39 research outputs found

    Ectopic development of skeletal muscle induced by subcutaneous transplant of rat satellite cells

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    The present study analyzes the ectopic development of the rat skeletal muscle originated from transplanted satellite cells. Satellite cells (106 cells) obtained from hindlimb muscles of newborn female 2BAW Wistar rats were injected subcutaneously into the dorsal area of adult male rats. After 3, 7, and 14 days, the transplanted tissues (N = 4-5) were processed for histochemical analysis of peripheral nerves, inactive X-chromosome and acetylcholinesterase. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) were also labeled with tetramethylrhodaminelabeled alpha-bungarotoxin. the development of ectopic muscles was successful in 86% of the implantation sites. By day 3, the transplanted cells were organized as multinucleated fibers containing multiple clusters of nAChRs (N = 2-4), resembling those from non-innervated cultured skeletal muscle fibers. After 7 days, the transplanted cells appeared as a highly vascularized tissue formed by bundles of fibers containing peripheral nuclei. the presence of X chromatin body indicated that subcutaneously developed fibers originated from female donor satellite cells. Differently from the extensor digitorum longus muscle of adult male rat (87.9 +/- 1.0 mu m; N = 213), the diameter of ectopic fibers (59.1 mu m; N = 213) did not obey a Gaussian distribution and had a higher coefficient of variation. After 7 and 14 days, the organization of the nAChR clusters was similar to that of clusters from adult innervated extensor digitorum longus muscle. These findings indicate the histocompatibility of rats from 2BAW colony and that satellite cells transplanted into the subcutaneous space of adult animals are able to develop and fuse to form differentiated skeletal muscle fibers.UNIFESP, EPM, Dept Farmacol, BR-04044020 São Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, EPM, Dept Neurol & Neurocirurgia, BR-04044020 São Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, EPM, Dept Farmacol, BR-04044020 São Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP, EPM, Dept Neurol & Neurocirurgia, BR-04044020 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Genome-wide association meta-analysis of fish and EPA+DHA consumption in 17 US and European cohorts

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    Background: Regular fish and omega-3 consumption may have several health benefits and are recommended by major dietary guidelines. Yet, their intakes remain remarkably variable both within and across populations, which could partly owe to genetic influences. Objective: To identify common genetic variants that influence fish and dietary eicosapentaenoic acid plus docosahexaenoic acid (EPA+DHA) consumption. Design: We conducted genome-wide association (GWA) meta-analysis of fish (n = 86, 467) and EPA +DHA (n = 62, 265) consumption in 17 cohorts of European descent from the CHARGE (Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology) Consortium Nutrition Working Group. Results from cohort-specific GWA analyses (additive model) for fish and EPA+DHA consumption were adjusted for age, sex, energy intake, and population stratification, and meta-analyzed separately using fixed-effect meta-analysis with inverse variance weights (METAL software). Additionally, heritability was estimated in 2 cohorts. Results: Heritability estimates for fish and EPA+DHA consumption ranged from 0.13

    Meta-analysis of 49 549 individuals imputed with the 1000 Genomes Project reveals an exonic damaging variant in ANGPTL4 determining fasting TG levels

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    Background So far, more than 170 loci have been associated with circulating lipid levels through genomewide association studies (GWAS). These associations are largely driven by common variants, their function is often not known, and many are likely to be markers for the causal variants. In this study we aimed to identify more new rare and low-frequency functional variants associated with circulating lipid levels. Methods We used the 1000 Genomes Project as a reference panel for the imputations of GWAS data from ~60 000 individuals in the discovery stage and ~90 000 samples in the replication stage. Results Our study resu

    Physical activity attenuates the influence of FTO variants on obesity risk: A meta-analysis of 218,166 adults and 19,268 children

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    Background: The FTO gene harbors the strongest known susceptibility locus for obesity. While many individual studies have suggested that physical activity (PA) may attenuate the effect of FTO on obesity risk, other studies have not been able to confirm this interaction. To confirm or refute unambiguously whether PA attenuates the association of FTO with obesity risk, we meta-analyzed data from 45 studies of adults (n = 218,166) and nine studies of children and adolescents (n = 19,268). Methods and Findings: All studies identified to have data on the FTO rs9939609 variant (or any proxy [r2>0.8]) and PA were invited to participate, regardless of ethnicity or age of the participants. PA was standardized by categorizing it into a dichotomous variable (physically inactive versus active) in each study. Overall, 25% of adults and 13% of children were categorized as inactive. Interaction analyses were performed within each study by including the FTO×PA interaction term in an additive model, adjusting for age and sex. Subsequently, random effects meta-analysis was used to pool the interaction terms. In adults, the minor (A-) allele of rs9939609 increased the odds of obesity by 1.23-fold/allele (95% CI 1.20-1.26), but PA attenuated this effect (pinteraction= 0.001). More specifically, the minor allele of rs9939609 increased the odds of obesity less in the physically active group (odds ratio = 1.22/allele, 95% CI 1.19-1.25) than in the inactive group (odds ratio = 1.30/allele, 95% CI 1.24-1.36). No such interaction was found in children and adolescents. Concl

    Analytical study of the Basel Convention implementation by the Brazilian government with a focus on transboundary movements of waste

