5 research outputs found

    Developing a Common Metadata Model for Competencies Description

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    Competence-based approaches are frequently adopted as the key paradigm in both formal or non-formal education and training. To support the provision of competence-based learning services, it is necessary to be able to maintain a record of an individual’s competences in a persistent and standard way. In this paper, we investigate potential issues related with the definition of a common metadata model for competencies description. This is done by applying the current state-of-the-art specification, IMS Reusable Definition of Competency or Educational Objective(IMSRDCEO), in a real case study, that is,the EuroPass Language Passport. We, then, identify four open issues with the description capabilities of the IMSRDCEO specification, and propose possible extensions to its information model, demonstrating their application in practice.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    Lifelong Competence Development: Towards a Common Metadata Model for Competencies Description – The Case Study of Europass Language Passport

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    Competence-based approaches in the field of formal or non-formal education and training are becoming more common and appear to offer the opportunity to develop programmes that meet needs of learners, trainers and potential employers. To support the provision of competence-based learning services, it is necessary to maintain a record of an individual’s competences in a persistent and standard way. In this paper, we investigate the problem of defining a common metadata model for the description of competencies based on the application of the current state-of-the-art specification (namely, the IMS RDCEO) in describing competencies, in a real case study, that is, the EuroPass Language Passport. To this end, we identify four open issues on the description capabilities of the IMS RDCEO specification, and propose possible extensions to its information model, demonstrating their application in practice.This work has been sponsored by the EU project TENCompetenc

    Competence based Educational Metadata for supporting lifelong competence development programmes

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    In the context of the emerging paradigm of lifelong learning, competence-based learning is gradually attracting the attention of the Technology-Enhanced learning community, since it appears to meet the training expectations of both individuals and organisations. On the other hand, the paradigm of Learning Objects retains, to a large extent, its initial anticipations and, supported by Educational Metadata, it is still influencing Technology-Enhanced learning system design. Nevertheless, the IEEE LOM Specification does not directly support the description of learning resources in terms of their relevance to competence-based learning programmes. In this paper we target addressing this problem, that is, we identify and study the main issues related to the competencerelevant characteristics of learning resources and propose an IEEE LOM Competence Application Profile that can be used for tagging educational resources in a competence-meaningful manner. © 2008 IEEE