3 research outputs found

    Towards integrated microwave-to-optical conversion by atoms on a superconducting chip

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    The coherent conversion of microwave to optical signals is for now a missing hardware for long-distance quantum communication between superconducting quantum (sub)processors that could form the nodes of a future quantum network. Various architectures for quantum simulations and information processing are being currently explored with different TRL levels. Among these, circuits of superconducting qubits have already moved from the fundamental research environment to the R&D units of companies. Recent developments have shown extraordinary abilities for performing fast and high-fidelity quantum logic operations. Their limitations are short coherence times precluding long-term storage of quantum information, and the difficulty of coupling distant quantum registers using microwave photons that are (near)resonant with qubit transitions. There is thus a need for (i) a quantum memory compatible with superconducting qubits, and (ii) a microwave to optical transducer to demonstrate the complete communication protocol between distant sub-registers consisting of a moderate number of superconducting qubits. Cold alkaline atoms which have long coherence time and possess transitions both in the MW and optical domain could certainly help improve on these limitations. In this presentation, I will describe how an integrated atom chip compatible with superconducting quantum processors and optical communication networks will be realized within the newly funded MOCA consortium that received the support from the QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund. I will also specifically discuss a newly developed solution to transport atoms in the near field of surfaces were the atom-light coupling strength will be enhanced.Atomes Ultra-Froids piégés dans des Réseaux Optiques Nano-StructurésConversion micro-onde - optique intégrée sur puce à atomes supraconductric

    Towards nano-structured potentials: coupling of an ultra cold atomic gas with a surface and sub-wavelength imaging

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    Recently, cold atoms in lattices blossomed as good candidates to mimic the prop- erties of electrons in solid state systems and to simulate other quantum systems. However, experimental techniques currently use optical lattices in the far-field. This limit the lattice spacing to λ/2, thus the relevant energy scale (tunneling and interaction), making it difficult to enter deeply into the proper quantum regimes to observe magnetic quantum correlations or strongly correlated phases. Our project aims at reducing the lattice period to bridge the gap between solid state ( ̊A) and far field lattice (500nm) by developing an hybrid quantum system of Bose and Fermi quantum gas in close proximity of a nano-structured surface generating sub-wavelength lattice potentials. To push toward this goal, we first developed a novel method to transport and then trap an ultracold atomic cloud in close vicinity of a surface. We will discuss about the early stage atom-chip produced, and report on some tests about the transport sequence. By measuring the power spectral density of the trap parameters, we can predict the noise- induce heating of the trapped cloud. In order to work with such system, one need to be able to address individually each sites with a resolution under the standard PSF limit. We implemented a tunable sub-wavelength imaging system with a theoretical resolution of 30nm that we used to resolve the wave-packet of a cloud in a single lattice site. This scheme involves two superimposed optical lattices, one at 1064nm and one at 1529nm, whose interfringe can be tuned. We present hereafter the experimental setup in detail and show interesting results we obtained.Atomes Ultra-Froids piégés dans des Réseaux Optiques Nano-StructurésConversion micro-onde - optique intégrée sur puce à atomes supraconductric

    Creating and measuring sub-wavelength volumes using quantitative absorption imaging of optically dense ensembles

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    Quantum gas microscopes have become a major element for quantum simulations using ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices. They are for example used to observe long-range order such as anti-ferromagnetic correlations in far field optical lattices using density and spin resolved microscopy. Decreasing the period of such lattice offer interesting perspective to increase atom-atom interaction energies and engineer atom-light coupling that our group tackles via the hybridization of cold atoms and nano-structured surfaces.In this poster, we will present how such type of sub-wavelength lattice potentials can be generated by trapping atoms in proximity (tens to hundreds of nanometers) of a nano-structured surface. At such atom to surface distance, the attractive Casimir-Polder force can be compensated by a doubly dressed state trapping method that I will discuss. Such method additionally offers solutions to overcome the diffraction limit of conventional imaging that become critical for sub-wavelength lattices. In this work, I will present the experimental characterization of a sub-wavelength resolution absorption imaging applicable to quantum gas detection. This method requires a quantitative determination of the atom number of dense clouds which has been characterized in this work and demonstrate that the scattering cross section reduces linearly with the optical density. Modelling the propagation of light in dense cloud we show that this reduction can be attributed to re-scattering of the incoherent part of the resonant fluorescence spectrum.The poster will additionally present an update on our recent work on the spectroscopy of Acetylene in sealed hollow core fibers.Atomes Ultra-Froids piégés dans des Réseaux Optiques Nano-StructurésConversion micro-onde - optique intégrée sur puce à atomes supraconductric