30 research outputs found

    Okul Öncesi Düzeydeki İşitme Özürlülerde Aile Eğitimi

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    Uzun yıllar eğitimcilerin dikkati sadece işitme özürlü çocuklar üzerinde toplanmış, bu çocukların ailelerinin eğitimi üzerinde çok az durulmuştur. Oysa erken yaştaki işitme özürlü çocukların eğitiminde yalnızca çocuklara yönelik programların yeterli ve istenilen sonuçları vermediği, bu çocukları aileleri ile birlikte ele alan eğitim programlarının hazırlanması ve uygulanması gereği ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu gereksinimin sonucu, son yıllarda çeşitli ülkelerin okulöncesi eğitim programlarında artık işitme özürlüler için ailelerinin yönlendirildiği rehabilitasyon programlarının giderek önem kazandığı görülmektedir (Northern, 1980)


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    Background: The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between the quality of life and stress levels of parents of children with ADHD. Methods: The study participants consisted of mothers (n=110) and fathers (n=90) of children with ADHD from the Northern Cyprus (n=200). The “Beach Centre Family Quality of Life Scale” and “Perceived Stress Scale” have been used in this study. In the data analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regressions were all conducted. Results: It has been found out that mothers have higher emotional well-being scores than fathers. The results show that the family interaction, parenting, physical/material well-being, disability-related support and emotional well-being sub-dimensions are predicted with inadequate self-efficacy. It can be expressed that 25% of the variance related to inadequate self-efficacy is explained by family quality of life sub-dimensions. Another result of the study shows that the family interaction, physical/material well-being, parenting, disability-related support and emotional well-being sub-dimensions predicted stress perception together. It can be expressed that 52% of the variance related to stress perception is explained by the family quality of life sub-dimensions. Conclusion: The study concluded that the statistical difference between females and males is only in the scores of emotional well-being, which is a sub-dimension of quality of life.  Article visualizations

    Examining the Effectiveness of Direct Instruction on the Acquisition of Social Skills of Mentally Retarded Students in Regular Classroom Settings

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    The purpose of this study is to reveal whether or not the social skills teaching program based on the direct instruction approach is effective on the ability of mentally retarded students in regular classroom settings to gain social skills such as apologizing, asking for help and finishing a task on time, and to generalize these abilities. This study used the model of multiple-probe design between subjects which takes place in the research methods of single-subject design. The researchers carried out this study with one 12-year-old male student and two female students, ages 12 and 11. To collect study data, this study used the teacher interview form, the social skills checklist, criterion-referenced measurement tools and data record tables. Graphical analyses were used to analyze data. To use target social skills (skills of apologizing, asking for help and finishing a task on time) in education, instructional plans that included acting as a model, guided practice and independent practice steps, which are the basic stages of the direct instruction approach, were prepared. In the social skills program, teaching sessions were held separately and conducted 3 days per week. At the end of the teaching sessions, generalization sessions took place. After this study, it was seen that the social skills teaching program based on the direct instruction approach was effective on the ability of three mentally retarded students to gain the target social skills and to generalize these abilities

    Analiza učinka programa glazbene terapije na vještine izmjenjivanja-dijeljenja i izražavanja osjećaja djece s poremećajem iz spektra autizma

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    This study aimed to reveal the influence of a music therapy program on the development of abilities to take turn-share and express feelings of an eight-year-old child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This research was designed using mixed research methods, and carried out in a state school which had a source class, in 2016-2017 academic year. The music therapy program was developed by the researcher and applied to the participant in individual format. The participant was involved in 70 individual music therapy sessions held in the previously prepared room and 19 lessons in the subject’s classroom observed by the researcher, i.e. lesson observations. Music therapy sessions and lesson observations were quantitatively analyzed with the use of Oldfield’s Video Analysis Method. The results of the analysis revealed that the participant’s social skills of taking turn-sharing and expressing feelings improved both in music therapy and in lesson observations. The results of the research were discussed alongside the related literature.Cilj je ove studije ispitati utjecaj glazbene terapije na razvoj sposobnosti izmjenjivanja-dijeljenja i izražavanja osjećaja osmogodišnjega djeteta s poremećajem iz spektra autizma (ASD). Dizajn istraživanja koristi miješanu istraživačku metodu. Studija je provedena u državnoj školi koja ima ciljani razred, školske godine 2016./2017. Istraživačica je kreirala program glazbene terapije i primijenila ga u radu s ispitanikom u individualnom obliku. Ispitanik je sudjelovao u 70 individualnih sati glazbene terapije održanih u unaprijed pripremljenoj prostoriji i 19 nastavnih sati održanih u njegovoj učionici, tj. opservacija nastave. Sati glazbene terapije i opservacije nastave kvantitativno su obrađeni upotrebom Oldfield metode videoanalize. Rezultati analize pokazuju da su se socijalne vještine ispitanika izmjenjivanja-dijeljenja i izražavanja osjećaja poboljšale u objema istraživanjima: glazbenoj terapiji i opservacijama nastave. U radu se raspravlja o rezultatima istraživanja u kontekstu relevantne literature

