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    ABSTRACT Context A pancreatic pseudocyst is defined as a collection of pancreatic juice enclosed by a wall of fibrous or granulation tissue which is not lined by epithelium. Acute pseudocysts occur in acute pancreatitis but can be found after an acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatic pseudocysts are typically found in chronic pancreatitis but may develop after an occurrence of acute pancreatitis as well. Most acute fluid collections and pseudocysts will show spontaneous resolution while the remaining may persist with or without symptoms, or progress to produce complications. Treatment is indicated for persistent, symptomatic pseudocysts and, in the case of complications. There is no clear consensus regarding the optimal clinical or radiologic follow-up after treatment. Detection of late recurrence is not common, and the possibility of a cystic neoplasm must be ruled out. Case report We report the case of a 67-year-old female patient who was referred to our institution as the result of a pancreatic pseudocyst. The patient had presented a pancreatic pseudocyst 9 years earlier which had been surgically treated by a cystogastrostomy. No additional acute pancreatic episodes occurred. The diagnostic and treatment approach of this unusual late recurrent pancreatic pseudocyst is herein described. Conclusion The unusual late presentation of a recurrent pancreatic pseudocyst requires clinical, laboratory and radiological evaluation. In the present case, the clinical background, amylase fluid levels and tomographic findings were highly suggestive of a pancreatic pseudocyst

    Recurrent Pancreatic Pseudocyst Diagnosed 9 Years After Initial Surgical Drainage

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    Context A pancreatic pseudocyst is defined as a collection of pancreatic juice enclosed by a wall of fibrous or granulation tissue which is not lined by epithelium. Acute pseudocysts occur in acute pancreatitis but can be found after an acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatic pseudocysts are typically found in chronic pancreatitis but may develop after an occurrence of acute pancreatitis as well. Most acute fluid collections and pseudocysts will show spontaneous resolution while the remaining may persist with or without symptoms, or progress to produce complications. Treatment is indicated for persistent, symptomatic pseudocysts and, in the case of complications. There is no clear consensus regarding the optimal clinical or radiologic follow-up after treatment. Detection of late recurrence is not common, and the possibility of a cystic neoplasm must be ruled out. Case report We report the case of a 67-year-old female patient who was referred to our institution as the result of a pancreatic pseudocyst. The patient had presented a pancreatic pseudocyst 9 years earlier which had been surgically treated by a cystogastrostomy. No additional acute pancreatic episodes occurred. The diagnostic and treatment approach of this unusual late recurrent pancreatic pseudocyst is herein described. Conclusion The unusual late presentation of a recurrent pancreatic pseudocyst requires clinical, laboratory and radiological evaluation. In the present case, the clinical background, amylase fluid levels and tomographic findings were highly suggestive of a pancreatic pseudocyst.Image: A well-circumscribed unilocular pancreatic pseudocyst

    Dispositivos de control físicos para la interacción con contenidos virtuales para neurorrehabilitación funcional de la extremidad superior

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    La utilización de entornos y contenidos virtuales interactivos de rehabilitación han adquirido un gran interés en el área de neurorrehabilitación. El objetivo del presente trabajo es diseñar y desarrollar dispositivos de control específicos para la interacción con contenidos virtuales de rehabilitación de pacientes con Daño Cerebral Adquirido. Los dispositivos desarrollados en este trabajo han sido diseñados expresamente para servir de mecanismo de interacción en 2 contenidos virtuales de neurorrehabilitación basados en actividades de terapia ocupacional utilizadas en hospital Institut Guttmann

    Pictavia Aurea

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    Este volumen, titulado Pictavia aurea, reúne 131 estudios que constituyen una granada muestra de los debates y las presentaciones en torno a la cultura hispánica del Siglo de Oro que entre los días 11 y 15 de julio de 2011 se dieron en la ciudad de Poitiers (Francia) en el marco del IX congreso de la Asociación Internacional “Siglo de Oro”. Auspiciada por la Universidad de Poitiers, a través del Centro de Estudios de la Literatura española de Entre Siglos (siglos xvii-xviii) (CELES XVII-XVIII) y el laboratorio «Formes et Représentations en Linguistique et Littérature» (FoReLL), la convocatoria reunió en la ciudad francesa a 276 participantes y a un centenar de asistentes en la novena edición del Congreso de la Asociación, que celebró entonces la efeméride del 450o aniversario del nacimiento de Luis de Góngora.A Isaías Lerner, maestro de la filología hispánic