2 research outputs found

    Die Reaktivierung von Schienenstrecken als Strategie der integrierten Raumentwicklung: Chancen nutzen und Hemmnisse ĂŒberwinden

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    Der Ausbau von Schienennetzen fĂŒr den Personen- und GĂŒterverkehr durch die Reaktivierung stillgelegter Strecken ist ein Gebot der Stunde! Schienenstrecken ermöglichen nachhaltige MobilitĂ€t, gesellschaftliche Teilhabe und die Schaffung gleichwertiger LebensverhĂ€ltnisse. Hierzu bedarf es einer grundsĂ€tzlich neuen und integrierten Ausrichtung der Raum- und Verkehrsplanung. Neben der dringend gebotenen Trassensicherung durch die Raumordnung mĂŒssen stillgelegte Schienenstrecken bezĂŒglich ihrer Potenziale fĂŒr die Orts- und Regionalentwicklung erkannt und reaktiviert werden. Stationen an Schienenstrecken können insbesondere in lĂ€ndlichen RĂ€umen wesentliche Entwicklungsimpulse erzeugen und als MobilitĂ€tsdrehscheiben fungieren. Dabei gilt es, bisherige Hindernisse zu ĂŒberwinden, indem beispielsweise neue volkswirtschaftliche BewertungsmaßstĂ€be angesetzt und neue Finanzierungsmodelle eingefĂŒhrt werden.The expansion of rail networks for passenger and cargo services by reactivating disused rail lines is an urgent need of the hour! Rail lines enable sustainable mobility, social participation and the creation of equal living conditions. This requires a fundamentally new and integrated approach to spatial and transport planning. In addition to the urgent need to secure routes by means of spatial planning, disused railway lines must be recognized with regard to their potential for local and regional development and be reactivated. Stations on railway lines can generate significant development impulses, particularly in rural areas, and act as mobility hubs. Previous obstacles must be overcome, for example by applying new economic evaluation standards and introducing new financing models

    Experimental Evaluation of NB-IoT Private Networks for Process Automation

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    Narrowband Internet-of-Things (NB-IoT) is a 3rd generation partnership project (3GPP) standardized cellular technology, adopted for 5G and optimized for massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC). Applications are anticipated around infrastructure monitoring, asset management, smart city and smart energy applications. In this paper, we evaluate the suitability of NB-IoT for private (campus) networks in industrial environments, including complex cloud-based applications around process automation. An end-to-end system has been developed, comprising of a sensor unit connected to a NB-IoT modem, a base station (gNodeB) equipped with a beamforming array and a local (private) network architecture comprising a sensor management system in the edge cloud. The experimental study includes field tests in realistic industrial environments with latency, reliability and coverage measurements. The results show a good suitability of NB-IoT for process automation with high scalability, low-power requirements and moderate latency requirements