8 research outputs found

    A survey on detecting financial fraud with anomaly feature detection

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    Trading/transaction arrange uncovers the cooperation among substances and therefore abnormality identification on exchanging systems can uncover the elements associated with the fraud movement; while highlights of elements are the portrayal of elements and irregularity location on highlights can reflect subtleties of the fraud exercises. In this way, system and highlights give integral data to fraud discovery, which can possibly improve fraud identification execution. Be that as it may, most of existing strategies center on systems or highlights data independently, which doesn't use both data. In this, we propose a novel fraud recognition structure, CoDetect, which can use both system data and highlight data for money related fraud location. What's more, CoDetect can all the while distinguishing money related fraud exercises and the element designs related with the fraud exercises

    A new privacy policy mechanisim for user images in content sharing places

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    We propose a two-level structure which as indicated by the client's accessible history on the site, decides the best accessible security approach for the client's pictures being transferred. Our answer depends on a picture characterization structure for picture classifications which might be related with comparative approaches, and on an arrangement expectation calculation to naturally create a strategy for each recently transferred picture, additionally as per clients' social highlights. After some time, the created arrangements will pursue the development of clients' protection state of mind

    Empirical Evaluations On Real And Synthetic Datasets State Of The Art Utility Mining Algorithms

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    We have considered the issue of best k high utility itemsets mining, where k is the coveted number of high utility itemsets to be mined. Two effective calculations TKU (mining Top-K Utility itemsets) and TKO (mining Top-K utility itemsets in One stage) are proposed for mining such itemsets without setting least utility limits. TKU is the initial two-stage calculation for mining top-k high utility itemsets, which joins five techniques PE, NU, MD, MC and SE to adequately raise the fringe least utility edges and further prune the hunt space. Then again, TKO is the first stage algorithm produced for top-k HUI mining, which incorporates the novel methodologies RUC, RUZ and EPB to extraordinarily enhance its execution. The proposed calculations have great versatility on extensive datasets and the execution of the proposed algorithms is near the ideal instance of the cutting edge two-stage and one-stage utility mining algorithms

    A unified two level online learning scheme to optimizer a distance metric

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    We research a novel plan of online multi-modular separation metric learning (OMDML), which investigates a brought together two-level web based learning plan: (I) it figures out how to advance a separation metric on every individual element space; and (ii) at that point it figures out how to locate the ideal mix of assorted sorts of highlights. To additionally lessen the costly expense of DML on high-dimensional element space, we propose a low-rank OMDML calculation which essentially diminishes the computational expense as well as holds profoundly contending or stunningly better learning precision

    Complementary Aspect-Based Opinion Mining across Asymmetric Collections Using CAMEL

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    We propose CAMEL, a novel theme model for complementary aspect-based opinion mining across asymmetric collections CAMEL picks up data complementarity by demonstrating both normal and explicit aspectes crosswise over assortments, while keeping all the comparing suppositions for contrastive investigation. An auto-labeling scheme called AME is likewise proposed to help separate among viewpoint and opinion words without elaborative human marking, which are additionally upgraded by including word implanting based comparability as another element. In addition, CAMEL-DP, a nonparametric option in contrast to CAMEL is likewise proposed dependent on coupled Dirichlet Processes. Broad examinations on genuine world multi-collection audits information exhibit the prevalence of our strategies over aggressive baselines. This is especially obvious when the data shared by various assortments turns out to be genuinely divided

    A New Multivariate Correlation Study for Detection of Denial-of-Service Attack

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    We present a attack detection system that utilizes Multivariate Correlation Analysis (MCA) for precise system traffic portrayal by removing the geometrical relationships between's system traffic highlights. Our MCA-based DoSattack identification framework utilizes the rule of abnormality based detection in attack acknowledgment. This makes our answer equipped for distinguishing known and obscure DoSattacks adequately by learning the examples of real system traffic as it were. Besides, a triangle-zone based system is proposed to upgrade and to accelerate the procedure of MCA. The adequacy of our proposed location framework is assessed utilizing KDD Cup 99 dataset, and the impacts of both non-standardized information and standardized information on the execution of the proposed identification framework are analyzed

    A new advanced query response time and reduce CPU cost in web search

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    I proposed the Predictive Energy Saving Online Scheduling (PESOS) calculation. With regards to web crawlers, PESOS intends to decrease the CPU energy utilization of an inquiry preparing hub while forcing required tail dormancy on the question reaction times. For each inquiry, PESOS chooses the most minimal conceivable CPU center recurrence with the end goal that the energy utilization is diminished and the due dates are regarded. PESOS choose the correct CPU center recurrence misusing two various types of query efficiency predictors (QEPs). The first QEP gauges the preparing volume of inquiries. The second QEP gauges the inquiry preparing times under various center frequencies, given the quantity of postings to score. Since QEPs can be off base, amid their preparation we recorded the root mean square error (RMSE) of the expectations

    A new distributed storage evaluating with irrefutable outsourcing of key upgrades

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    In this worldview, key updates can be securely redistributed to some approved gathering, and along these lines the key-refresh trouble on the customer will be kept negligible. In particular, we use the third party auditor (TPA) in many existing open evaluating structures, let it assume the job of approved gathering for our situation, and make it accountable for both the capacity reviewing and the protected key updates for key-introduction obstruction. In our structure, TPA just needs to hold a scrambled variant of the customer's secret key, while doing all these oppressive errands in the interest of the customer. The customer just needs to download the scrambled secret key from the TPA while transferring new documents to cloud. Plus, our structure additionally outfits the customer with ability to additionally confirm the legitimacy of the scrambled secret keys given by TPA