48 research outputs found

    Type II vertex operators for the An−1(1)A_{n-1}^{(1)} face model

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    Presented is a free boson representation of the type II vertex operators for the An−1(1)A_{n-1}^{(1)} face model. Using the bosonization, we derive some properties of the type II vertex operators, such as commutation, inversion and duality relations.Comment: 20 pages, LaTEX 2

    The SU(n) invariant massive Thirring model with boundary reflection

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    We study the SU(n) invariant massive Thirring model with boundary reflection. Our approach is based on the free field approach. We construct the free field realizations of the boundary state and its dual. For an application of these realizations, we present integral representations for the form factors of the local operators.Comment: LaTEX2e file, 27 page

    Vertex operator approach to semi-infinite spin chain : recent progress

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    Vertex operator approach is a powerful method to study exactly solvable models. We review recent progress of vertex operator approach to semi-infinite spin chain. (1) The first progress is a generalization of boundary condition. We study Uq(sl^(2))U_q(\widehat{sl}(2)) spin chain with a triangular boundary, which gives a generalization of diagonal boundary [Baseilhac and Belliard 2013, Baseilhac and Kojima 2014]. We give a bosonization of the boundary vacuum state. As an application, we derive a summation formulae of boundary magnetization. (2) The second progress is a generalization of hidden symmetry. We study supersymmetry Uq(sl^(M∣N))U_q(\widehat{sl}(M|N)) spin chain with a diagonal boundary [Kojima 2013]. By now we have studied spin chain with a boundary, associated with symmetry Uq(sl^(N))U_q(\widehat{sl}(N)), Uq(A2(2))U_q(A_2^{(2)}) and Uq,p(sl^(N))U_{q,p}(\widehat{sl}(N)) [Furutsu-Kojima 2000, Yang-Zhang 2001, Kojima 2011, Miwa-Weston 1997, Kojima 2011], where bosonizations of vertex operators are realized by "monomial" . However the vertex operator for Uq(sl^(M∣N))U_q(\widehat{sl}(M|N)) is realized by "sum", a bosonization of boundary vacuum state is realized by "monomial".Comment: Proceedings of 10-th Lie Theory and its Applications in Physics, LaTEX, 10 page

    Difference equations for the higher rank XXZ model with a boundary

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    The higher rank analogue of the XXZ model with a boundary is considered on the basis of the vertex operator approach. We derive difference equations of the quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov type for 2N-point correlations of the model. We present infinite product formulae of two point functions with free boundary condition by solving those difference equations with N=1.Comment: LaTEX 16 page

    Diagonalization of infinite transfer matrix of boundary Uq,p(AN−1(1))U_{q,p}(A_{N-1}^{(1)}) face model

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    We study infinitely many commuting operators TB(z)T_B(z), which we call infinite transfer matrix of boundary Uq,p(AN−1(1))U_{q,p}(A_{N-1}^{(1)}) face model. We diagonalize infinite transfer matrix TB(z)T_B(z) by using free field realizations of the vertex operators of the elliptic quantum group Uq,p(AN−1(1))U_{q,p}(A_{N-1}^{(1)}).Comment: 36 pages, Dedicated to Professor Etsuro Date on the occassion of the 60th birthda

    Vertex operator approach for form factors of Belavin's (Z/nZ)(Z/nZ)-symmetric model

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    Belavin's (Z/nZ)(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})-symmetric model is considered on the basis of bosonization of vertex operators in the An−1(1)A^{(1)}_{n-1} model and vertex-face transformation. Free field representations of nonlocal tail operators are constructed for off diagonal matrix elements with respect to the ground state sectors. As a result, integral formulae for form factors of any local operators in the (Z/nZ)(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})-symmetric model can be obtained, in principle.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, published in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010) 085202. For the next thirty days from Feb 5 2010, the full text of the article will be completely free to access through our 'This Month's Papers' service (www.iop.org/journals/thismonth), helping you to benefit from maximum visibilit

    Uq(sl^n)U_q(\hat{sl}_n)-analog of the XXZ chain with a boundary

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    We study Uq(sl^n)U_q(\hat{sl}_n) analog of the XXZ spin chain with a boundary magnetic field h. We construct explicit bosonic formulas of the vacuum vector and the dual vacuum vector with a boundary magnetic field. We derive integral formulas of the correlation functions.Comment: 24 pages, LaTEX2

    Free field approach to diagonalization of boundary transfer matrix : recent advances

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    We diagonalize infinitely many commuting operators TB(z)T_B(z). We call these operators TB(z)T_B(z) the boundary transfer matrix associated with the quantum group and the elliptic quantum group. The boundary transfer matrix is related to the solvable model with a boundary. When we diagonalize the boundary transfer matrix, we can calculate the correlation functions for the solvable model with a boundary. We review the free field approach to diagonalization of the boundary transfer matrix TB(z)T_B(z) associated with Uq(A2(2))U_q(A_2^{(2)}) and Uq,p(slN^)U_{q,p}(\hat{sl_N}). We construct the free field realizations of the eigenvectors of the boundary transfer matrix TB(z)T_B(z). This paper includes new unpublished formula of the eigenvector for Uq(A2(2))U_q(A_2^{(2)}). It is thought that this diagonalization method can be extended to more general quantum group Uq(g)U_q(g) and elliptic quantum group Uq,p(g)U_{q,p}(g).Comment: To appear in Group 28 : Group Theoretical Method in Physic

    Elliptic Deformed Superalgebra uq,p(sl^(M∣N))u_{q,p}(\hat{{sl}}(M|N))

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    We introduce the elliptic superalgebra Uq,p(sl^(M∣N))U_{q,p}(\hat{sl}(M|N)) as one parameter deformation of the quantum superalgebra Uq(sl^(M∣N))U_q(\hat{sl}(M|N)). For an arbitrary level k≠1k \neq 1 we give the bosonization of the elliptic superalgebra Uq,p(sl^(1∣2))U_{q,p}(\hat{sl}(1|2)) and the screening currents that commute with Uq,p(sl^(1∣2))U_{q,p}(\hat{sl}(1|2)) modulo total difference.Comment: LaTEX, 25 page

    Unitary representations of nilpotent super Lie groups

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    We show that irreducible unitary representations of nilpotent super Lie groups can be obtained by induction from a distinguished class of sub super Lie groups. These sub super Lie groups are natural analogues of polarizing subgroups that appear in classical Kirillov theory. We obtain a concrete geometric parametrization of irreducible unitary representations by nonnegative definite coadjoint orbits. As an application, we prove an analytic generalization of the Stone-von Neumann theorem for Heisenberg-Clifford super Lie groups