4,590 research outputs found

    The axiomatic approach to three values in games with coalition structure

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    We study three values for transferable utility games with coalition structure, including the Owen coalitional value and two weighted versions with weights given by the size of the coalitions. We provide three axiomatic characterizations using the properties of Efficiency, Linearity, Independence of Null Coalitions, and Coordination, with two versions of Balanced Contributions inside a Coalition and Weighted Sharing in Unanimity Games, respectively.coalition structure; coalitional value

    The residual effect of cyclophosphamide is not required to evoke the conditioned immune response

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    El objetivo es comprobar si el efecto residual inmunodepresor de la ciclofosfamida contribuye a la evocación de la respuesta de anticuerpos condicionada. Se condicionaron ratones no consanguíneos, machos, con el estímulo condicionado sacarina al 0,15% y con el estímulo incondicionado ciclofosfamida, a 50 y 250 mg/kg. A los 4 días del condicionamiento con 50 mg/kg de ciclofosfamida, o a los 14 días del condicionamiento con 250 mg/kg de ciclofosfamida, los ratones se inmunizaron con glóbulos rojos de rata y, a continuación, bebieron la disolución de sacarina. Se comprobó que i) la dosis más baja de ciclofosfamida no generó efecto residual, mientras que la dosis más alta si, y ii) en ningún caso, la presentación de sacarina disminuyó la respuesta de anticuerpos anti-glóbulos rojos de rata. Se concluye que no se produjo condicionamiento de la respuesta de anticuerpos, tanto si el efecto residual de la ciclofosfamida está presente, como si está ausente.The goal is to find out if the residual immunodepressant effect of cyclophosphamide is necessary for the conditioned antibody response to take place. Random-bred male mice were conditioned with a 0.15% saccharin solution as the conditioned stimulus, and with the immunosuppressant drug cyclophosphamide, at 50 and 250 mg/kg, as the unconditioned stimulus. Four days after conditioning with 50 mg/kg of cyclophosphamide, or 14 days after conditioning with 250 mg/kg thereof, mice were immunized with rat erythrocytes and thereafter drank a saccharin solution. The results were: (i) the higher dose of cyclophosphamide left a residual effect, whereas the lower dose did not, and (ii) presentation of a saccharin solution did not impair the antibody response to rat erythrocytes in any case. It was concluded that, regardless of the residual effect of cyclophosphamide, conditioning of the antibody response did not occur

    Does open-field exposure during infancy influence open-field behavior of the same adult mice?

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    The goal of this report is to find out whether early exposure of mice to the open-field results in altered behavior of the same adult mice in the same open-field. Early exposure to the open-field was carried out between birth and weaning; two control groups were included: control 2 (mice exposed to a reduced dark space) and control 1 (mice left undisturbed). The (male and female) mice were of the Balb/c and C57Bl/6 strains. Adult C57Bl/6 female mice of the openfield and control 2 groups ambulated to the same extent in the periphery of the open-field, and mice of both groups ambulated more than mice of the control 1 group; no consistent difference between the three groups was noticed on defecation, or ambulation in the center of the field. No effects of early exposure to the open-field were observed in mice of the Balb/c strain. The effect of early exposure to the open-field, or to a dark space, on adult behavior depends on the murine strain, on sex, and on the behavior measured

    Open field modifications needed to measure, in the mouse, exploration- driven ambulation and fear of open space.

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    The open field test is used to assess ambulation and anxiety; one way to assess anxiety is to compare ambulation in the center with ambulation in the periphery: the more anxious is the mouse, the less it moves in the center. The results of this report cast doubts on the generality of that rule, because they show that ambulation, both in the center and in the periphery, depends on the mouse strain and on the size of the open field; specifically, in a brightly lit open-field of moderate size (38 x 31 x 25 cm), ambulation in the center reflects anxiety in Balb/c mice, but not in C57Bl/6 mice. Yet, a large open-field (100 x 100 x 30 cm), receiving approximately the same amount of light as in the mouse room, allows assessment of anxiety and exploration-driven ambulation in both strains of mice. To do that, the author of this report proposes (i) to express ambulation in normalized scores (i.e., ambulation per surface unit) to verify that ambulation in the periphery is higher than ambulation in the center, (ii) to use an open field sufficiently large so that mice of any strain ambulate more in the periphery than in the center, and (iii) to measure ambulation in concentric strips of the open field and plot ambulation against the distance of the strips from the wall: it is proposed that the intercept of the line reflects explorationdriven ambulation whereas the slope reflects fear of leaving the wall

    Individual differences in the antibody response of inbred C57Bl/6J mice and their relation to individual differences in open-field behavior

