158 research outputs found
Blockchain applications in food marketing
Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado analiza los fundamentos de la tecnología blockchain para obtener un
conocimiento básico sobre lo que significa, su origen y evolución, su funcionamiento y las ventajas que
ofrece sobre otras tecnologías digitales. Se presenta brevemente la utilidad de esta tecnología en los
distintos sectores, pero, sobre todo, se detallan las aplicaciones y ventajas del blockchain en el marketing
alimentario. Para una mejor comprensión, se analizan algunos casos de éxito y, por último, a fin de
determinar el grado de conocimiento y aplicación del blockchain en el sector agroalimentario de Castilla
y León se realiza un estudio empírico a través del análisis de los resultados de una encuesta contestada
por 48 empresas.This Bachelor Thesis analyzes the fundamentals of blockchain technology to obtain a basic knowledge
about what it means, its origin and evolution, its operation and the advantages it offers over other digital
technologies. The usefulness of this technology in the different sectors is briefly presented, but above all,
the applications and advantages of blockchain in food marketing are detailed. For a better
understanding, some success stories are analyzed and finally, in order to determine the degree of
knowledge and application of the blockchain in the agri-food sector of Castilla y León an empirical
study is carried out through the analysis of the results of a survey answered by 48 companies
Adaptación de las asignaturas de construcción del departamento de construcciones arquitectónicas II al nuevo concepto de los créditos europeos de educación superior y del campus virtual Atenea
La finalidad del presente trabajo es la adaptación a los nuevos criterios
estándares (EEES) de valoración, de trabajo por parte del alumno y de guía por
parte del profesor, de las asignaturas de Construcción del Departamento de
Construcciones Arquitectónicas II (EPSEB); además, se prevé la incrustación
de todos este trabajo en el Campus Virtual de ATENEA. Como otros objetivos
colaterales de este trabajo se pueden destacar: el favorecer aun más el
proceso de integración de la docencia, el facilitar la práctica dentro y fuera de
las aulas, favorecer y mejora el rendimiento educativo de los propios alumnos,
y por último, el aumentar la atención hacia los estudiantes por parte del cuerpo
de profesores en general
The frequency effect for pseudowords in the lexical decision task
Four experiments were designed to investigate whether the frequency of words used to create pseudowords plays an important role in lexical decision. Computational models of the lexical decision task
(e.g., the dual route cascaded model and the multiple read-out model) predict that latencies to low-frequency pseudowords should be faster than latencies to high-frequency pseudowords. Consistent
with this prediction, results showed that when the pseudowords were created by replacing one internal letter of the base word (Experiments 1 and 3), high-frequency pseudowords yielded slower latencies than low-frequency pseudowords. However, this effect occurred only in the leading edge of the response time (RT) distributions. When the pseudowords were created by transposing two adjacent
internal letters (Experiment 2), high-frequency pseudowords produced slower latencies in the leading
edge and in the bulk of the RT distributions. These results suggest that transposed-letter pseudowords
may be more similar to their base words than replacement-letter pseudowords. Finally, when participants performed a go/no-go lexical decision task with one-letter different pseudowords (Experiment 4), high-frequency pseudowords yielded substantially faster latencies than low-frequency pseudowords, which suggests that the lexical entries of high-frequency words can be verified earlier than
the lexical entries of low-frequency words. The implications of these results for models of word recognition and lexical decision are discussedPsicologí
Simulation and comparative analysis of waste in concrete slabs
Construction sector generates significant amounts of waste that affects the environment and obstructs a sustainable development. The horizontal structure (slabs and roofs) is one of the building elements, by its functional requirement (geometry and layout) and volume, who uses more raw material for its constitution (potential generators of waste) On the other hand, the choice of the system to use, is typically based on criteria such as the ease of construction, the economy availability or the technological feasibility; so, from a sustainable perspective, the generation of waste has not been considered or evaluated. This work compares and analyzes four different common elements used in slabs and the possible generation of waste produced for the construction and eventual demolition of them, in order to provide a new weighting criterion in the choice.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Simulation and comparative analysis of waste in concrete slabs
Construction sector generates significant amounts of waste that affects the environment and obsturcts a sustainable development. The horizontal structure (slabs and roofs) is one of the building elements, by its functional requirement (geometry and layout) and volume, who uses more raw material for its constitution (potential generators of waste) On the other hand, the choice of the system to use, is typically based on criteria such as the ease of construction, the economy availability or the tecnological feasibility; so, from a sustainable perspective, the generation of waste has not been considered or evaluated. This work compares and analyzes four different common elements used in slabs and the possible generation of waste produced for the construction and eventual demolition of them, in order to provide a new weighiting criterion in the choice.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Manual de prácticas de motivación y emoción
Llicenciatura en Psicologia. I24: Psicologia de la Motivació i Emoci
Ansietat i rendiment, en la tasca de xarxes atencionals –ant–
Aquest article consisteix en la revisió teòrica dels treballs publicats, en
els quals s’investiguen els efectes de l’ansietat sobre l’atenció com a procés
multidimensional. L’objectiu central és conéixer com afecta el nivell d’ansietat
sobre el funcionament de les xarxes atencionals: alerta, orientació i
control. Per a açò, ens centrem en la tasca de xarxes atencionals ANT (Attention
Network Test, Fan, McCandliss, Sommer, Raz i Posner, 2002) i les
seues variants.
