46 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Group Intervention Approach for Nurses Exposed to Violent Speech or Violence Caused by Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a group intervention approach aimed at improving the mental health of psychiatric nurses exposed to violent speech/violence. Sixty-two nurses having experienced serious episodes of violent speech/violence were enrolled in this study. A group intervention approach was used in the intervention group. For both the intervention and the control groups, evaluations were conducted at three time points. Evaluations were conducted using the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) and Profile of Mood States (POMS). The results showed that changes in the flashback, hyper-arousal, avoidance behavior, and total scores on the IES-R and anxiety and depression scores on the POMS differed significantly between the two groups. These results suggest that a group intervention approach can lessen the psychological burden of nurses exposed to violence and reduce their mental stress

    Psychological impact of verbal abuse and violence by patients on nurses working in psychiatric departments

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    The aim of this study was to assess the psychological impact of verbal abuse or violence by patients on nurses working in psychiatry departments and to identify factors related to their impact. Survey sheets were distributed to a total of 266 nurses working at two hospitals, and replies were obtained from 232 of them. Because three of them had less than 1 month of experience working in the psychiatry department and four of them failed to answer all the questions, valid replies were obtained from 225 nurses. Among the 225 whose replies were valid, 141 nurses who replied that they had experienced verbal abuse or violence that left an impression on them remained as the subjects of the final analysis. The Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) was used to evaluate psychological impact. Of the nurses who had been exposed to verbal abuse or violence that left an impression, 21 0x138ab8p-890d scores that exceeded the IES-R cut-off point (24/25), and low satisfaction with family support, and neuroticism on the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised were shown to have contributed to the psychological impact. Nurses working in psychiatry departments were shown to experience a severe psychological impact when exposed to verbal abuse or violence. These results suggest the need for mental care approaches for nurses working in psychiatry departments

    Bipolar localization of putative photoreceptor protein for phototaxis in thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus

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    Funding Information: This work was supported in part by Grants-in-Aid for scientific research from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan (no. 11640653 to K.M.).We identified an open reading frame from a database of the entire genome of Synechococcus elongatus, the product of which was very similar to pixJ1, which was proposed as photoreceptor gene for phototaxis in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 [Yoshihara et al. (2000) Plant Cell Physiol. 41: 1299]. The mRNA of S. elongatus pixJ (SepixJ) was expressed in vivo as a part of the product of an operon. SePixJ was detected exclusively in the membrane fraction after cell fractionation. Immunogold labeling of SePixJ in ultra-thin sections indicated that it existed only in both ends of the rod-shaped cell; probably bound with the cytoplasmic membrane.publishersversionPeer reviewe


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    報告Reports 2020 年の新型コロナウイルス感染症(以下、COVID-19)の世界的感染拡大により、生活のあらゆる場面における情報通信技術(Information and Communication Technology;以下、ICT)の重要性が飛躍的に高まり、看護基礎教育においては、ICT を生かした看護実践能力を育む新たな教育手法の開発とその知見の蓄積が喫緊の課題となった。 このような学修環境の変化を契機に、2020 年度より本学の成人看護学領域は、専用クラウド上の映像教材(以下、コンテンツ)に個人が所有する端末でアクセスすることで、それらコンテンツを自由に活用できる「映像システム」を取り入れた教育を開始した。  映像システムは、2020 年度開講された全ての成人看護学関連科目において活用され、特にCOVID-19 の感染拡大状況により、その教育手法が大きく影響をうける実習においては、多様な形で用いられていた。今後は、映像システムの活用状況や教育効果に関する評価、さらに組織的な使用環境の整備などが課題である


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    報告Reports 本学看護学部の成人看護学における3 年次春セメスター必修科目「成人看護援助論演習」では、主体的学修を基盤とする協働学修を取り入れた看護過程演習を実施している。2020 年度においては、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)拡大により、面接授業が困難となり、遠隔授業による実施を迫られた。本稿では、短期間で修正した具体的な教育の実践内容およびその過程で生じた課題や対応策等について報告した。看護過程演習では、オンデマンド授業を主体に一部同時配信授業を取り入れ、学習管理システム(Learning Management System)を活用し、学生の提出課題へ教員が個別に対応しながら、学修過程を支援した。新型コロナウイルス感染症の収束の兆しが見えない中(2020 年12 月現在)、今後さらに情報通信技術を活用した学生への効果的・効率的な教育方法の在り方を検討していくことが課題である


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    紀要委員会企画Special Articles 本報告では、聖隷クリストファー大学看護基礎教育における2020 年度のシミュレーション教育委員会の活動報告および各領域における実践について、以下の内容をふまえ報告する。 ①シミュレーション教育の実践環境の構築および学内研修、②コロナ禍における通信設備・運用のテクニカルサポート、③シミュレーション教育の実践(看護学部各領域におけるシミュレーション教育の実践内容)、④看護学部シミュレーション教育ホームページ、⑤本学看護学部のシミュレーション教育に関する国内外の学会発表の実績 今後もシミュレーション教育を推進するための本学の課題である、教育環境のさらなる充実、人員の確保、地域の拠点としてのシミュレーション教育の推進、活動のための運営資金の獲得を目指すべく、近隣施設との連携、研究推進とともに、教員の理解と同意を得ながらさらなる教育環境の整備や教育力の向上のため邁進していく


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    Objective: There are few studies that have subjectively and objectively verified the efficacy of footbaths as a means of relieving stress. The purpose of the present study was to validate the stress-reducing efficacy of footbaths both subjectively and objectively by means of a stress indicator, chromogranin A (CgA). Methods: The subjects were 21 female nurses working at a general hospital. After evaluating their current mental and physical condition, and measuring their salivary CgA levels, the subjects took a 10-min footbath. After the bath their mental and physical condition was evaluated again, and their salivary CgA levels were measured again. The changes in their mental and physical state before and after the footbath were assessed by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. CgA levels taken before and after the footbath were assessed by the paired t-test. Results: The results showed that both their subjective mental and physical condition improved and their CgA levels were lower after the footbath than before. Conclusions: These results suggested that footbaths can exert a restorative effect on the stress associated with the performance of nursing duties and are effective in relieving nurses' stress

    Reliability and validity of the Japanese-language version of the Physical Performance Test (PPT) Battery in chronic pain patients

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    Purpose: To prepare a Japanese-language version of the Physical Performance Test (PPT) Battery and assess its reliability and validity. Method: Activity limitations by pain were evaluated by means of the Japanese-language version of the PPT Battery in 82 patients with chronic pain in the limbs and trunk. Two self-report questionnaires, one related to sensory evaluation of pain, and the other related to affective evaluation of pain, and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM), which evaluates activities of daily living, were simultaneously administered to the subjects. Results: The results for reliability showed that the ICC values for inter-rater reliability and intra-rater reliability were 0.91 or more for every item. The results for validity showed significant associations between the scores for all of the items on the Japanese-language version of the PPT Battery and the total scores on the FIM (p < 0.01). Significant associations were found between 5 of the 8 items on the Japanese-language version of the PPT Battery and affective state due to the pain. Conclusions: The Japanese-language version of the PPT Battery was shown to possess adequate reliability and validity as a scale for evaluating the activity limitations of patients with chronic limb or trunk pain. The results also suggested that it might be possible to improve the activity limitations of patients with chronic pain by improving their affective state in response to the pain