37 research outputs found
SNAP, Crackle, WebWindows!
We elaborate the SNAP---Scalable (ATM) Network and (PC) Platforms---view of computing in the year 2000. The World Wide Web will continue its rapid evolution, and in the future, applications will not be written for Windows NT/95 or UNIX, but rather for WebWindows with interfaces defined by the standards of Web servers and clients. This universal environment will support WebTop productivity tools, such as WebWord, WebLotus123, and WebNotes built in modular dynamic fashion, and undermining the business model for large software companies. We define a layered WebWindows software architecture in which applications are built on top of multi-use services. We discuss examples including business enterprise systems (IntraNets), health care, financial services and education. HPCC is implicit throughout this discussion for there is no larger parallel system than the World Wide metacomputer. We suggest building the MPP programming environment in terms of pervasive sustainable WebWindows technologies. In particular, WebFlow will support naturally dataflow integrating data and compute intensive applications on distributed heterogeneous systems
Java for parallel computing and as a general language for scientific and engineering simulation and modeling
We discuss the role of Java and Web technologies for general simulation. We classify the classes of concurrency typical in problems and analyze separately the role of Java in user interfaces, coarse grain software integration, and detailed computational kernels. We conclude that Java could become a major language for computational science, as it potentially offers good performance, excellent user interfaces, and the advantages of object-oriented structure
Exploration of the InfoMall Concept Building on the Electronic InfoMall
This document describes: the InfoMall concept; how it is employed by the Northeast Parallel Architectures center (NPAC) as a technology transfer program, how it could be used by Rome Laboratory and by the United States Air Force Materiel Command (US AFMC). A description of the “Electronic InfoMall” system built on the World Wide Web as a pilot project for Rome Laboratory is also given as well as some experiences building WWW systems for academic, commerce and industry. It should be emphasized that this document is primarily a description of the potential uses of the InfoMall concept and the human interactive processes involved in InfoMall and is not primarily about the HPCC technologies that make the InfoMall process work. These technologies are well described elsewhere although we summarize their main features in this document
A Problem Solving Environment for Network Computing
The current advances in high-speed networks and WWW technologies have made network computing a cost-effective high performance computing environment. New software development models and problem solving environments must be developed to utilize the network computing environment efficiently. In this paper we present Virtual Distributed Computing Environment (VDCE), which provides a problem solving environment for high-performance distributed computing over wide-area networks. VDCE enables scientists to develop distributed applications without knowing the detailed architecture of the underlying resources. VDCE provides well-defined library functions that relieve end users from tedious task implementations and it supports software reusability. The VDCE software architecture consists of two modules: Application Editor, and VDCE Runtime System. Application Editor is a Web-based graphical user interface that helps user to develop network applications and specifies the computing and communication properties of each task within the applications. The VDCE Runtime System schedules the individual tasks of the application to the best available resources, runs, and manages the application execution on the assigned resources. We also present how VDCE can be used as a problem solving environment and how the users can experiment and evaluate the performance of their applications for different VDCE hardware and/or software configurations
Exploration of Emerging HPCN Technologies for Web-Based Distributed Computing
The surge in the popularity of the World Wide Web (WWW) has corresponded to a decreasing market for specialised high performance computers. This paper discusses how, by making use of technology developed from the broader end of the computing pyramid, much of the past decade\u27s work in distributed computing can be realised in the context of the larger WWW market. Not only do these new technologies offer fresh possibilities, but their pace of development is unlikely to be matched by the traditional high performance research community. A motivating application, discussions of the pertinent emerging technologies, and NPAC\u27s investigations of them, will be presented
Building Distributed Systems for the Pragmatic Object Web
We review the growing power and capability of commodity computing and communication technologies largely driven by commercial distributed information systems. These systems are built from CORBA, Microsoft\u27s COM, JavaBeans, and rapidly advancing Web approaches. One can abstract these to a three-tier model with largely independent clients connected to a distributed network of servers. The latter host various services including object and relational databases and of course parallel and sequential computing. High performance can be obtained by combining concurrency at the middle server tier with optimized parallel back end services. The resultant system combines the needed performance for large-scale HPCC applications with the rich functionality of commodity systems. Further the architecture with distinct interface, server and specialized service implementation layers, naturally allows advances in each area to be easily incorporated. We illustrate how performance can be obtained within a commodity architecture and we propose a middleware integration approach based on JWORB (Java Web Object Broker) multi-protocol server technology. We illustrate our approach on a set of prototype applications in areas such as collaborative systems, support of multidisciplinary interactions, WebFlow based visual metacomputing, WebFlow over Globus, Quantum Monte Carlo and distributed interactive simulations
Neural Networks and Dynamic Complex Systems
We describe the use of neural networks for optimization and inference associated with a variety of complex systems. We show how a string formalism can be used for parallel computer decomposition, message routing and sequential optimizing compilers. We extend these ideas to a general treatment of spatial assessment and distributed artificial intelligence
Java/CORBA based Real-Time Infrastructure to Integrate Event-Driven Simulations, Collaboration and Distributed Object/Componentware Computing
We are discussing the four major standard candidates for distributed object/componentware computing: Java, CORBA, COM and WOM within our proposed coordination framework we call Pragmatic Object Web (POW). We describe our integration approach based on multi-protocol middleware server JWORB (Java Web Object Request Broker) that currently integrates HTTP and IIOP and which we now further develop to also support COM and WOM core functionalities. We are also experimenting with visual data ow authoring front-ends using NPAC WebFlow system on top of JWORB based software bus. Finally, we illustrate our technologies in one major application domain- DoD Modeling and Simulation- where we use JWORB to implement the Real-Time Infrastructure (RTI) layer of High Level Architecture (HLA). HLA was recently specified by DMSO as a general integration framework for DoD distributed simulations and we claim that we can bring it to a broader community of distributed collaborative object/componentware computing via the interactive Web/CORBA/Java/COM interfaces of our Pragmatic Object Web
The Software Architecture of a Virtual Distributed Computing Environment
The requirements of grand challenge problems and the deployment of gigabit networks makes the network computing framework an attractive and cost effective computing environment with which to interconnect geographically distributed processing and storage resources. Our project, Virtual Distributed Computing Environment (VDCE), provides a problem-solving environment for high-performance distributed computing over wide area networks. VDCE delivers well-defined library functions that relieve end-users of tedious task implementations and also support reusability. In this paper we present the conceptual design of VDCE software architecture, which is defined in three modules: a) the Application Editor, a user-friendly application development environment that generates the Application Flow Graph (AFG) of an application; b) the Application Scheduler, which provides an efficient task-to-resource mapping of AFG; and c) the VDCE Runtime System, which is responsible for running and managing application execution and monitoring the VDCE resources