147 research outputs found

    Age of Onset of Mood Disorders and Complexity of Personality Traits

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    Objective. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the link between the age of onset of mood disorders and the complexity of the personality traits. Methods. 209 patients with major depressive or manic/hypomanic episodes were assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Axis I diagnoses and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III). Results. 17.2% of the patients had no elevated MCMI-III scores, 45.9% had one peak, and 36.9% had a complex personality disorder with two or more elevated scores. Mood disorders onset of 29 years or less was the variable most related to the complexity of personality disorders as indicated from a recursive partitioning analysis. Conclusions. The relationship between mood disorders and personality traits differ in reference to age of onset of the mood disorder. In younger patients, maladaptive personality traits can evolve both in a mood disorder onset and in a complex personality disorder, while the later development of a severe mood disorder can increase the personality symptomatology. Our results suggest a threshold of mood disorder onset higher compared to previous studies. Maladaptive personality traits should be assessed not only during adolescence but also in young adults to identify and treat potential severe mood disorders

    O monitoramento das inclusões residenciais em Psiquiatria: resultados preliminares da atividade da unidade de monitoramento e planejamento clínico

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    Introduction: Planning and Monitoring Unit Clinical (UMPC) has clinical epidemiological purposes, but mainly for evaluating and improving the quality of service. Objective: To describe the journeys of patients to residential care for mental health services. Method: The routes were analyzed from twopoints of view: based on the management structure and the type of intervention (these two criteria were intertwined) and based on the type of structure. 213 patients were followed. The first analysis of pathways was performed considering the residential subdivision of the Department offer residentialbased management and intervention. Results: A significant number of these patients remains inserted for several years, it can be stated that the rehabilitative program running inside the supporting structures, allow improving or at least maintaining the autonomy acquired. Conclusion: The fact thatthere are numerous passages of protected structures, administered by the Department, the support structures, such as groups of Apartment, the Accommodation Support, indicates a good capacity of rehabilitation programs, working in the community, to prepare patients to new projects characterized bygreater autonomy and personal independence.Descriptors: Psychosocial rehabilitation; Autonomy; Health Services


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    Urgences psychiatriques hors hopital psychiatrique/ Urgenze psichiatriche senza ospedale psichiatrico

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