44 research outputs found

    Volatile organic compounds in aquatic ecosystems – Detection, origin, significance and applications

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) include a broad range of compounds. Their production influences a large number of processes, having direct and secondary effects on different fields, such as climate change, economy and ecology. Although our planet is primarily covered with water (~70% of the globe surface), the information on aquatic VOCs, compared to the data available for the terrestrial environments, is still limited. Regardless of the difficulty in collecting and analysing data, because of their extreme complexity, diversification and important spatial-temporal emission variation, it was demonstrated that aquatic organisms are able to produce a variety of bioactive compounds. This production happens in response to abiotic and biotic stresses, evidencing the fundamental role of these metabolites, both in terms of composition and amount, in providing important ecological information and possible non-invasive tools to monitor different biological systems. The study of these compounds is an important and productive task with possible and interesting impacts in future practical applications in different fields. This review aims to summarize the knowledge on the aquatic VOCs, the recent advances in understanding their diverse roles and ecological impacts, the generally used methodology for their sampling and analysis, and their enormous potential as non-invasive, non-destructive and financeable affordable real-time biomonitoring tool, both in natural habitats and in controlled industrial situations. Finally, the possible future technical applications, highlighting their economic and social potential, such as the possibility to use VOCs as valuable alternative source of chemicals and as biocontrol and bioregulation agents, are emphasized.This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors

    Reusable plastic crates (RPCs) for fresh produce (case study on cauliflowers): Sustainable packaging but potential salmonella survival and risk of cross-contamination

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    The handling of fresh fruits and vegetables in reusable plastic crates (RPCs) has the potential to increase the sustainability of packaging in the fresh produce supply chain. However, the utilization of multiple-use containers can have consequences related to the microbial safety of this type of food. The present study assessed the potential cross-contamination of fresh cauliflowers with Salmonella enterica via different contact materials (polypropylene from RPCs, corrugated cardboard, and medium-density fiberboard (MDF) from wooden boxes). Additionally, the survival of the pathogenic microorganism was studied in cauliflowers and the contact materials during storage. The life cycle assessment (LCA) approach was used to evaluate the environmental impact of produce handling containers made from the different food-contact materials tested. The results show a higher risk of cross-contamination via polypropylene compared with cardboard and MDF. Another outcome of the study is the potential of Salmonella for surviving both in cross-contaminated produce and in contact materials under supply chain conditions. Regarding environmental sustainability, RPCs have a lower environmental impact than single-use containers (cardboard and wooden boxes). To exploit the potential environmental benefits of RPCs while ensuring food safety, it is necessary to guarantee the hygiene of this type of container.his research was funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (FEDER/MICINN-AEI), project RTI2018- 099139-B-C21. Laura Rasines is grateful for the financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through the “Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctors 2019” Program [PRE2019-090573]

    Development of innovative food with high nutritional value from native legumes

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    [SPA] Las leguminosas contienen una alta concentración de proteínas, una proporción adecuada de hidratos de carbono y un contenido bajo en grasas. Además, son ricas en vitaminas del grupo B, antioxidantes y fibra. Esto las convierte en un alimento valioso en la lucha contra la obesidad y en la prevención y control de enfermedades crónicas tales como la diabetes, la hipercolesterolemia, diferentes cardiopatías y el cáncer. Actualmente, la leguminosa con más presencia en la alimentación humana y animal en Europa es la soja, la cual es mayormente importada. El objetivo de esta Tesis es fomentar el consumo de legumbres de producción autóctona que puedan contribuir a un reemplazo progresivo de la soja mediante el desarrollo de nuevos alimentos de alto valor nutritivo, tanto frescos como procesados, de haba (Vicia faba), guisante (Pisum sativum) y caupí (Vigna unguiculata). Asimismo, puesto que estas especies se están utilizando para la alimentación de ganado caprino, se analizará el efecto que tienen sobre la producción y calidad de la leche. [ENG] Legumes contain a high concentration of protein, an appropriate proportion of carbohydrates and they are low in fats and rich in vitamin B, antioxidants and fiber. This makes them a valuable food in the fight against obesity and in the prevention and control of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, heart disease and various types of cancers. Currently, the legume with more presence in food and feed in Europe is soybean, which is mostly imported. The objective of this Thesis is to promote the consumption of native legumes that can contribute to a gradual replacement of soybean by developing new highly valuable minimally fresh processed and thermally processed food based on faba bean (Vicia faba), pea (Pisum sativum) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). Also, since these species are being used for feeding goats, the effect on the nutritional value of milk will be analyzed.Al Proyecto EUROLEGUME financiado por fondos de la Unión Europea dentro del 7º Programa Marco de Investigación, Desarrollo Tecnológico y Diseminación, acuerdo Nª 613781, por la financiación recibida

    Effect of high pressure homogenization against pasteurization on a nutraceutical product with a high 10-hydroxy-2-trans-decenoic acid content and vitamin C

