14,348 research outputs found

    Science with the World Space Observatory - Ultraviolet

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    The World Space Observatory-Ultraviolet (WSO-UV) will provide access to the UV range during the next decade. The instrumentation on board will allow to carry out high resolution imaging, high sensitivity imaging, high resolution (R~55000) spectroscopy and low resolution (R~2500) long slit spectroscopy. In this contribution, we briefly outline some of the key science issues that WSO-UV will address during its lifetime. Among them, of special interest are: the study of galaxy formation and the intergalactic medium; the astronomical engines; the Milky Way formation and evol ution, and the formation of the Solar System and the atmospheres of extrasolar p lanets.Comment: Just one text file (aigomezdecastro.tex). To be published in the proceeding of the conference: "New Quest in Stellar Astrophysics II: UV properties of evolved stellar populations" held in Puerto Vallarta - Mexico, in april 200

    The innermost regions of the jet in NRAO 150. Wobbling or internal rotation?

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    NRAO 150 is a very bright millimeter to radio quasar at redshift zz=1.52 for which ultra-high-resolution VLBI monitoring has revealed a counter-clockwise jet-position-angle wobbling at an angular speed 11\sim11^{\circ}/yr in the innermost regions of the jet. In this paper we present new total and linearly polarized VLBA images at 43 GHz extending previous studies to cover the evolution of the jet in NRAO 150 between 2006 and early 2009. We propose a new scenario to explain the counter-clockwise rotation of the jet position angle based on a helical motion of the components in a jet viewed faced-on. This alternative scenario is compatible with the interpretation suggested in previous works once the indetermination of the absolute position of the self-calibrated VLBI images is taken into account. Fitting of the jet components motion to a simple internal rotation kinematical model shows that this scenario is a likely alternative explanation for the behavior of the innermost regions in the jet of NRAO 150.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Presented in 'The Innermost Regions of Relativistic Jets and Their Magnetic Fields' conference. Granada, Spain, 201

    Els Casas, un llinatge reusenc d'orgueners setcentistes

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    Els nobles de Valls a l'època dels Àustria

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    Aquestes pàgines han estat redactades bàsicament amb la informació extreta dels manuals notarials vallencs, servats a l'Arxiu Històric Comarcal de Valls  (AHCV) i a l'Arxiu Històric Arxidiocesà de Tarragona (AHAT), dels llibres sagramentals de la paròquia de Sant Joan de Valls..

    Altafulla i la Guerra dels Set Anys

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    Els Pontfarró, de Vilabella. De pagesos i mercaders a nobles (segles XV-XVIII)

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    Els Pontfarró vilabellencs, ben segur originaris del lloc del mateix nom, tenen per a l'investigador l'atractiu de presentar una evolució progressiva que va del pagès sense gaires recursos al noble, tot passant pel pagès benestant i el mercader, i això aconseguit gràcies a l'esforç continuat de les onze generacions de Pontfarró a partir del primer Pontfarró documentat (l'any 1538), fins al darrer, enterrat el 1775

    Un exemple de la defensa dels drets senyorials al Baix Gaià

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