1,768 research outputs found

    Tourist mature destinations as complex spaces: notes about the elaboration process of an atlas of Costa del Sol

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    This text wants to convey the experience of the process of developing a contemporary tourist atlas. The following will describe the regulations that affect the standardization of cartographic sources in nature, the process of liberation and free acquisition in Europe. On the other hand, describes the treatment processes and spatial information obtained indirectly, and the problems attached. All these spatial databases are treated or processed reinterpreted using GIS software. The study area analyzed is the region of the Costa del Sol, located in the province of Malaga in southern Spain.Peer Reviewe

    Tourist mature destinations as complex spaces: notes about the elaboration process of an atlas of Costa del Sol

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    This text wants to convey the experience of the process of developing a contemporary tourist atlas. The following will describe the regulations that affect the standardization of cartographic sources in nature, the process of liberation and free acquisition in Europe. On the other hand, describes the treatment processes and spatial information obtained indirectly, and the problems attached. All these spatial databases are treated or processed reinterpreted using GIS software. The study area analyzed is the region of the Costa del Sol, located in the province of Malaga in southern Spain.Peer Reviewe

    Necesidades logísticas del despliegue del BIMT "Zamora" I/29 para cumplimentar las misiones como Batallón VJTF.

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    En la elaboración de este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo la determinación de las necesidades logísticas del BIMT “Zamora” I/29 para cumplimentar las misiones como Batallón VJTF. Partiendo de diversas entrevistas realizadas a un panel de expertos, publicaciones del Ejército español y adaptándose a las necesidades actuales, se fijaron los criterios para la elaboración de las plantillas de personal y material necesario, así como los procedimientos para su cobertura. Seguidamente, con la finalidad de dotar a la memoria de un caso práctico ante una activación real, se ha tomado como base el despliegue que realizará la Brigada VJTF 2021 en Rumanía, con motivo del Ejercicio de Alerta Steadfast Defender 21. Por consiguiente, se llevó a cabo la distribución de los materiales necesarios en los medios disponibles en el Ejército para su proyección a Rumanía. Analizando también, diversos aspectos derivados de dicho dicho despliegue. Por último se presentan una serie de conclusiones extraídas durante la elaboración de la memoria. <br /

    Preliminary Approach for UAV-Based Multi-Sensor Platforms for Reconnaissance and Surveillance applications

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    Context: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with remote sensing platforms have become increasingly popular due to their applications in aerial surveillance, environmental control, and disaster response. However, the limited flight range and on-board energy resources of UAVs pose significant challenges to their practical deployment and operating efficiency, which has led to the exploration of energy-efficient platforms for remote sensing. Method: This paper proposes a preliminary approach for UAV multi-sensor reconnaissance and surveillance platforms (MRSS) that target low energy consumption. The approach implemented four sensor modules controlled by one multi-functional integrated edge computer for control and data collection, which can be interchanged according to battery lifetime requirements. Results: The main contribution of this work was an analysis of the energy consumption behavior of sensor modules managed by an embedded system with edge computing capabilities as the central control unit. Conclusions: The high energy consumption associated with modules such as GEOINT leads to deep discharge in excess of 20 % DOD, resulting in a maximum battery degradation of 2,4 years

    La observación de mariposas: una estrategia para promover la ciencia ciudadana en el Magdalena Medio, Alto y Oriente de Caldas

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    In Colombia, citizen science has gained strength in recent years as a strategy to involve communities in participatory research processes, which has allowed the generation of knowledge and sensitivity to various socio-environmental processes that significantly affect ecosystems and the species that inhabit them. they. This work seeks to involve the communities settled in Magdalena Medio, Alto and Oriente de Caldas, in a citizen science exercise called "I sighting of daytime butterflies of Magdalena Medio and Oriente de Caldas", so that in the near future, be part of a process of social appropriation and lasting knowledge over time. The research approach was qualitative and initially, the public and private entities of the educational and environmental sector of this region of the country were identified and convened, and then their attendance at the various phases of the project (registration, training and investigative exercise) was confirmed. The participation of 105 people belonging to four departments and nine municipalities was achieved; In addition, 80 species of diurnal butterflies were recorded in urban habitats, highlighting the report of Parides eurimedes (Papilionidae), an endemic species from Colombia. The research allowed expanding entomological knowledge with innovative strategies and promoting a general interest in the participants, who were willing to turn this participatory exercise into a lasting action over time. This research is expected to be an incentive to promote citizen science and participatory research, as well as an advance in the recognition and conservation of butterflies in urban green ecosystems of the Magdalena River basin.En Colombia, la ciencia ciudadana ha tomado fuerza en los últimos años como una estrategia para involucrar a las comunidades en procesos de investigación participativa, lo que ha permitido generar conocimiento y sensibilidad ante diversos procesos socioambientales que afectan significativamente los ecosistemas y las especies que habitan en ellos. Este trabajo busca involucrar a las comunidades asentadas en el Magdalena Medio, Alto y Oriente de Caldas, en un ejercicio de ciencia ciudadana denominado “I avistamiento de mariposas diurnas del Magdalena Medio y Oriente de Caldas”, de manera que pueda en un futuro cercano, ser parte de un proceso de apropiación social y del conocimiento perdurable en el tiempo. El enfoque de investigación fue cualitativo e inicialmente, se identificaron y convocaron las entidades públicas y privadas del sector educativo y ambiental de esta región del país, y luego se confirmó su asistencia a las diversas fases del proyecto (inscripción, capacitación y ejercicio investigativo). Se logró la participación de 105 personas pertenecientes a cuatro departamentos y nueve municipios; además, se registraron 80 especies de mariposas diurnas en hábitats urbanos, destacándose el reporte de Parides eurimedes (Papilionidae), una especie endémica de Colombia. La investigación, permitió ampliar los conocimientos entomológicos con estrategias innovadoras y promover un interés general en los participantes, los cuales estuvieron dispuestos a convertir este ejercicio participativo en una acción perdurable en el tiempo. Se espera que la presente investigación sea un aliciente para promover la ciencia ciudadana y la investigación participativa, así como un avance en el reconocimiento y conservación de las mariposas en ecosistemas verdes urbanos de la cuenca del río Magdalena