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    A gestão dos resíduos gerados pela sociedade, que envolve seu tratamento, valorização, aproveitamento e/ou disposição final, é um tema global que demanda de governos, empresas e cidadãos soluções adequadas. O transporte transfronteiriço de resíduos considerado tráfico quando realizado ilegalmente tornou-se uma realidade a ser enfrentada, visto que transfere os impactos de resíduos perigosos de países geradores para países que frequentemente dispõem de meios escassos para lidar eficientemente com os mesmos, aumentando a probabilidade de problemas ambientais e de saúde pública. A Convenção da Basiléia, promulgada em 1989, estabeleceu regras e limites internacionais ao trânsito de resíduos perigosos. O Brasil, como signatário da Convenção, assumiu sua implementação através do Decreto nº 875 de 19 de julho 1993. À revelia das normativas existentes, ocorrem casos de tráfico de resíduos irregulares nas fronteiras e portos brasileiros. As importações irregulares identificadas são tratadas na forma da lei pelos órgãos competentes, gerando processos administrativos, autuações e notificações. Neste trabalho realizamos um levantamento descritivo dos casos de tráfico ilegal de resíduos identificados nas fronteiras e portos brasileiros e analisamos a eficiência e eficácia do governo brasileiro, através de seu órgão ambiental IBAMA/MMA, em coibir e impedir essa prática criminosa. Utilizamos para tanto os seguintes indicadores: a identificação das cargas irregulares pelos entes governamentais; a devolução das cargas aos países de origem; a autuação dos responsáveis pelo tráfico; a comunicação ao Secretariado da Convenção da Basiléia e as ações visando coibir esta prática. A análise dos dados levantados permitiu verificar a evolução dos procedimentos governamentais afetos à problemática e apontar lacunas existentes que limitam a eficácia e eficiência das ações empreendidas.The management of the waste generated by society, involving its treatment, recovery, and/or final disposal, is a global issue that demands of governments, businesses and citizens appropriate solutions. Cross-border transport of dangerous waste considered illegal trafficking when performed irregularly became a reality to be faced, since it transfers the potential impacts of harmful wastes from generator countries to other regions which generally have limited means to handle efficiently with them, increasing the possibility of environmental and public health problems. The Basel Convention, enacted in 1989, established international rules and limits on hazardous waste transit. Brazil, as a signatory of the Convention, assumed its implementation through Decree nº 875 of July 19, 1993. Despite the existing regulations, there are cases of illegal waste trafficking identified at the Brazilian borders and seaports. Identified irregular imports are treated by the competent national bodies according to existing laws and rules, generating administrative proceedings, fines and notifications. In this work, we conduct a descriptive survey of cases of illegal waste trafficking identified at the borders and seaports and analyze the Brazilian government efficiency and effectiveness, through its environmental agency IBAMA/MMA, in curbing and preventing this criminal practice. For this intent, we analyzed the following indicators: the identification of irregular cargos by governmental agencies; proceedings adopted against those responsible for trafficking; the return of the irregular cargos to the countries of origin; communication to the Secretariat of the Basel Convention and the actions to curb this practice. The analysis of the collected data has shown progress in government procedures pertaining to the issue and point out gaps that limit the effectiveness and efficiency of the actions

    Spectrum of diabetes mellitus in patients with Shwachman-Diamond syndrome: case report and review of the literature

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    Abstract Background Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS) is a rare congenital disorder caused by mutations in the SBDS gene and characterized by exocrine pancreatic deficiency, hematologic dysfunction, and skeletal growth failure. Although the hematologic features and characteristics of the somatic disorders commonly associated with SDS are well known, emerging data from case reports and patient registries suggest that SDS may also be associated with an increased risk of diabetes mellitus. However, currently available data on SDS-associated diabetes are limited and do not allow conclusions regarding prevalence and incidence rates, clinical course, and outcomes. Case presentation Here we report the case of a 5-year-old girl with SDS who underwent bone marrow transplantation at the age of 3 months and developed autoantibody-positive type 1 diabetes mellitus at the age of 1.8 years. The manifestation and course of diabetes development were mild, complicated by concurrent spontaneous episodes of hypoglycemia even before the onset of antidiabetic treatment. Currently, adequate metabolic control can be achieved by dietary intervention. Conclusions Considering that the SBDS protein regulates mitosis and ribosomal biosynthesis and that its suppression may cause immunologic instability and chronic inflammation, this case provides insight into the phenotype of rare Shwachman-Diamond syndrome-associated diabetes mellitus, which may be characterized by significant age-dependent differences in clinical course

    Tramadolo: Valida alternativa alla codeina?

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    Il controllo del dolore moderato-severo (quello post-operatorio, da fratture o quello cronico nel bambino/adolescente oncologico per intenderci) a volte \ue8 difficile e non sono sufficienti i farmaci definiti come di primo step terapeutico (paracetamolo, FANS). Il divieto (ragionevole) in et\ue0 pediatrica dell\u2019uso della codeina pone il problema di quali farmaci potere utilizzare come ragionevole alternativa. Il tramadolo \ue8 stato studiato in modo adeguato in et\ue0 pediatrica sia come dati di farmacocinetica e farmacodinamica sia in termini di efficacia in formali RCT comparativi. Il profilo di sicurezza sembra essere adeguato, ma si tratta di mantenere vigile l\u2019attenzione. La lettura del lavoro pu\uf2 rendere pi\uf9 facile e sicuro il suo utilizzo nella pratica clinica