6 research outputs found

    Flexible Power Modeling of LTE Base Stations

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    With the explosion of wireless communications in number of users and data rates, the reduction of network power consumption becomes more and more critical. This is especially true for base stations which represent a dominant share of the total power in cellular networks. In order to study power reduction techniques, a convenient power model is required, providing estimates of the power consumption in different scenarios. This paper proposes such a model, accurate but simple to use. It evaluates the base station power consumption for different types of cells supporting the 3GPP LTE standard. It is flexible enough to enable comparisons between state-of-the-art and advanced configurations, and an easy adaptation to various scenarios. The model is based on a combination of base station components and sub-components as well as power scaling rules as functions of the main system parameters

    Metoda badania w skali modelowej systemu trybologicznego pier艣cie艅 t艂okowy - tuleja cylindra silnika spalinowego

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    Rising technical standards of customers, legal requirements and the trend to minimize maintenance effort raise the thermal, mechanical and tribological loads on components of combustion engines. In this regard, emphasis is laid on improving the piston ring - cylinder liner tribosystem, one with the highest energy losses. An efficient performance has to be guaranteed during its lifetime. Tribological investigations could be carried out on engine test benches, but they are highly cost-intensive and time-consuming. Therefore, a damage-equivalent test methodology was developed with the analogous tribological model, "ring-on-liner". The research was carried out under two characteristic operating conditions. One with a "standard" operating system, modelled in line with ideal lubrication conditions, and the other "extreme abrasive" operating system, typical to a system running on a lubricant contaminated by abrasive particles. To optimize the tribological loading capacity of the cylinder liner, with focus on these two operating conditions, numerous nitride coatings have been investigated. The key aspects being seizure resistance, running-in characteristics and long term wear behaviour.Rosn膮ce wymagania techniczne ze strony odbiorc贸w, wymagania prawne i trend w kierunku minimalizacji wysi艂ku zwi膮zanego z konserwacj膮 prowadz膮 do wzrostu mechanicznych, termicznych i trybologicznych obci膮偶e艅 element贸w silnik贸w spalinowych. Z tych wzgl臋d贸w k艂adzie si臋 nacisk na popraw臋 jako艣ci systemu trybologicznego pier艣cie艅 t艂okowy - tuleja cylindra, w kt贸rym wyst臋puj膮 najwi臋ksze straty energii. Wydajna praca tego systemu powinna by膰 zagwarantowana przez ca艂y czas jego 偶ycia. Badania trybologiczne mo偶na prowadzi膰 na stanowiskach do pr贸b silnikowych, lecz s膮 one bardzo kosztowne i czasoch艂onne. Z tego wzgl臋du opracowano metodologi臋 bada艅, r贸wnowa偶n膮 badaniom niszcz膮cym, przeprowadzanych na analogowym modelu trybologicznym typu "pier艣cie艅 w tulei". Badania by艂y prowadzone dla dwu charakterystycznych rodzaj贸w warunk贸w roboczych. Pierwszy, "standardowy" system dzia艂ania, jest modelowany przy za艂o偶eniu idealnych warunk贸w smarowania; system drugi, z "ekstremalnym 艣cieraniem", jest typowy dla pracy w warunkach, gdy 艣rodek smarny jest zanieczyszczony cz膮steczkami 艣ciernymi. Koncentruj膮c si臋 na dwu wymienionych systemach dzia艂ania, optymalizowano obci膮偶alno艣膰 trybologiczn膮 tulei cylindra badaj膮c r贸偶ne rodzaje pokry膰 azotkowych. Aspektami kluczowymi by艂y odporno艣膰 na zatarcie, charakterystyki docierania i d艂ugookresowe charakterystyki zu偶ycia

    Efficient Clustering of Cabinets at FttCab

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    At this moment consumers want an internet connection with 20-50 Mb/s speed and around 100 Mb/s in the near future. Rolling out Fibre to the Curb networks quickly will be the only way for telecom operators in some countries to compete with cable tv operators. This requires a fibre connection to the cabinets. When the telecom operator wants toconnect the cabinets in a ring structure, he has to decide how to divide cabinets over a number of circuits, taking into account a maximum number of customers per circuit. This we call the cabinet clustering problem. In this paper we formulate this problem, present the heuristic approch we developed and show the results of our extensive testing that shows the method is accurate and fast. Finally we demonstrate the method on a real life case

    How much energy is needed to run a wireless network?

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    In order to quantify the energy efficiency of a wireless network, the power consumption of the entire system needs to be captured. In this article, the necessary extensions with respect to existing performance evaluation frameworks are discussed. The most important addenda of the proposed energy efficiency evaluation framework (E3F) are a sophisticated power model for various base station types, as well as large-scale long-term traffic models. The BS power model maps the RF output power radiated at the antenna elements to the total supply power of a BS site. The proposed traffic model emulates the spatial distribution of the traffic demands over large geographical regions, including urban and rural areas, as well as temporal variations between peak and off-peak hours. Finally, the E3F is applied to quantify the energy efficiency of the downlink of a 3GPP LTE radio access network