    Metastatic pheochromocytoma to liver without elevation of metanephrines and catecholamines

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    AbstractIntroductionMalignant pheochromocytoma represents 10% of all patients with pheochromocytoma. Of these cases, only 5–9% presents without elevation of metanephrines and catecholamines.Presentation of caseA 43-year-old female patient presented with an abdominal tumor. An exploratory laparotomy was performed and the final report was a pheochromocytoma. After ten years, multiple liver lesions were detected and surgical treatment was performed. Pathological evaluation revealed a malignant pheochromocytoma with negative margins after 5 years of follow-up without evidence of disease.DiscussionThe recurrence rate of malignant pheochromocytoma is 15–20% at ten years and a 5-year survival rate that ranges from 50% to 80%. The presence of synchronous metastases is rare (10–27%), but have been reported until 20 years later with the most common metastatic sites being the local lymph nodes, bone (50%), liver (50%) and lung (30%). The prognostic factor such as size >6cm, age over 45 years, synchronous metastasis and no tumor excision are related with poor prognosis.ConclusionSurgical treatment offers the best survival rate and the only chance of cure so far and the goal is an R0 resection as in our case. So it should be the treatment of choice

    Utilización de los Índices de Calidad (ICA’s) para la evaluación del agua del arroyo Río Puerta Grande en la Cd. de México en el estiaje

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    Un ICA es útil para evaluar un agua, integra parámetros físicos, fisicoquímicos y biológicos combinándolos matemáticamente, describe el grado de contaminación de un agua y su condición global. Puede utilizarse para asesorar a autoridades gubernamentales y sociedad civil sobre estrategias para conservar o solucionar el problema ambiental de un agua. El objetivo de este trabajo fue la evaluación de la calidad del agua del arroyo Río Puerta Grande situado en la Barranca Tarango, CDMX, declarada Área de Valor Ambiental, donde el arroyo presenta deterioro en su calidad por las descargas residuales. Se utilizaron para la evaluación tres ICAS: WQF de la NSF, y los ICA'S de León y Montoya, et.al. La conclusión fue que en el estiaje del 2020 su situación fue crítica ya que el agua está muy mala o muy contaminada, según León y Montoya, et.al., que al tener más parámetros coincidieron en el resultado, mejor que la NSF con menos parámetros, se recomienda tener cuidado al seleccionar el ICA al evaluar un agua.An ICA is useful to evaluate a water, it integrates physical, physicochemical and biological parameters combining them mathematically, it describes the degree of contamination of a water and its global condition. It can be used to advise government authorities and civil society on strategies to conserve or solve the environmental problem of water. The objective of this work was the evaluation of the water quality of the Río Puerta Grande stream located in the Barranca Tarango, CDMX, declared an Area of Environmental Value, where the stream presents deterioration in its quality due to residual discharges. Three ICAs were used for the evaluation: WQF of the NSF, and the ICA'S of León and Montoya, et.al. The conclusion was that in the 2020 dry season their situation was critical since the water is very bad or highly contaminated, according to León and Montoya, et.al., who, having more parameters, agreed on the result, better than the NSF with less. parameters, it is recommended to be careful when selecting the ICA when evaluating a water

    Determinación de los coeficientes de partición de los iones Ca²⁺, Fe³⁺, Cu²⁺ y Pb²⁺ del arroyo Río Puerta Grande

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    El arroyo Río Puerta Grande corre en una cañada en la microcuenca Tarango de la CDMX, dentro de un Área de Valor Ambiental, recibe descargas residuales de tipo urbano. La contaminación de este arroyo es preocupación de grupos como: gobierno, empresas y sociedad civil, por lo que buscan su recuperación. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los resultados de los iones Ca²⁺, Fe³⁺, Cu²⁺ y Pb²⁺ en la fase disuelta y en la particulada, con el fin de determinar sus coeficientes de partición (µ), que están a su vez relacionados con el oxígeno disuelto, la DBO, la DQO y principalmente con los sólidos en suspensión, la mayor parte de los iones resultó sorbida a estos sólidos, donde la MO es el principal sorbente. Cobre y plomo resultaron con coeficientes de partición altos. Por la oxigenación el hierro se presenta como Fe³⁺, forma coloide y contribuye como una superficie de sorción.The Río Puerta Grande stream runs in a ravine in the Tarango micro-basin of CDMX, within an Area of Environmental Value, receives urban-type residual discharges. The contamination of this stream is the concern of groups such as: government, companies and civil society, which is why they seek its recovery. The objective of this work is to present the results of the Ca²⁺, Fe³⁺, Cu²⁺ y Pb²⁺ ions in the dissolved phase and in the particulate, in order to determine their partition coefficients (µ), which are related to oxygen. dissolved, the BOD, the COD and mainly with the suspended solids, most of the ions were absorbed to these solids, where the OM is the main sorbent. Copper and lead resulted with high partition coefficients. Due to oxygenation, iron appears as Fe³⁺, forms colloid and contributes as a sorption surface