    Bir Öğretim Yapan Bir Gözlemci Modelinin Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Etkili Öğretim Becerilerine Etkisi

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate effectiveness of one teach one observe model, one of co-teachingapproaches, on planning of teaching, implementation and evaluation skills of inclusive classroom teachers. Three teachers whoare experienced at least for five years, work in primary schools in Ankara, Turkey participated in the study conducted usingBetween-Subjects Multiple Surveys Design, one of the single-subject experimental designs. The data were recorded by determiningthe number of effective teaching behaviors of subjects and marking related scoring part on the Checklist for Effective TeachingSkills, analyzed visually and shown as graphics. It’s been indicated that One teach one observe model’s effective in improvingeffective teaching skills of inclusive classroom teachers, and the subjects maintain post-teaching learning outcomes related toplanning of the teaching, implementation, and evaluation for the Turkish class 3 weeks and 10 days after the study wascompleted. It’s been observed that the co-teaching approach contributes to inclusive classroom teachers for making educationalregulations, preparing lesson plans using different methods and techniquesBu araştırmanın amacı, birlikte öğretim yaklaşımlarından bir öğretim yapan bir gözlemci modelinin kaynaştırma ortamlarındaki sınıf öğretmenlerinin etkili öğretim becerilerinden; öğretimi planlama, uygulama, değerlendirme becerilerindeki etkililiğinin incelenmesidir. Tek denekli deneysel desenlerden Denekler Arası Çoklu Yoklama Deseni kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen araştırmaya, Türkiye’de Ankara İlindeki ilkokullarda, kaynaştırma ortamlarında görev yapan, en az beş yıllık sınıf öğretmenliği deneyimine sahip üç öğretmen katılmıştır. Veriler deneklerin gerçekleştirdikleri etkili öğretim davranış sayısı belirlenip, Etkili Öğretim Becerileri Kontrol Listesindeki puanlama bölümüne işaret koyularak kayıt edilmiş, görsel olarak analiz edilmiş, grafik olarak gösterilmiştir. Bir öğretim yapan bir gözlemci modelinin, kaynaştırma ortamlarında görev yapan sınıf öğretmenlerinin etkili öğretim becerilerinin gelişiminin desteklenmesinde etkili olduğu, Türkçe dersi için birlikte öğretim yaklaşımına dayalı uygulama sürecindeki öğretimi planlama, uygulama, değerlendirme becerilerine yönelik öğretim sonu kazanımlarını, çalışma tamamlandıktan 3 hafta ve 10 gün sonra da sürdürdükleri belirlenmiştir. Birlikte öğretim uygulamalarının öğretimsel düzenleme yapma, farklı öğretim yöntem ve teknikleri kullanarak ders planı hazırlama açısından öğretmenlere katkı sağladığı gözlenmiştir

    A content and citation analysis of the studies on learning environments and special education

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    This study aims to review the studies on learning environments and special education and determine the trends in these studies. Content and citation analysis were used which is a qualitative research method. Data of the study were collected from Scopus with ‘learning environment’ and ‘special education’ keywords 180 documents were collected. For the analysis of the published documents, previously determined content analysis criteria were used and citation analysis of the published documents were carried out, in order to reveal the frequently cited documents. Documents were examined based on year of publication, name of the journals, authors, affiliations, countries, document type, subject area, keywords, language and citations. Data were presented and interpreted with tables and figures. Results were presented in detail with reference to the previous literature