123 research outputs found

    Interpretation of increased energetic particle flux measurements by SEPT aboard the STEREO spacecraft and contamination

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    Context. Interplanetary (IP) shocks are known to be accelerators of energetic charged particles observed in-situ in the heliosphere. However, the acceleration of near-relativistic electrons by shocks in the interplanetary medium is often questioned. On 9 August 2011 a Corotating Interaction Region (CIR) passed STEREO B (STB) that resulted in a flux increase in the electron and ion channels of the Solar Electron and Proton Telescope (SEPT). Because electron measurements in the few keV to several 100 keV range rely on the so-called magnet foil technique, which is utilized by SEPT, ions can contribute to the electron channels. Aims. We aim to investigate whether the flux increase in the electron channels of SEPT during the CIR event on 9 August 2011 is caused by ion contamination only. Methods. We compute the SEPT response functions for protons and helium utilizing an updated GEANT4 model of SEPT. The CIR energetic particle ion spectra for protons and helium are assumed to follow a Band function in energy per nucleon with a constant helium to proton ratio. Results. Our analysis leads to a helium to proton ratio of 16.9% and a proton flux following a Band function with the parameters I0=1.24⋅104I_0 = 1.24 \cdot 10^4 / (cm2 s sr MeV/nuc.), Ec=79E_c = 79 keV/nuc. and spectral indices of γ1=−0.94\gamma_1 = -0.94 and γ2=−3.80\gamma_2 = -3.80 which are in good agreement with measurements by the Suprathermal Ion Telescope (SIT) aboard STB. Conclusions. Since our results explain the SEPT measurements, we conclude that no significant amount of electrons were accelerated between 5555 keV and 425425 keV by the CIR

    Latitudinal gradients of galactic cosmic rays during the 2007 solar minimum

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    Ulysses, launched in 1990 October in the maximum phase of solar cycle 22, completed its third out-of-ecliptic orbit in 2008 February. This provides a unique opportunity to study the propagation of cosmic rays over a wide range of heliographic latitudes during different levels of solar activity and different polarities in the inner heliosphere. Comparison of the first and second fast latitude scans from 1994 to 1995 and from 2000 to 2001 confirmed the expectation of positive latitudinal gradients at solar minimum versus an isotropic Galactic cosmic ray distribution at solar maximum. During the second scan in mid-2000, the solar magnetic field reversed its global polarity. From 2007 to 2008, Ulysses made its third fast latitude scan during the declining phase of solar cycle 23. Therefore, the solar activity is comparable in 2007-2008 to that from 1994 to 1995, but the magnetic polarity is opposite. Thus, one would expect to compare positive with negative latitudinal gradients during these two periods for protons and electrons, respectively. In contrast, our analysis of data from the Kiel Electron Telescope aboard Ulysses results in no significant latitudinal gradients for protons. However, the electrons show, as expected, a positive latitudinal gradient of ~0.2% per degree. Although our result is surprising, the nearly isotropic distribution of protons in 2007-2008 is consistent with an isotropic distribution of electrons from 1994 to 1995

    Long-lasting injection of solar energetic electrons into the heliosphere

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    The main sources of solar energetic particle (SEP) events are solar flares and shocks driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs). While it is generally accepted that energetic protons can be accelerated by shocks, whether or not these shocks can also efficiently accelerate solar energetic electrons is still debated. In this study we present observations of the extremely widespread SEP event of 26 Dec 2013. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the widest longitudinal SEP distribution ever observed together with unusually long-lasting energetic electron anisotropies at all observer positions. Further striking features of the event are long-lasting SEP intensity increases, two distinct SEP components with the second component mainly consisting of high-energy particles, a complex associated coronal activity including a pronounced signature of a shock in radio type-II observations, and the interaction of two CMEs early in the event. The observations require a prolonged injection scenario not only for protons but also for electrons. We therefore analyze the data comprehensively to characterize the possible role of the shock for the electron event. Remote-sensing observations of the complex solar activity are combined with in-situ measurements of the particle event. We also apply a Graduated Cylindrical Shell (GCS) model to the coronagraph observations of the two associated CMEs to analyze their interaction. We find that the shock alone is likely not responsible for this extremely wide SEP event. Therefore we propose a scenario of trapped energetic particles inside the CME-CME interaction region which undergo further acceleration due to the shock propagating through this region, stochastic acceleration, or ongoing reconnection processes inside the interaction region. The origin of the second component of the SEP event is likely caused by a sudden opening of the particle trap.Comment: Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics, \c{opyright} ES

    The Electron Proton Helium INstrument as an Example for a Space Weather Radiation Instrument

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    The near-Earth energetic particle environment has been monitored since the 1970's. With the increasing importance of quantifying the radiation risk for, e.g. for the human exploration of the Moon and Mars, it is essential to continue and further improve these measurements. The Electron Proton Helium INstrument (EPHIN) on-board SOHO continually provides these data sets to the solar science and space weather communities since 1995. Here, we introduce the numerous data products developed over the years and present space weather related applications. Important design features that have led to EPHINs success as well as lessons learned and possible improvements to the instrument are also discussed with respect to the next generation of particle detectors

    STEREO/SEPT observations of upstream particle events: almost monoenergetic ion beams

