36 research outputs found

    Multi-agent method - innovative algorithms of steering the production

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    Przedmiotem referatu jest metoda wieloagentowa w zastosowaniu do sterowania produkcj膮. W pierwszej cz臋艣ci podano og贸ln膮 charakterystyk臋 艣rodowiska systemu sterowania bazuj膮cego na metodzie wieloagentowej oraz definicj臋 agenta. W drugiej cz臋艣ci przedstawione zosta艂y algorytmy wykonawcze, obrazuj膮ce dzia艂anie poszczeg贸lnych agent贸w: systemowego, wykonawczego i koordynuj膮cego. Zaprojektowane algorytmy b臋d膮 zastosowane do sterowania miniaturowym elastycznym systemem wytwarzania znajduj膮cym si臋 w Zachodniopomorskim Uniwersytecie Technologicznym w Szczecinie.The object of the first part of the report is a characteristic of the work environment of the system based on multi-agent control method and the agent definition. Second part contains executive algorithms, including following particular group of agents: system, executive, coordinative. Designed algorithms are used as controlling methods in Miniature Flexible Production System based in The West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin

    Adsorption of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS) onto silica gel from aqueous solutions

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    Zbadano przebieg procesu adsorpcji anionowej substancji powierzchniowo czynnej SDBS (dodecylobenzenosulfonianu sodu) na drobnoziarnistym (0,2梅0,5 mm, Merck) oraz gruboziarnistym 偶elu krzemionkowym (2梅5 mm, Chempur) w uk艂adach nieprzep艂ywowym (test naczyniowy) i przep艂ywowym (reaktor rurowy). Okre艣lono kinetyk臋 procesu adsorpcji oraz wp艂yw ilo艣ci 偶elu krzemionkowego i st臋偶enia SDBS na warto艣膰 adsorpcji. Wykazano, 偶e adsorpcja SDBS w uk艂adzie nieprzep艂ywowym na gruboziarnistym 偶elu krzemionkowym by艂a zdecydowanie mniejsza ni偶 w uk艂adzie przep艂ywowym. Wyniki adsorpcji SDBS na drobnoziarnistym 偶elu krzemionkowym por贸wnano z danymi literaturowymi analizuj膮c nadmiarowe izotermy adsorpcji z roztwor贸w dwusk艂adnikowych.Adsorption of the anionic surfactant SDBS (sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate) onto fine-grained (0.2-0.5 mm, Merck) and coarse-grained (2-5 mm, Chempur) silica gels was investigated under static (jar test) and dynamic (pipe reactor) conditions. The kinetics of the adsorption process was established, and the influence of both silica gel mass and SDBS concentration on the extent of adsorption was analyzed. SDBS adsorption onto 2-5 mm silica gel granules was found to be noticeably lower when conducted under static than under dynamic conditions. The results of SDBS adsorption onto 0.2-0.5 mm silica gel granules were compared with relevant literature data by analyzing excess isotherms of adsorption from two-component solutions

    Photoreduction of carbon dioxide with hydrogen using temperature programmed method

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    The photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide with hydrogen was studied by Temperature-Programmed Surface Reaction (TPSR). This process was carried out in a flow reactor that was especially designed and constructed for this purpose. Titanium dioxide (TiO2, Degussa P-25) was used as supports for platinum, ruthenium and nickel catalysts. The experimental results indicated that the activity of photoreduction of CO2 changes as follows: Ru/TiO2> Ni/TiO2>= Pt/TiO2> TiO2

    Photoreduction of carbon dioxide with hydrogen using temperature programmed method

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    The photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide with hydrogen was studied by Temperature-Programmed Surface Reaction (TPSR). This process was carried out in a flow reactor that was especially designed and constructed for this purpose. Titanium dioxide (TiO2, Degussa P-25) was used as supports for platinum, ruthenium and nickel catalysts. The experimental results indicated that the activity of photoreduction of CO2 changes as follows: Ru/TiO2> Ni/TiO2>= Pt/TiO2> TiO2

    ToF-SIMS studies of the surface of Pd/ZrO2-TiO2 catalyst used in the hydrodechlorination process

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    Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) was used in order to obtain the information about the surface composition of Pd/ZrO2-TiO2 catalyst and to estimate the changes in the concentration of particular components on its surface during the hydrodechlorination of CCl4. The results demonstrated that the hydrodechlorination process led to the increase in the concentration of chlorine and the drop in the amount of surface accessible palladium, while the quantity of Pd-Cl bounds did not change considerably. It suggested that the presence of ZrO2 protected the surface of the studied catalyst against the formation of PdCI2

    Characteristic of physicochemical properties of Pd/MgO catalysts used in the hydrodechlorination process with CCl4

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the physicochemical properties of palladium catalyst containing basic support MgO which was used in hydrodechlorination reaction with carbon tetrachloride. In order to characterize the investigated sample the catalyst was put to tests of XRD, TOF - SIMS, TG-DTA-MS and TPR(H2), measurements, activity tests were also performed. The XRD and TPR results demonstrated the presence of PdOxCly species whose decomposition takes place above 700掳C. The calcination of the Pd/MgO catalyst at 700掳C resulted in the transformation of PdOxCly to PdO

    Performance Evaluation of Signaling in the IP QoS System

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    The IP QoS System is based on next generation networks (NGN) and differentiated services (DiffServ) architectures. Its main part is a signaling system, which allows to send a request from a user to the system for establishing new connection with predefined quality of service assurance. In this paper we present trial results of the proposed signalling system. The experiments were performed to measure setup delay utilizing artificial call generator/analyzer. To obtain results we assumed different distributions of interarrival and call holding times based on the literature. The results show that the setup delay strongly depends on access time to network devices, however also on the assumed call holding time models