4 research outputs found

    A New Approach for Determination of Seed Distribution Area in Vertical Plane

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    The objective of this study was to develop a new method to evaluate the seed distribution area in vertical plane and compare it with the other methods. For this purpose, the different calculation methods of seed distribution area namely, standard deviational ellipse, voronoi polygons with delaunay triangulation, integral method, and developed one, the concave hull algorithm was considered and compared in this study. Three different types of no-till seeders equipped with hoe (NS1), single disc (NS2) and winged hoe (NS3) type openers were used and operated at three different tractor forward speeds (0.75 m s-1, 1.25 m s-1 and 2.25 m s-1). According to the results obtained from the study, it was found that the newly developed seed distribution evaluation procedure, concave hull, provided the smaller area values of the distributed seeds as compared to others. The influences of seeders were tested and it was found that the no-till seeder which has disc type furrow opener spread the seeds into larger areas. However, maximum variations of sowing depth values were observed at the no-till seeder with single disc furrow opener. Increasing tractor forward speeds resulted in an increased variation of sowing dept

    Düşey düzlemdeki tohum dağılım alanının belirlenmesinde yeni bir yaklaşım

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, tohum dağılım alanının değerlendirilmesine yeni bir yaklaşım geliştirmektir. Bu amaçla, standart sapmalı elips, delaunay üçgenlemesiyle voronoi poligonları ve integral metodu gibi farklı tohum dağılım alanı hesaplama yöntemleri karşılaştırılmış ve içbükey zarf adı verilen yeni bir yöntem geliştirilmiştir. Araştırmada, çapa (NS1), tek diskli (NS2) ve kanatlı çapa (NS3) tip gömücü ayaklara sahip üç farklı anıza doğrudan ekim makinası, üç farklı ilerleme hızında (0.75 m s -1, 1.25 m s -1 ve 2.25 m s -1) kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre yeni geliştirilen tohum dağılımı değerlendirme yönteminin diğerleriyle karşılaştırıldığında daha küçük dağılım alanları verdiği belirlenmiştir. Gömücü ayakların tohum dağılımına olan etkileri incelendiğinde, tek diskli gömücü ayağa sahip ekim makinasının tohumları daha geniş alana dağıttığı ve bu makina ile ekim yapılan parsellerde ekim derinliğindeki varyasyonun diğer makinalara göre daha fazla olduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada traktör ilerleme hızlarının artışına paralel olarak ekim derinliği varyasyon değerlerinde de artış gözlemlenmiştir.The objective of this study was to develop a new method to evaluate the seed distribution area in vertical plane and compare it with the other methods. For this purpose, the different calculation methods of seed distribution area namely, standard deviational ellipse, voronoi polygons with delaunay triangulation, integral method, and developed one, the concave hull algorithm was considered and compared in this study. Three different types of no-till seeders equipped with hoe (NS1), single disc (NS2) and winged hoe (NS3) type openers were used and operated at three different tractor forward speeds (0.75 m s-1, 1.25 m s-1 and 2.25 m s-1). According to the results obtained from the study, it was found that the newly developed seed distribution evaluation procedure, concave hull, provided the smaller area values of the distributed seeds as compared to others. The infuences of seeders were tested and it was found that the no-till seeder which has disc type furrow opener spread the seeds into larger areas. However, maximum variations of sowing depth values were observed at the no-till seeder with single disc furrow opener. Increasing tractor forward speeds resulted in an increased variation of sowing depth

    Apple Cultivation and Mechanization Problems of Igdir

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    Production and mechanization properties, encountered problems and solution of these problems of apple agriculture, which has an important place in fruit production in Iğdır, have been investigated in this study. For this purpose, production process, quantity and quality properties of equipment and machinery used and problems encountered have been attempted to determine in the conducted surveys oriented towards the businesses which are occupied in apple production in the province, then solution recommendations related to those problems have been emphasized. In accordance with this purpose, 208 businesses whose greatness range from 0.05 ha to 10 ha have been evaluated. It has been observed that 60.5 percent of the businesses own tractors, tractors composing this rate have Fiat, Massey Ferguson and New Holland marks when the results are to be appraised. It has been appointed that the businesses have decided considering only advices without researching deeply and have preferred effort oriented production instead of taking advantage of mechanization during production. The greatest problems while raising period have been observed to encounter during pruning, disinfestation and irrigation. To enhance productivity per unit area overall the province, it has been concluded that the producers ought to be passed through essential education program and optimally utilize the agricultural mechanization instead of labor-intensive production

    Design of Corn Storage Structure and Ventilation System for Igdır Province

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    Hasatı yapılan mısır optimum koşullarda depolanmadığı durumlarda üründeki kalite kayıpları artmaktadır. Bu nedenle mısır depolamasında, hasat sonrası besin içeriğinin korunarak, depolama süresince kalitesinin bozulmadan muhafaza edilebilmesi tekniğine uygun tasarlanmış depolama yapıları ile mümkündür. Iğdır ilinde artan mısır üretimine karşılık, yeterli depolama yapılarının bulunmaması nedeniyle modern ve büyük depolara olan önem artmıştır. Duvar kalınlığının belirlenmesinde, alçak depo tasarım kriterlerine göre yanal proje basınç hesabı yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamında Iğdır ilinde yetiştirilen mısırın kalitesini uzun süre muhafaza edebilmesi amacıyla betonarme yatay bir depolama yapısının tasarım kriterleri örnek bir proje ile ortaya konulmuştur. Çalışma sonucunda depo duvar kalınlığı 77 cm ve ürünün havalandırması için 1000 W fan gücü belirlenmiştir.The quality losses in the product increase when corn harvested not stored in optimum conditions. Therefore, conservation of corn without the quality deterioration and conserving the postharvest nutrient content during storage period in storage of corn is possible with storage structures designed with proper techniques. Because there are no adequate storage structures in response to increased corn production in Igdir province the importance of modern and large stores has been increased. The calculation of lateral project pressure according to low store design criteria in determining of the wall thickness has been made. In this study, design criteria of a reinforced concrete horizontal storage structure has been demonstrated with a sample project in order to maintain for a long time the quality of corn grown in Igdir province. As a result, the store wall thickness of 77 cm and 1000 W fan power for ventilation of product was determined