36 research outputs found

    Computation of Interaural Time Difference in the Owl's Coincidence Detector Neurons

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    Both the mammalian and avian auditory systems localize sound sources by computing the interaural time difference (ITD) with submillisecond accuracy. The neural circuits for this computation in birds consist of axonal delay lines and coincidence detector neurons. Here, we report the first in vivo intracellular recordings from coincidence detectors in the nucleus laminaris of barn owls. Binaural tonal stimuli induced sustained depolarizations (DC) and oscillating potentials whose waveforms reflected the stimulus. The amplitude of this sound analog potential (SAP) varied with ITD, whereas DC potentials did not. The amplitude of the SAP was correlated with firing rate in a linear fashion. Spike shape, synaptic noise, the amplitude of SAP, and responsiveness to current pulses differed between cells at different frequencies, suggesting an optimization strategy for sensing sound signals in neurons tuned to different frequencies

    Theoretical foundations of the sound analog membrane potential that underlies coincidence detection in the barn owl

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    A wide variety of neurons encode temporal information via phase-locked spikes. In the avian auditory brainstem, neurons in the cochlear nucleus magnocellularis (NM) send phase-locked synaptic inputs to coincidence detector neurons in the nucleus laminaris (NL) that mediate sound localization. Previous modeling studies suggested that converging phase-locked synaptic inputs may give rise to a periodic oscillation in the membrane potential of their target neuron. Recent physiological recordings in vivo revealed that owl NL neurons changed their spike rates almost linearly with the amplitude of this oscillatory potential. The oscillatory potential was termed the sound analog potential, because of its resemblance to the waveform of the stimulus tone. The amplitude of the sound analog potential recorded in NL varied systematically with the interaural time difference (ITD), which is one of the most important cues for sound localization. In order to investigate the mechanisms underlying ITD computation in the NM-NL circuit, we provide detailed theoretical descriptions of how phase-locked inputs form oscillating membrane potentials. We derive analytical expressions that relate presynaptic, synaptic, and postsynaptic factors to the signal and noise components of the oscillation in both the synaptic conductance and the membrane potential. Numerical simulations demonstrate the validity of the theoretical formulations for the entire frequency ranges tested (1–8 kHz) and potential effects of higher harmonics on NL neurons with low best frequencies (<2 kHz)

    Biophysical basis of the sound analog membrane potential that underlies coincidence detection in the barn owl

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    Interaural time difference (ITD), or the difference in timing of a sound wave arriving at the two ears, is a fundamental cue for sound localization. A wide variety of animals have specialized neural circuits dedicated to the computation of ITDs. In the avian auditory brainstem, ITDs are encoded as the spike rates in the coincidence detector neurons of the nucleus laminaris (NL). NL neurons compare the binaural phase-locked inputs from the axons of ipsi- and contralateral nucleus magnocellularis (NM) neurons. Intracellular recordings from the barn owl's NL in vivo showed that tonal stimuli induce oscillations in the membrane potential. Since this oscillatory potential resembled the stimulus sound waveform, it was named the sound analog potential (Funabiki et al., 2011). Previous modeling studies suggested that a convergence of phase-locked spikes from NM leads to an oscillatory membrane potential in NL, but how presynaptic, synaptic, and postsynaptic factors affect the formation of the sound analog potential remains to be investigated. In the accompanying paper, we derive analytical relations between these parameters and the signal and noise components of the oscillation. In this paper, we focus on the effects of the number of presynaptic NM fibers, the mean firing rate of these fibers, their average degree of phase-locking, and the synaptic time scale. Theoretical analyses and numerical simulations show that, provided the total synaptic input is kept constant, changes in the number and spike rate of NM fibers alter the ITD-independent noise whereas the degree of phase-locking is linearly converted to the ITD-dependent signal component of the sound analog potential. The synaptic time constant affects the signal more prominently than the noise, making faster synaptic input more suitable for effective ITD computation

    Htr2a-Expressing Cells in the Central Amygdala Control the Hierarchy between Innate and Learned Fear