A l’efecte, es van consultar les bases de dades CSIC, WOS i SCOPUS i
el període de recerca inclou des de l’any 2002 fins al 2016, amb els descriptores
anxiety i Attention Network Test. En particular, l’interés recau sobre els
efectes de l’ansietat en el rendiment dels tipus d’atenció o xarxes atencionals:
la naturalesa dels estímuls, les variants de la tasca ANT, els qüestionaris i les
teories explicatives. En general, el nivell elevat d’ansietat s’associa a un deteriorament
en la xarxa de control atencional, quan els senyals són estímuls de valència negativa, encara que els resultats no són concloents. Aquesta xarxa és la responsable del control de la desconnexió de l’atenció i del deteriorament en el rendiment
Different typologies of alcohol consumers in the practice of «botellon» in three Spanish cities
In this work, 6,009 youngsters (14-25 years old) who practice the «botellon» were interviewed in three cities
of the Valencian Community. After a stratifi ed sampling among college and noncollege students, a
two-step cluster analysis was carried out for each sample with two aims: to identify different types of
alcohol consumers in the practice of the «botellon» and to carry out a crossed validation of the results
obtained. The variables included in the analysis were the following: gender, age group (university
students: U; adolescent students: ES), performance of intensive episodes of consumption (yes/no),
number of years practicing the «botellon» and grams of alcohol ingested. The results show the validity
of the structure obtained for youngsters, revealing intensive episodes of alcohol consumption, as a fourgroup
structure appeared in all three samples (male U, male ES, female U, female ES), in which men
were always at the top of alcohol ingestion. Furthermore, ES consumed the same amount of alcohol
as U, even though they had been consuming for less time. However, the youngsters who did not report
intensive episodes of alcohol consumption showed some structure variability, with a tendency among
women to match men’s levels of alcohol consumptionEn este trabajo se entrevistó a 6.009 jóvenes que practican botellón (14-25 años) en tres ciudades de
la Comunidad Valenciana, realizando un muestreo estratifi cado de centros de Secundaria, Bachiller,
CF y Universidad. Se efectuó un análisis de conglomerados en dos fases con cada muestra con dos
objetivos: identifi car tipologías de consumidores de alcohol en el botellón y realizar una validación
cruzada de la solución obtenida. Las variables consideradas en los análisis fueron: sexo, grupo de edad
(universitarios: U; estudiantes Secundaria: ES), realización o no de episodios intensivos de consumo,
años practicando botellón y gramos de alcohol ingeridos. Los resultados muestran evidencia de validez
de la estructura obtenida para los jóvenes que realizan episodios intensivos de consumo de alcohol, ya
que aparece una estructura de cuatro grupos en las tres muestras (varones U, varones ES, mujeres U,
mujeres ES), siendo siempre los varones quienes más consumen. Además, los ES consumen iguales
cantidades de alcohol que los U, aunque llevan menos años consumiendo. Por su parte, entre los
jóvenes que no realizan episodios intensivos de consumo de alcohol se observa cierta variabilidad en la
estructura, siendo manifi esta la tendencia de las mujeres a igualar su consumo con el de los varone
Implementation of Interaction Diagram of the Properties in Fresh for Mortars with Ceramic Aggregates
As the natural resources needed for the construction sector arelimited, new practices are being adopted for the managementof waste generated nowadays, including the use of constructionand demolition waste as aggregates for concrete and mortar.Considering the different typologies in construction wastes,ceramics are the second most representative material; thereforeit is important to validate their feasibility as a total orpartial replacement of natural aggregates. This work presentsa study of the properties in fresh state (consistency, density andair content) of mortars containing aggregates obtained fromrecycled ceramics, and their influence on the subsequent propertiesin the hardened state. A statistical analysis of experimentaldata was carried out by establishing regression coefficients,and then a triple-entry graph was obtained, allowing the differentproperties of mortars to be easily linked and simplifyingthe prediction of the relationships they will present since themixture design phase.
Perspectiva histórica de la psicología de la motivación
The psychology of motivation has a long tradition and history in psychology. In fact, we consider that, to a certain extent, understanding the history of the psychology of motivation is understanding great part of which has been psychology itself, since the main target of psychology was, and is, to try to explain behaviour, and the aim of psychology of motivation is to find out the causes of behaviour. In its long passage to the present time, there have been three perspectives that have monopolized most of the investigation: the biological, the behavioural and the cognitive. They are not excluding. Each one of them has been predominant in certain stages, although the same attention was paid to the other two. Nowadays, the biological and cognitive perspectives are those that receive greater attention from the investigators. The historical direction in the study of the psychology of motivation represents an important solution to know how the events that have given rise to the present consideration about the psychology of motivation were forged. To know the past helps us to understand the present, at the same time it allows us to hypothesise with great probability of success which will be the future in the study object.La psicología de la motivación posee una larga tradición e historia en el seno de la Psicología. De hecho, estimamos que, en cierta medida, entender la historia de la psicología de la motivación es entender gran parte de lo que ha sido la propia Psicología, ya que el objetivo fundamental de la Psicología era, y es, tratar de explicar la conducta, y la psicología de la motivación tiene como objetivo averiguar las causas de la conducta. En su largo trayecto hasta nuestros días, han sido tres las orientaciones que han acaparado la mayor parte de la investigación: la biológica, la conductual y la cognitivista. No son excluyentes. Cada una de ellas ha sido predominante en determinadas etapas, aunque también se dedicó atención a las otras dos. En la actualidad, las perspectivas biologicistas y cognitivistas son las que mayor atención reciben por parte de los investigadores. La orientación histórica en el estudio de la psicología de la motivación representa una solución importante para conocer cómo se fraguaron los acontecimientos que han dado lugar a la consideración actual acerca de la psicología de la motivación. Conocer el pasado nos ayuda a entender el presente, a la vez que nos permite hipotetizar con gran probabilidad de acierto cuál será el futuro en la materia objeto de estudio
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