10 research outputs found

    Panel FMOLS Model Analysis of the Effects of Livestock Support Policies on Sustainable Animal Presence in Turkey

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    This paper studied the effects of livestock support policies applied in Turkey. The effects of the support policies were built upon the change in the cattle presence data. Full Modified Ordinary Least Square (FMOLS) model was used in the analysis. In the panel dataset which was created for the study, the time period was taken as the years between 2004 and 2014 and the cross-section was 26 sub-regions. The results of panel FMOLS test for both the total livestock supports and each support component presents important details. According to the results of the analyses, a 1.0% increase in livestock supports leads to a 0.3% increase in animal presence in Turkey. On the other hand, it is stated that the utilization rate of the support payments is high in the western regions, whereas it is comparatively low in the eastern and interior regions in Turkey although the appliance of the policies is carried out in the same way, since animal presence in western regions in terms of fertile races is higher. This situation reveals the importance of breeders of high conscience, educational level, and agricultural income besides organized associations and provincial organizations

    Stubble Burning and Consciousness Level of Farmers

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    This study analyses the consciousness levels, attitudes and behaviours of farmers against stubble burning and the damages of stubble burning which is a part of land misuse. 86 farmers from 9 villages in Zile county of Tokat province were surveyed for the study. These data was used to state farmers' socio-demographical characteristics and their behaviours against stubble burning was analysed. According to the study results, 99% of the farmers says that stubble burning is a wrong application. They states that stubble burning causes natural damages and the most importantly it is harmful by 76% to the living creatures in the nature. 57% of them prefers the method of mixing stubble to the soil

    The effects of exchange rate volatility on trade: evidence from Turkish agricultural trade

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    WOS:000301655100013In this article, an empirical study of the effect of Real Effective Exchange Rate Volatility (REERV) on Agricultural Export (AGX) and Agricultural Import (AGM) in Turkey was conducted. Studied period covers 1995 to 2007. In order to reach REERV, Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) (1,1) model was used. Long-term relationship between series was determined using Johansen cointegration test. The direction of this relationship, on the other hand, was determined using pairwise Granger causality. Our empirical results indicated that there was a positive long-termrelationship between REERV and AGX series, while there was a negative long-term relationship between REERV and AGM. The relationship is unidirectional for both AGX and AGM series

    The analysis of the factors affecting fish consumption in Tokat province by logit model.

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    Bu araştırmada, Tokat ilinde yaşayan ailelerin balık tüketim durumları incelenmiştir. Çalışmada yüz yüze görüşme tekniği ile elde edilen yatay kesit verileri kullanılmıştır. Verilerin elde edilmesinde oransal tabakalı tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Anket sonuçlarına ait bilgiler çizimlerle özetlenmiştir. Çalışmada, ailelerin balık tüketim miktarlarının etkileyen faktörleri analiz etmek için logit model kullanılmıştır. Logit model sonuçlarına göre, ailelerin balık tüketim miktarlarını mevsim ve sosyal statü değişkenlerinin istatistiksel olarak etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.This paper studies the fish consumption status of the families who live in Tokat. The horizontal section data is used in the study which is provided from face to face interviews. The proportional layer randomly with illustrating method is used to obtain the data. The information related to questionnaire results is summarized with drawings. Logit model is used in the study to analyze the effecting factors to the level of fish consumption of the families. According to the Logit Model results, it is determined that seasonal conditions and social status variables is statistically affecting the fish consumption level of the families

    Türkiye’de tarım ve gıda ürünleri fiyatlarındaki belirsizliğin enflasyon üzerindeki etkileri

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    Bu araştırmada, Türkiye’de tarım ve gıda fiyatları belirsizliği ile enflasyon arasındaki ilişki ampirik olarak incelenmiştir. İncelenen dönem 2005:01-2008:10 periyodunu kapsamaktadır. Çalışmada tarım ve gıda fiyatları belirsizlik serilerini elde etmek için GARCH modelleri kullanılmıştır. Seriler arasındaki uzun dönem ilişkiyi tespit etmek için Johansen kointegration ve etki – tepki analizleri kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, Türkiye’de tarım ve gıda fiyatları belirsizliği ile enflasyon arasında uzun dönemli bir ilişki olduğu, tarım ve gıda fiyatlarındaki belirsizliklerin enflasyon üzerinde pozitif bir etkisinin olduğu belirlenmiştirThis paper studies the relationship between the agriculture and food prices and the inflation in Turkey in an empirical way. The studied period covers between 2005:01 – 2008:10. GARCH models are used to obtain the volatility series of the agriculture and food prices. Johansen co-integration and impulse-response analyses are used to determine the long term relationship between the series. According to the analysis results, it is found out that there has been a long term relationship between the agriculture and food prices and the inflation in Turkey, and the uncertainty of the agriculture and food prices have a positive effect on the inflation

