21 research outputs found


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    The present article proposes an introspection into the field of a new marketing specialization – mobile marketing. The concept mainly refers to all marketing activities related to the new communication channel – Short Message Service, Multimedia Messaging Service, and internet access from mobile phone. The article provides, at the same time, a marketing perspective about future trends of mobile marketing and mobile media, and also a technical perspective related to the future mobile communication technologies in the field – the LTE (Long Term Evolution) – cellular communication system optimized to support packet-switched data services to enable mobile broadband. The conclusions of the article focus on the relevance of mobile marketing, techniques efficiency related to brand promotion, changing consumers attitude and the development of such techniques imposed by the new mobile communication systemmobile marketing; long term evolution; broadband; brand awareness; consumer attitude

    New perspectives in relationship marketing conceptualization

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    Relationship marketing represents a concept that has been disputed in the last 15 years as being a true paradigm of marketing thinking, or just a new method to apply marketing techniques to the new requirements and transformations into the socio-economic field of contemporary economy. Developing the conceptualization of relationship marketing has involved a wide area of research both in the theoretical and practical background. But despite many controversies about how to apply relationship marketing, at a profound level, the openness to new modalities for managing relationships with consumers, in the context of developing a new type of consumer – the postmodern consumer – is one of the undeniable strengths of relationship marketing.The present article is trying to capture some of the possible directions of development of relationship marketing techniques considered by the author as being a kind of future trends of this complex scientific approach. In a brief we consider as appropriate for companies in the consumer markets to develop relationship marketing strategies around the concept of “consumer personal brands basket”. Considering this, every company should try to put together strategic resources and develop common activities with other producers from the brands basket for a certain consumer. Due to the technological development and diminishing costs for management of large and complex consumer databases, developing such a strategic orientation could be not only an illusion but a simple solution for consumers and tomorrow’s competitive environment

    The Social and Economic Factors Influence upon the Healthcare Services Consumers Behaviour

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    The research in the field of healthcare services consumer behaviour represents a very complex task with multiple implications. The consumer behaviour is much nuanced depending on the type of services or products that we are referring on. In the case of healthcare services, the behaviour is more complex than other services and is influenced mainly by special motivations like the need for a proper health status or the need to recover from a certain disease. The present article is proposing a qualitative type research as an in-depth interview with dentists regarding their perception about the influence that social and economic factors can have upon the consumers’ behaviour. The results of the research suggest that the influence of social factors is very complex, from the simple more intense concern related with dental hygiene and appearance of teeth up to anxious behaviour and isolation in the case of patients with severe dental diseases that have affected their face bones structure or the capacity to chew and speak. These findings shows that the consumers’ behaviour can be shaped by the complex interaction of different factors, and the response from dentists and those in charge with the provision of dental healthcare services can make the difference between a sustainable consumption and a dramatic route of unsatisfied consumers’ expectations.

    Healthcare services consumer’s behaviour and sustainable development

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    Sustainable development has come into prominence in recent years as a concept that determines implications in all areas of human activity. Modern medical services are distinguished by a special position regarding application of the specific principles of sustainable development. This is because they are not only a necessary and useful tool to implement the concept of sustainable development at the scale of the entire human civilization but also an area of activity where sustainability is experiencing a complex application. In this context, health care consumer behaviour has also suffered substantial changes determined both by the technological evolution from the medical field and the large scale which phenomena such as social networks and communication technology has in the present. This article proposes a review of the evolution of the concept of sustainable development, its application in the medical field, with an emphasis on dental health services and final considerations on how consumer behaviour is influenced by the implementation, at the level of the medical organisations, of the principles of sustainable development.


