    In this study, solid waste characterisation of high-income, middle-income, low-income regions and market areas in Tekirdağ Metropolitan Municipality was carried out in winter and summer, 2016. As a result, the amount of organic wastes (kitchen wastes, park and green wastes) and packaging waste (paper, cardboard, bulky cardboard, plastics, glass, metals and bulky metals) in Tekirdağ were determined as 41.02% and 32.4% respectively, by waste sampling. When waste characterisation was analysed based on the districts, it was seen that paper and plastic waste is mostly produced from the Çorlu district. The reason for this could be the high level of welfare of the citizens living in Çorlu and the high number of working people compared to other districts due to the high density of industrial facilities. It was also seen that the ash percentage of waste is high in the districts of Hayrabolu, Şarköy, Muratlı, Marmaraereğlisi, Malkara and Saray, which are the districts not covered by natural gas distribution grid. Waste samples were characterised in the Tubitak Energy Institute Laboratory to determine the moisture content, calorific value and glow loss. The results showed that there is a high moisture and organic matter in the wastes, which makes the incineration method not suitable for the treatment of solid wastes in Tekirdağ. The results of this study highlighted that there is a potential for introducing recycling schemes especially in high income regions in Tekirdağ. To initiate such programmes, collected municipal waste could be separated in two streams in place; organics and co-mingled dry-recyclables


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    Evsel katı atıkların içeriklerinin belirlenmesinde kullanılan en yaygın yöntem katı atık karakterizasyonu ve maddesel grup analizleridir. Bu çalışmada; Tekirdağ Büyükşehir Belediyesine ait 11 ilçe belediyesinde yüksek gelir düzeyli, orta gelir düzeyli ve düşük gelir düzeyli mahallelerinin, 2016 kış ve yaz dönemlerine ait katı atık karakterizasyonu yapılmıştır. Maddesel grup analizi sonucunda, 2016 yılında tüm atıklar içerisinde mutfak atıklarının %46,16 ile en fazla, hacim metal atıklarının ise %0,38 ile en az olduğu bulunmuştur. Evsel katı atık içerikleri ilçeler bazında incelendiğinde Çorlu ilçesinin kâğıt ve plastik bileşeninde en yüksek yüzdeye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Doğalgaz olmayan Şarköy, Hayrabolu ve Malkara ilçelerinden gelen atıklarda kül atık bileşeninin en yüksek yüzdeyi temsil ettiği bulunmuştur. Katı atık karakterizasyonu mevsimsel olarak incelendiğinde mutfak, park-bahçe atıkları ve cam -metal gibi geri dönüştürülebilir ambalaj atıklarının yaz mevsiminde artış gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir.The most common method used to determine the content of domestic solid wastes is solid waste characterization and material group analysis. In this study; In the 11 district municipalities of Tekirdağ Metropolitan Municipality, solid waste characterization of high income, middle income and low income neighborhoods in 2016 winter and summer periods were performed. As a result of material group analysis, it was found that kitchen waste was the highest in 46% and the volume metal wastes were the least with 0,38% in all wastes in 2016. When the contents of domestic solid waste were analyzed by districts, it was determined that Çorlu had the highest percentage of paper and plastic component. It has been found that ash waste component represents the highest percentage of wastes from non-natural gas, Sarkoy, Hayrabolu and Malkara districts. Seasonally examined solid waste characterization reveals that recyclable packaging wastes such as kitchen, park-garden wastes and glass-metal have increased in summer