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    We present observations of Almost Monoenergetic Ion (AMI) events in the energy range of 100–1200 keV detected with the Solar Electron and Proton Telescope (SEPT) onboard both STEREO spacecraft. The energy spectrum of AMI events contain 1, 2, or 3 narrow peaks with the relative width at half maximum of 0.1–0.7 and their energy maxima varies for different events from 120 to 1200 keV. These events were detected close to the bow-shock (STEREO-A&B) and to the magnetopause at STEREO-B as well as unexpectedly far upstream of the bow-shock and far away from the magnetotail at distances up to 1100 <I>R<sub>E</sub></I> (STEREO-B) and 1900 <I>R<sub>E</sub></I> (STEREO-A). We discuss the origin of AMI events, the connection to the Earth's bow-shock and to the magnetosphere, and the conditions of the interplanetary medium and magnetosphere under which these AMI bursts occur. Evidence that the detected spectral peaks were caused by quasi-monoenergetic beams of protons, helium, and heavier ions are given. Furthermore, we present the spatial distribution of all AMI events from December 2006 until August 2007

    Statistical results for solar energetic electron spectra observed over 12 yr with STEREO/SEPT

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    This work presents a statistical analysis of near-relativistic solar energetic electron event spectra near 1 au. We use measurements of the Solar Electron and Proton Telescope (SEPT) on board STEREO in the energy range of 45–425 keV and utilize the SEPT electron event list containing all electron events observed by STEREO A and STEREO B from 2007 through 2018. We select 781 events with significant signal-to-noise ratios for our analysis and fit the spectra with single or broken-power-law functions of energy. We find 437 events showing broken power laws and 344 events only showing a single power law in the energy range of SEPT. For those events with broken power laws, we find a mean break energy of about 120 keV. We analyze the dependence of the spectral index on the rise times and peak intensities of the events as well as on the presence of relativistic electrons. The results show a relation between the power law spectral index and the rise times of the events with softer spectra belonging to rather impulsive events. Long rise-time events are associated with hard spectra as well as with the presence of higher-energy (>0.7 MeV) electrons. This group of events cannot be explained by a pure flare scenario but suggests an additional acceleration mechanism, involving a prolonged acceleration and/or injection of the particles. A dependence of the spectral index on the longitudinal separation from the parent solar source region was not found. A statistical analysis of the spectral indices during impulsively rising events where the rise times are below 20 minutes is also shown.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Cultural adaptation to Bolivian Quechua and psychometric analysis of the Patient Health Questionnaire PHQ-9

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    Objective: Cultural adaptation of the Patient Health Questionnaire-PHQ-9 to Bolivian Quechua and analysis of the internal structure validity, reliability, and measurement invariance by sociodemographic variables. Methods: The PHQ-9 was translated and back-translated (English-Quechua-English) to optimise translation. For the cultural adaptation, experts, and people from the target population (e.g., in focus groups) verified the suitability of the translated PHQ-9. For the psychometric analysis, we performed a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to evaluate internal validity, calculated α and ω indices to assess reliability, and performed a Multiple Indicator, Multiple Cause (MIMIC) model for evaluating measurement invariance by sex, age, marital status, educational level and residence. We used standard goodness-of-fit indices to interpret both CFA results. Results: The experts and focus groups improved the translated PHQ-9, making it clear and culturally equivalent. For the psychometric analysis, we included data from 397 participants, from which 73.3% were female, 33.0% were 18–30 years old, 56.7% reported primary school studies, 63.2% were single, and 62.0% resided in urban areas. In the CFA, the single-factor model showed adequate fit (Comparative Fit Index = 0.983; Tucker-Lewis Index = 0.977; Standardized Root Mean Squared Residual = 0.046; Root Mean Squared Error of Approximation = 0.069), while the reliability was optimal (α = 0.869—0.877; ω = 0.874—0.885). The invariance was confirmed across all sociodemographic variables (Change in Comparative Fit Index (delta) or Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (delta) < 0.01). Conclusions: The PHQ-9 adapted to Bolivian Quechua offers a valid, reliable and invariant unidimensional measurement across groups by sex, age, marital status, educational level and residence.National Institute for Health and Care Researc

    Adaptación cultural al Quechua y análisis psicométrico del Patient Health Questionnaire PHQ-9 en población peruana

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    Objective. To translate and culturally adapt the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) to three varieties of Quechua and analyse their validity, reliability, and measurement invariance. Materials and methods. 1) Cultural adaptation phase: the PHQ-9 was translated from English into three variants of Quechua (Central, Chanca, Cuzco-Collao) and translated again into English. Then, experts and focus groups allowed the translations to be culturally adapted. 2) Psychometric phase: the unidimensionality of the adapted PHQ-9 was evaluated by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), reliability was evaluated by internal consistency (Alpha and Omega), and measurement invariance according to Quechua varieties and sociodemographic variables was evaluated by using CFA, multigroups and MIMIC models (Multiple Indicator Multiple Cause). Results. Each of the adaptations of the PHQ-9 to the three Quechua varieties reported clear and culturally equivalent items. Subsequently, data from 970 Quechua- speaking adult men and women were analyzed. The general one-dimensional model reported an adequate fit (Comparative fit index = 0.990, Tucker-Lewis index = 0.987, Standardized root mean squared residual= 0.048, Root mean squared error of approximation= 0.071); each of the Quechua varieties also showed an adequate fit. Reliability was high for all varieties (α = 0.865 - 0.915; ω = 0.833 - 0.881). The results of the multigroup CFA and MIMIC models confirmed measurement invariance according to Quechua variant, sex, residence, age, marital status and educational level. Conclusions. The PHQ-9 adaptations to Central Quechua, Chanca and Cuzco-Collao offer a valid, reliable and invariant measurement, confirming that comparisons can be made between the evaluated groups. Its use will benefit mental health research and care for Quechua-speaking populations
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