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    SummaryFear is induced by innate and learned mechanisms involving separate pathways. Here, we used an olfactory-mediated innate-fear versus learned-fear paradigm to investigate how these pathways are integrated. Notably, prior presentation of innate-fear stimuli inhibited learned-freezing response, but not vice versa. Whole-brain mapping and pharmacological screening indicated that serotonin-2A receptor (Htr2a)-expressing cells in the central amygdala (CeA) control both innate and learned freezing, but in opposing directions. In vivo fiber photometry analyses in freely moving mice indicated that innate but not learned-fear stimuli suppressed the activity of Htr2a-expressing CeA cells. Artificial inactivation of these cells upregulated innate-freezing response and downregulated learned-freezing response. Thus, Htr2a-expressing CeA cells serve as a hierarchy generator, prioritizing innate fear over learned fear

    Cochlear and Neural Delays for Coincidence Detection in Owls

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    The auditory system uses delay lines and coincidence detection to measure the interaural time difference (ITD). Both axons and the cochlea could provide such delays. The stereausis theory assumes that differences in wave propagation time along the basilar membrane can provide the necessary delays, if the coincidence detectors receive input from fibers innervating different loci on the left and right basilar membranes. If this hypothesis were true, the left and right inputs to coincidence detectors should differ in their frequency tuning. The owl's nucleus laminaris contains coincidence detector neurons that receive input from the left and right cochlear nuclei. Monaural frequency-tuning curves of nucleus laminaris neurons showed small interaural differences. In addition, their preferred ITDs were not correlated with the interaural frequency mismatches. Instead, the preferred ITD of the neuron agrees with that predicted from the distribution of axonal delays. Thus, there is no need to invoke mechanisms other than neural delays to explain the detection of ITDs by the barn owl's laminaris neurons

    Enhanced stability of hippocampal place representation caused by reduced magnesium block of NMDA receptors in the dentate gyrus

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    BACKGROUND: Voltage-dependent block of the NMDA receptor by Mg(2+) is thought to be central to the unique involvement of this receptor in higher brain functions. However, the in vivo role of the Mg(2+) block in the mammalian brain has not yet been investigated, because brain-wide loss of the Mg(2+) block causes perinatal lethality. In this study, we used a brain-region specific knock-in mouse expressing an NMDA receptor that is defective for the Mg(2+) block in order to test its role in neural information processing. RESULTS: We devised a method to induce a single amino acid substitution (N595Q) in the GluN2A subunit of the NMDA receptor, specifically in the hippocampal dentate gyrus in mice. This mutation reduced the Mg(2+) block at the medial perforant path–granule cell synapse and facilitated synaptic potentiation induced by high-frequency stimulation. The mutants had more stable hippocampal place fields in the CA1 than the controls did, and place representation showed lower sensitivity to visual differences. In addition, behavioral tests revealed that the mutants had a spatial working memory deficit. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the Mg(2+) block in the dentate gyrus regulates hippocampal spatial information processing by attenuating activity-dependent synaptic potentiation in the dentate gyrus

    Factors Limiting Song Acquisition in Adult Zebra Finches

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    Song learning takes place in two separate or partially overlapping periods, a sensory phase in which a tutor song is memorized and a sensorimotor phase in which a copy of the model is produced. The stage of song development where song becomes stable and stereotyped is called crystallization. Adult birds usually do not learn new song in many species including the zebra finch. However, it is not known whether song crystallization as such or aging impedes adult learning. Exposure to loud noises prevents birds from developing and crystallizing their song, because they cannot control their voice by auditory feedback. Zebra finches even without previous experience of hearing or singing a song failed to learn a song model provided in adulthood. Thus, neither the absence of a tutor song nor the lack of song crystallization enables new song learning in adulthood, but age per se limits the ability or motivation to learn song

    Development of micro-endoscope for in vivo cellular imaging and its possible clinical applications.

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    <i>In vivo</i> Imaging in Freely Moving Animal using Micro-Endoscope

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