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    The article deals with the issue of equality of chances, seen from the perspective of the importance that it may have in relation to social inclusion of individuals and economic development at the level of national economy. Social integration of both women and men is a natural goal, specific to the current level of economic, social and cultural development for most countries. The active promotion of equality of chances not only at the level of legislative initiatives but also in the space of social and entrepreneurial initiatives is the most effective solution to provide a favourable framework for the development of the contemporary society. The article reviews the concepts addressed, the legislation in Romania on equality of chances, and discusses the complex relationship that exists between sustainable economic development and the promotion of equality of chances on a large scale at the level of a national economy

    Healthcare services consumer behavior in the light of social norms influence

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    Healthcare services consumers’ behavior represents an multidimensional concept, that implies the cumulative effects of different factors. The process of consumption is very different and complex in the case of healthcare services due to the nature of the needs and consumption motivations on one hand and because of the complexity of the services itself on the other hand. Amongst the factors that are influencing the consumer’s behaviour, the social ones represent a particular type. In the case of healthcare services this is because the social interactions of the patients can contribute to their own perception regarding the post consumption satisfaction, or can influence the buying decision in the first place. The influence of social factors can be analysed on multiple layers – from the effect of the affiliation and adhesion groups to the effect of social norms and regulations.

    Mobile marketing future trends

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    The present article proposes an introspection into the field of a new marketing specialization – mobile marketing. The concept mainly refers to all marketing activities related to the new communication channel – Short Message Service, Multimedia Messaging Service, and internet access from mobile phone. The article provides, at the same time, a marketing perspective about future trends of mobile marketing and mobile media, and also a technical perspective related to the future mobile communication technologies in the field – the LTE (Long Term Evolution) – cellular communication system optimized to support packet-switched data services to enable mobile broadband.The conclusions of the article focus on the relevance of mobile marketing, techniques efficiency related to brand promotion, changing consumers attitude and the development of such techniques imposed by the new mobile communication system


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    In case of dental care consumption, a very special influence will have the social factors. This influence, from the level of consumers’ behavior can be analyzed on two distinct levels – that of normatives impose by the social organization particular for the community that the individual live and that of the influences of the social groups that individual are interacting with. Dental healthcare services consumption is conditioned at the level of consumption motivations by complex needs which are not confined only to the physiological needs of removing pain caused by a certain dental condition, but are going towards the need of self-image improvement, increasing the appreciation offered by the others group members, the congruence with other consumers decisions within the group (family members, friends, colleagues etc). It is important to note in this context the fact that the influence exerted by consumers exogenous factors (external influences in which we can integrate those from the social groups also) will be combined with the one exerted by endogenous factors (personality, learning process, perceptions, attitudes, motivations etc), representing a continuum that shape consumers and allows in the same time the society shaping by them. The present article proposes a research conducted on dental healthcare services consumers. Results revealed the importance that a series of variables like the importance given to image in the workplace, family, friends and colleagues perception towards dental aesthetic, social class has in the context of consumer behavior. It is also noted that the influence of variables is mediated by the importance given to self-image, dental healthcare services consumption being determined by complex needs, consumption motivations being physiological – specific to some medical conditions and psychological – aesthetic or induced by the pressure corresponding to the need to comply with social norms

    Particularities of dental medical services and consumers in the context of globalization

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    Globalization determines a growth of competition but as well a growth of the opportunity to attract new customers. The dental clinics will have to keep in mind the new characteristics and features of the modern consumer who is more educated, more informed, more active in searching for products and services, more communicative with the providers and the other consumers and more inclined to the cognitive side.At the same time, although they have to admit the traits of the new type of consumer – for whom there are no borders, the clinics must perform marketing researches and be permanently connected to each patient in order to be aware of the particularities of the local communities and even of the individual traits because the present consumer is more demanding and wants unique non-repetitive consumption experiences.For a dental clinic, the globalization supposes a global thinking and global action, not the homogenization of products and services they offer, as well as considering their hybridization, especially from the cultural point of view

    The role of strategic planning in relationship marketing

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    The evolution of relationship marketing has been one of the most talked about, partly because it not only proposed a radical change at the very beginning of the marketing action and philosophy, but also because of its complexity.Among many different issues regarding the relationship marketing, the one referring to the strategic planning process has been very little dealt with among the marketing specialists.The present article discusses this sensitive matter and represents a short insight into this complex dilemma: is planning possible or not when talking about commitment, trust, harmony, empathy with the consumer on a regular basis, during a lifetime relationship?   