1,482 research outputs found

    Loyal wives or just concubines ..?

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    The well known Heroon at the Toumba cemetery consist of a shaft housing of two very rich and apparently simultaneous burials, a male cremation and a female inhumation, assumed as the woman being the warrior's consort probably sacrificed during his husband's funerals. In this paper I argue is that if we can trust the anthropological identification and the simultaneity of both depositions, then we can consider these women as concubines better than wives, if we compare this evidence with contemporary archaeological funerary sites and the with the ancient Greek oral and literary tradition.La famosa tumba del Heroon de Lefkandi consiste en un pozo que alberga dos enterramientos muy ricos y aparentemente simultáneos, una incineración masculina y una inhumación femenina, que ha sido asumida como la correspondiente a la esposa del guerrero incinerado y que había sido probablemente sacrificada en el transcurso de los funerales del marido. El argumento que defiendo es que, si podemos fiarnos de las identificaciones antropológicas de las tumbas y de la simultaneidad de los enterramientos dobles, entonces no puede tratarse de esposas, sino de concubinas, si los comparamos con otros yacimientos funerarios contemporáneos y con la tradición oral y literaria de la antigua Grecia.La famosa tomba de l'Heroon de Lefkandi consisteix en un pou que hostatja dos enterraments molt rics i en aparença simultanis: una incineració masculina i una inhumació femenina, assumida aquesta com la corresponent a l'esposa del guerrer incinerat i probablement sacrificada durant els funerals del marit. L'argument que es defén aquí és que, si podem finar-nos de les identificacions antropològiques de les tombes i de la simultaneïtat dels enterraments dobles, llavors no pot tractar-se d'esposes, sinó de concubines, en comparació amb d'altres jaciments funeraris contemporanis i amb la tradició oral i literària de la Grècia antiga

    Qüestionari per avaluar la qualitat de serveis esportius: estudi inicial de les propietats psicomètriques

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    La presència del concepte qualitat ha augmentat en l’última dècada fins a convertir-se en un fet notable en tots els àmbits de la gestió empresarial, independentment de la seva natura, perquè aconseguir qualitat en el servei es considera un dels requisits indispensables per obtenir una adequada competitivitat i viabilitat en les organitzacions. L’objectiu principal del present treball va ser avaluar la qualitat percebuda per usuaris d’un servei municipal esportiu mitjançant l’elaboració d’una eina d’avaluació

    Dispenses, disseminations and other impediments to marriage formation in the ecclesiastical court of Toluca

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal estudiar los conflictos prenupciales que tuvieron lugar bajo el orden colonial, a través de una serie de autos pertenecientes al fondo del juzgado eclesiástico de Toluca. A tal fin, se han analizado las dispensas matrimoniales tramitadas entre 1684 y 1784 por los feligreses de la ciudad de Toluca y de pueblos próximos, así como las disputas causadas por oposiciones e incumplimientos a las promesas de matrimonio ubicadas en la primera mitad del siglo XVIII.The main aim of this paper is to study the prenuptial conflicts that took place under the colonial order, through a set of the judicial summons from the stock of the ecclesiastical court of Toluca. To this end, marriage waivers processed between 1684 y 1784 by the parishioners of the city of Toluca and nearby towns, as well as the disputations caused by oppositions and unfulfilled promises of marriage during the first half of the 18th century, have been analyzed

    El totus orbis y el ius gentium en Francisco de Vitoria : el equilibrio entre tradición e innovación | Totus orbis and ius gentium in Francisco de Vitoria: the balance between tradition and innovation

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    The article analyzes two central concepts in the international doctrine of Vitoria: the idea of the orb as a universal community of all human beings and of all peoples united by the bond of common human nature, and ius gentium as the universal law of humanity rules around the world. The work highlights the balance between tradition (cosmopolitan universalism of Stoic and Christian roots and classical natural ius) and innovation (ideas of natural rights, equality and independence of all peoples and conception of the international community as a legal community) and the non-individualistic anthropology that underlies the international doctrine of Vitoria

    Burocracia y ascenso social en la campiña de Córdoba: los Portilla y Gálvez de La Rambla

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    Orfebrería, herencia y agricultura en la Protohistoria de la Península Ibérica