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    [SPA] La aplicación de altas presiones de homogeneización (APH) en alimentos es reciente, limitada casi exclusivamente a zumos y leches. Hasta ahora, nunca se había utilizado en productos nutracéuticos, donde el mantenimiento de la calidad sensorial, microbiológica y, muy especialmente, funcional durante su periodo de vida útil es primordial para el consumidor. En el presente trabajo se analizó si la aplicación de APH (80 y 120 MPa) podrían ser un tratamiento sustitutivo de la pasteurización (80 ºC, 15 min) de un jarabe funcional rico en jalea real, fuente natural de aporte de ácido 10-hidroxi-2-trans-decenoico, y vitamina C. La evaluación se efectuó sobre los parámetros citados después de someter el producto a condiciones de estabilidad acelerada y a largo plazo. Como resultado cabe mencionar que la aplicación de APH redujo en un 60% las pérdidas de vitamina C frente a un tratamiento térmico convencional. El contenido en 10-hidroxi-2-decenoico también se vio afectado por el tratamiento térmico, consiguiéndose reducir las pérdidas totales de este compuesto en un 30 % mediante el empleo del tratamiento de APH. El empleo de APH logró mantener la calidad funcional del producto nutraceútico evaluado pudiéndose aplicar a escala industrial. [ENG] The application of high standardization pressures (APH) in food is recent and limited almost exclusively to juice and milk. Until now, it has never been used on nutraceutical products, where the maintenance of sensorial, microbiological and especially functional quality during their lifetime is essential for the consumer. During the current study, it was analysed the APH application (80 and 120 MPa) as a replacement treatment for pasteurization (80ºC, 15 min) of a functional syrup rich in royal jelly, natural source of 10-hydroxy-2-trans-decenoic acid, and vitamin C. The assessment was performed on the mentioned parameters after subjecting the product to accelerated stability conditions and in a long-term. As a result, we can mention that the APH application decreased in 60% the loss of vitamin C against a conventional thermal treatment. The 10-hydroxy-2-trans-decenoic content was also affected by the thermal treatment, leading to a decrease of the overall loss of this compound in 30% by using the APH treatment. APH use achieved to keep the functional quality of the assessed nutraceutical product, which can be applied at an industrial level.Se agradece a la empresa Martínez-Nieto S.A. el equipamiento y los productos facilitados para la realización de este experimento

    Red fresh vegetables smoothies with extended shelf life as an innovative source of health-promoting compounds

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    Two fresh red vegetables smoothies based on tomato, carrots, pepper and broccoli and rich in health promoting compounds were developed. The smoothies showed a viscoelastic behaviour. According to sensory analyses, a shelf life of 28 days at 5 °C for fresh blended smoothies was established while thermally-treated ones (3 min, 80 °C) reached up to 40 days at 20 °C and 58 days at 5 °C. For those mild heat treated smoothies, total vitamin C degradation was 2-fold reduced during storage at 5 °C compared to samples stored at 20 °C while the initial total carotenoids, lycopene and total chlorophylls contents were not greatly affected. A 250-g portion of such smoothies covers in a great extend the established recommended daily nutrient intakes for dietary fibre, minerals and vitamin C of different population groups. As main conclusion, a mild thermal treatment and low temperature storage greatly increased the shelf life of red fresh vegetables smoothies and reduced total vitamin C degradation

    Interactions between microbial food safety and environmental sustainability in the fresh produce supply chain

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    Improving the environmental sustainability of the food supply chain will help to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This environmental sustainability is related to different SDGs, but mainly to SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption), SDG 13 (Climate Action), and SDG 15 (Life on Land). The strategies and measures used to improve this aspect of the food supply chain must remain in balance with other sustainability aspects (economic and social). In this framework, the interactions and possible conflicts between food supply chain safety and sustainability need to be assessed. Although priority must be given to safety aspects, food safety policies should be calibrated in order to avoid unnecessary deleterious effects on the environment. In the present review, a number of potential tensions and/or disagreements between the microbial safety and environmental sustainability of the fresh produce supply chain are identified and discussed. The addressed issues are spread throughout the food supply chain, from primary production to the end-of-life of the products, and also include the handling and processing industry, retailers, and consumers. Interactions of fresh produce microbial safety with topics such as food waste, supply chain structure, climate change, and use of resources have been covered. Finally, approaches and strategies that will prove useful to solve or mitigate the potential contradictions between fresh produce safety and sustainability are described and discussed. Upon analyzing the interplay between microbial safety and the environmental sustainability of the fresh produce supply chain, it becomes clear that decisions that are taken to ensure fresh produce safety must consider the possible effects on environmental, economic, and social sustainability aspects. To manage these interactions, a global approach considering the interconnections between human activities, animals, and the environment will be required.This research was funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (FEDER/MICINN-AEI), project RTI2018-099139-B-C21 (https://www.karpolife.com accessed on 16 January 2020)

    La radiación UV-B estimula la biosíntesis de glucosinolatos en germinados de kale durante su conservación frigorífica