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    Los ratones de la cepa consanguínea C57Bl/6J mostraron mucha variabilidad en la respuesta de anticuerpos de clase IgG contra la seroalbúmina bovina agregada por el calor. Un análisis de conglomerados, que utilizó como distancia 1-coeficiente de correlación, reveló dos grupos de ratones: aquellos que produjeron una respuesta secundaria aumentada de anticuerpos, y aquellos que no la produjeron. Otro análisis de conglomerados aplicado a cada grupo anterior, y utilizando como distancia la diferencia en la concentración de anticuerpos, reveló grupos pequeños de ratones, o ratones individuales, con concentración diferente de anticuerpos antiseroalbúmina. La concentración de anticuerpos no estaba asociada con estas conductas en el campo abierto: deambulación, incorporación, aseo, o defecación, pero deambulación e incorporación estaban positivamente correlacionadas

    Diseño de barrio mediante estrategias participativas: vivienda de interés social en Los Guido de Desamparados, Costa Rica

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    The third component, or intangible variation, is relatively consistent along time in mice of the C57Bl/6J strain

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    C57Bl/6J mice displayed considerable inter-mice variation in some behaviors in the open-field and the elevated plus-maze (coefficients of variation from 30% to 200%). Those individual differences were not entirely random, because four successive measurements of each behavior were positively correlated. Application of the aggregation principle revealed that (i) in males and females, odd-even correlation coefficients for ambulation (in the open-fieldand in the plus-maze) were of the order of 0.60, (ii) the odd-even correlation coefficient for defecation in the open-field was 0.74 for males and 0.23 forfemales (not significant), (iii) the odd-even correlation coefficient for the antibody response (to immunization with aggregated bovine serum albumin) was 0.43 for males and 0.60 for females. In males, but not in females, these variables were intercorrelated: ambulation in the open-field, ambulation in the enclosed arm of the plus-maze, and defecation in the open-field; the antibody response was uncorrelated with behaviors

    Consistent individual differences in some behaviors in mice of the C57Bl/6J inbred strain

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    Mice of the inbred C57Bl/6J strain displayed considerable inter-mice variation in ambulation, rearing, grooming, and defecation in the open-field (coefficients of variation from 30% to 150%). Those differences were not random, because six measurements of the same behavior, taken along six months, were correlated (Kendall coefficients of concordance were in the range 0.37---0.59 and statistically significant); yet, the mice displayed different behavioral profiles along the six measurements (i.e. uniqueness occurred within some order). Of all the behaviors measured, only ambulation and rearing were correlated; i.e., they may constitute a behavioral syndrome

    Structure dependence, English Grammar and Universal Grammar

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Inglesas. Curso 2016-2017The aim of this work is twofold: (i) to present a thorough revision of structure dependence in relation to English Grammar from the point of view of linguistic innateness hypothesis, and (ii) to offer relevant criticism of such a theory, with the intention of providing a constructive and critical evaluation of the methodology and claims of linguistic innateness hypothesis. For this purpose, they were consulted numerous works from a wide array of authors, each of them notorious in their corresponding field of inquiry. Out of the many scholars whose works I have referred to, Noam Chomsky is to be highlighted, as he is the main theoretical defender of linguistic innateness theoryO obxectivo deste traballo é dobre: ​​(i) presentar unha revisión exhaustiva da dependencia da estrutura en relación coa gramática inglesa desde o punto de vista da hipótese do innato na lingüística, e (ii) ofrecer unha crítica relevante sobre tal teoría, coa intención de proporcionar unha avaliación constructiva e crítica da metodoloxía e as reivindicacións da hipótese do innato na lingüística. Para este propósito, foron consultados numerosos traballos procedentes dunha ampla gama de autores, cada un deles notorio no seu campo de investigación correspondente. Dende os moitos estudiosos cuxos traballos mencionei, Noam Chomsky é destacado, xa que é o principal defensor teórico da teoría do innato na lingüístic

    Study of the Influence of Helical Milling Parameters on the Quality of Holes in the UNS R56400 Alloy

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    Helical milling has been positioned as an alternative to conventional drilling, where the advantages it offers make it very attractive for use on difficult-to-machine alloys such as the titanium alloy UNS R56400. However, the correlation between the indicator of hole quality and the kinematic parameters has rarely been studied. The kinematics are what bring most advantages and that is why it is necessary to know their influence. In this aspect, there are different focuses of problems associated with the complexity of the process kinematics, which makes it necessary to undertake a deeper analysis of the process and to carry out a preliminary study. To address this problem, a DOE (Design of Experiments) is proposed to identify the sensitivity and the main trends of the properties that define the quality holes with respect to the kinematic parameters. At the same time, a nomenclature is proposed to unify and avoid misinterpretations. This study has allowed us to obtain conclusive results that offer very relevant information for future researc