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    El artículo propone dos períodos principales de intensificación agraria en la Península Ibérica: La transición del Campaniforme a la edad del Bronce y la del Bronce Final a la Edad del Hierro. Ambos momentos se relacionan con cambios en los sistemas de herencia por vía femenina y son detectables a través del análisis de la orfebrería y de los ajuares funerarios.The paper proposes two main periods of agricultural intensification at the Iberian Peninsula: The Beaker/Bronze Age transition and the Late Bronze Age/Iron Age transition. Both moments are related to changes in women's inheritance and are detectable through the analysis of the gold and silver tresors and grave good

    To attenda the Prince: Luis de Maluenda´s political theologic

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    La formación del príncipe es etapa indispensable en el proceso de construcción de la ideología del poder y la aportación de Luis de Maluenda (1488- 1547)* franciscano de origen converso, objeto y de esta comunicación, se inserta en la larga cadena de eclesiásticos que entienden deber y poder influenciar el ejercicio del poder, proponiendo un tipo específico de modelo de príncipe. Los dos tratados que utilizamos aquí, el de las Excelencias de la Fe y aún más, el de La leche de la Fe del príncipe cristiano proponen un modelo de príncipe “cristiano-político”, entre imitatio christi y cautela social que anuncia ya lo que será el modelo jesuíticoThe Prince’s upbringing is a basic step in the construction of a power ideology. The present paper deals with the contribution to it of Luis de Maluenda (1488-1547). Luis de Maluenda was a Franciscan friar issued of a « converso » origin. He is inserted in the long tradition of ecclesiastics that considered their duty to influence the exercise of rule by proposing an specific model of Prince. The two treatises we examine in the present paper Las Excelencias de la Fe, and La leche de la Fe del príncipe cristiano, propose a model of prince "Christian-political" Prince, which stays in between « Imitatio Christi » and social weariness announcing what will be the Jesuitical mode

    Mainstreaming de género y cambio social

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    This article goes into detail about the concept of gender mainstreaming, analyzing its two basic components: (i) its substantive content that is gender approach, according to which inequality between men and women is a systemic phenomenon whose root would be the gender understood as the social (re) construction of difference between sexes and of the relationships between them; and (ii) mainstreaming as a strategy to achieve equality, a strategy for incorporating the gender equality perspective in all regulations and in all policies (global approach), a strategy that would be complementary not exclusionary of equal treatment and positive action and that would aspire to be particularly incisive for the attainment of the objective referred. Given that the goal of gender mainstreaming is social transformation, changing relationship between the sexes, as well as their social representations and given the great ambiguity that exists about what should be the meaning and the direction of changes, this paper argues that social transformation must go in line to overcome assimilationisme (assuming male models by women) and dualism between women and men, keeping separate and distinct spheres, because they both make impossible to achieve true equality. Social transformation, that needs to include men to change, should be oriented to achieve a positive mixture (a positive form of melding), a new model of society that overcomes androcentrism, because the paradigm of human that is susceptible of universalizing would be not only 'male' values but all the human qualities, skills and possibilities, such as the ones that are part of the 'male' model as the ones that are part of the 'feminine' model, since all of them are human values that any human being can practice. Finally this article highlights the potentialities that holds the Gender Mainstreaming strategy and also its risks and difficulties

    Keeping up appearances. Ways of representing the local powers in the rural world of Cordoba in Modern Times

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    With this essay we try to go in depth into the knowledge of the lifestyle of the ruling classes in the rural communities from Cordoba in the Modern period. For this we analyze the ways of distinction of these groups in the various scenes where most of their daily life passed. We will realize how privileged classes lived surrounded by all kinds of luxuries and comforts, which allowed them to have a great social recognition. This lifestyle entailed a considerable economic expense that not all the families could face up; despite this, many of these families went on doing it, so far as to get themselves heavily into debt just to be recognized as one of the group members.Con en este trabajo pretendemos profundizar en el conocimiento del estilo de vida de las clases dirigentes de las comunidades rurales cordobesas en la época Moderna. Para ello abordamos el análisis de las formas de distinción de estos grupos en los distintos escenarios en los que discurrió la mayor parte de la vida cotidiana de los mismos . Comprobaremos cómo las clases privilegiadas vivían rodeadas de todo tipo de lujos y comodidades, lo que les permitió gozar de un gran reconocimiento social. Este estilo de vida conllevaba la realización de un importante gasto económico que no todas las familias podían afrontar, a pesar de lo cual muchas de ellas continuaron haciéndolo, llegando incluso a endeudarse fuertemente con tal de ser reconocidos como integrantes del grupo