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    La demanda de alimentos ricos en compuestos saludables ha posicionado a los germinados con preferencia frente a la planta adulta. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar bajas dosis de UV-B (0, 5 y 10 kJ m-2) durante un crecimiento en oscuridad de 10 días a 20 ºC y observar sus efectos durante una vida postcosecha de 10 días a 4 ºC. Tras la cosecha, la longitud media del germinado fue 5,06 ± 0,51 cm. El porcentaje de ‘scavenging’ aumentó un 10% en los germinados con UV-B frente al control. Durante la conservación, UVB10 indujo un aumento del contenido de glucosinolatos del 18 % respecto al control. La aplicación de bajas dosis de UVB durante el crecimiento de germinados de kale estimuló el contenido en compuestos bioactivos durante la vida comercial, sin afectar a su crecimiento ni a sus características morfológicas

    Efecto de las altas presiones de homogeneización frente a la pasteurización en un producto nutraceútico con alto contenido en hierro y vitamina C

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    La aplicación de altas presiones de homogeneización (APH) en productos nutraceúticos es muy reciente, limitada a algunos productos como zumos y leches. Hasta ahora, nunca se había utilizado en productos nutracéuticos, donde el mantenimiento de la calidad sensorial, microbiológica y, muy especialmente, funcional durante su periodo de vida útil es primordial para el consumidor. En el presente trabajo se analizó si la aplicación de APH (80 y 120 MPa) podrían ser un tratamiento sustitutivo de la pasteurización (80 ºC, 15 min) de un jarabe funcional rico en hierro y vitamina C. La evaluación se efectuó sobre los parámetros previamente citados después de someter el producto a condiciones de estabilidad acelerada (0, 2, 4 y 6 meses a 40 ºC y 75% HR) y a largo plazo (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 y 24 meses a 25ºC y 60% HR). Como resultado mencionar que la aplicación de APH redujo en un 20% las pérdidas de vitamina C frente a un tratamiento térmico convencional. Sin embargo, el contenido en hierro fue bastante estable sin verse afectado por la técnica de procesado utilizada siendo asociadas al periodo de almacenamiento y situándose alrededor de un 14%. El empleo de APH logró mantener la calidad funcional del producto nutraceútico evaluado pudiéndose aplicar a escala industrial.Se agradece a la empresa Martínez‐Nieto S.A. el equipamiento y los productos facilitados para la realización de este experimento

    Continuous microwave pasteurization of a vegetable smoothie improves its physical quality and hinders detrimental enzyme activity

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    The effect of a pasteurization treatment at 90 2 C for 35 s provided by continuous microwave under different doses (low power/long time and high power/short time) or conventional pasteurization on the quality of orange-colored smoothies and their changes throughout 45 days of storage at 5 C was investigated. A better color retention of the microwave pasteurization- treated smoothie using high power/short time than in conventionally processed sample was evidenced by the stability of the hue angle. The continuous microwave heating increased the viscosity of the smoothie more than the conventional pasteurization in comparison with non-treated samples. Lower residual enzyme activities from peroxidase, pectin methylesterase and polygalacturonase were obtained under microwave heating, specifically due to the use of higher power/shorter time. For this kind of smoothie, polygalacturonase was the more thermo-resistant enzyme and could be used as an indicator of pasteurization efficiency. The use of a continuous semi-industrial microwave using higher power and shorter time, such as 1600 W/206 s and 3600 W/93 s, resulted in better quality smoothies and greater enzyme reduction than conventional thermal treatment.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (MINECO-FEDER, AGL2013-48830- C2-1-R) for financial suppor

    Semi-industrial microwave treatments positively affect the quality of orange colored smoothies

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    Thermal processing extends the shelf life of fruit and vegetables products by inactivating microorganisms and enzymes. The effect of a pasteurization (P) treatment, 90 °C ± 2 ºC for 35 s, provided by continuous semi-industrial microwave (MW) under different con-ditions (high power/short time and low power/long time) or conventional pasteurization (CP) on orange-colored smoothies and their changes throughout 45 days of storage at 5 °C were investigated. Results indicated that vitamin C and antioxidant capacity (FRAP) in CP decreased dramatically in comparison with the unheated and MWP smoothies. On the contrary, all heating treatments increased the contents of total phenolic compounds (TPC) and carotenoids. Based on the sensory quality and microbial counts, the shelf life of all those heated smoothies reached 45 days. No Listeria monocytogenes growth was found and all microbial counts were below the European legal limits. MWP as compared to the CP method led to a greater reduction of mesophilic bacteria after 45 days at 5 °C (3.7 log cfu g-1 for CP and 1.6 log cfu g-1 for MWP). When highest power and shortest time MWP treatments were used (3,600 W for 93 s), FRAP and vitamin C were better preserved.This work was financially supported by MINECO-FEDER (AGL2013-48830-C2-1-R). Thanks are due to Instituto de Biotecnología Vegetal (IBV-UPCT) for providing some of the equipmen