    The causality between energy consumption and economic growth in Turkey

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    This paper applies the causality test to examine the causal relationship between primary energy consumption (EC) and real Gross National Product (GNP) for Turkey during 1970-2006. We employ unit root tests, the augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and the Philips-Perron (PP), Johansen cointegration test, and Pair-wise Granger causality test to examine relation between EC and GNP. Our empirical results indicate that the two series are found to be non-stationary. However, first differences of these series lead to stationarity. Further, the results indicate that EC and GNP are cointegrated and there is bidirectional causality running from EC to GNP and vice versa. This means that an increase in EC directly affects economic growth and that economic growth also stimulates further EC. This bidirectional causality relationship between EC and GNP determined for Turkey at 1970-2006 period is in accordance with the ones in literature reported for similar countries. Consequently, we conclude that energy is a limiting factor to economic growth in Turkey and, hence, shocks to energy supply will have a negative impact on economic growth.Energy consumption Economic growth Granger causality

    Factors affecting preferences of packed and unpacked milk consumption of consumers: a case study of Erzincan

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    Bu araştırmada Erzincan’da yaşayan ailelerin açık ve ambalajlı süt tüketimlerini etkileyen faktörler incelenmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan veriler Erzincan merkez ilçede yaşayan 273 aile ile yapılan anketlerden elde edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre, incelenen ailelerin yıllık kişi başına süt tüketimi 59,52 litre olarak belirlenmiştir. Ailelerin süt tüketimlerinde alışkanlıklarından dolayı daha çok açık sütü tercih ettiği belirlenmiştir. Araştırma bölgesinde ailelerin gelir seviyesi, eğitim durumları, cinsiyetleri ve yaş faktörleri ile açık süt ve ambalajlı süt tüketimi arasında farklı önem düzeylerinde ilişki olduğu tespit edilmiştir.In this study, the factors affecting the consumption of packed and unpacked milk was examined with the help of survey data obtained from the 273 households living in Erzincan City Center. According to the research findings, weekly milk consumption of the examined families was determined as 59,52 liter per individual. It was understood that families consume unpacked milk much more in milk consumption from habit. It has been identified that the importance level between the unpacked and packed milk consumption depends on the family income level, education level, gender and age factors in the examination area

    The Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Turkey’s Agricultural Foreign Trade

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    In this study, impact of the real effective exchange rate (REER) and its volatility (REERV) on Turkey's agricultural foreign trade was investigated. 25importantcountries in agricultural trade of Turkey and 1990-2012 periods were examined, and panel data analysis was used in this research. IGARCH model was applied to obtain for the REERV. Influence of the REER and REERV on Turkey's agricultural trade was analyzed whit FMOLS model both individual country and groups panel. According to the results of FMOLS model; It was determined that Turkey agricultural import (7.61%) and export (2.24%) were increased when the REER was risen about 1%. The agricultural import was decreased 18.83% in case the REERV was increased 1%. On the other hand, when the REERV was increased around 1%, there was no significantly relationship between agricultural export and REERV. As a result, it can be stated that REER and REERV were caused an imbalance on Turkey's agricultural foreign trade. Agricultural producers and industrialists are often adversely affected by the REERV. For these reasons, it is important to take protective measures for them

    The Present and Future Statues of Animal Presence in Turkey; The Declination of TR83 Area

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    In this study, the cattle and small cattle presence in Turkey and in the area of TR83 which consists of Amasya, Çorum, Samsun and Tokat provinces were analysed. Trend analysis were carried out using the data obtained from cattle and small cattle presence with the help of the values of the period of 1996 – 2014 and estimated values for 2020 were specified. It is seen in the projections for the 2020 that, domestic cattle breeds are expected to be decreased in number whereas it is expected to be increased in the TR83 area. Also it is estimated that the number of the whole animal existence which are investigated by the study will increase by the year 2020. It is beyond question that the positive effects of the present policies supporting stockbreeding on this increase is apparent. In this sense, the determination of the contribution of present stockbreeding support policies to the sector and their effectiveness and the investigation of their faulting aspects are important in order to develop more accurate and effective policies