315 research outputs found

    Intelligent Energy Optimization for User Intelligible Goals in Smart Home Environments

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    Intelligent management of energy consumption is one of the key issues for future energy distribution systems, smart buildings, and consumer appliances. The problem can be tackled both from the point of view of the utility provider, with the intelligence embedded in the smart grid, or from the point of view of the consumer, thanks to suitable local energy management systems (EMS). Conserving energy, however, should respect the user requirements regarding the desired state of the environment, therefore an EMS should constantly and intelligently find the balance between user requirements and energy saving. The paper proposes a solution to this problem, based on explicit high-level modeling of user intentions and automatic control of device states through the solution and optimization of a constrained Boolean satisfiability problem. The proposed approach has been integrated into a smart environment framework, and promising preliminary results are reporte

    spChains: A Declarative Framework for Data Stream Processing in Pervasive Applications

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    Pervasive applications rely on increasingly complex streams of sensor data continuously captured from the physical world. Such data is crucial to enable applications to ``understand'' the current context and to infer the right actions to perform, be they fully automatic or involving some user decisions. However, the continuous nature of such streams, the relatively high throughput at which data is generated and the number of sensors usually deployed in the environment, make direct data handling practically unfeasible. Data not only needs to be cleaned, but it must also be filtered and aggregated to relieve higher level algorithms from near real-time handling of such massive data flows. We propose here a stream-processing framework (spChains), based upon state-of-the-art stream processing engines, which enables declarative and modular composition of stream processing chains built atop of a set of extensible stream processing blocks. While stream processing blocks are delivered as a standard, yet extensible, library of application-independent processing elements, chains can be defined by the pervasive application engineering team. We demonstrate the flexibility and effectiveness of the spChains framework on two real-world applications in the energy management and in the industrial plant management domains, by evaluating them on a prototype implementation based on the Esper stream processo

    What Would You Ask to Your Home if It Were Intelligent? Exploring User Expectations about Next-Generation Homes

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    Ambient Intelligence (AmI) research is giving birth to a multitude of futuristic home scenarios and applications; however a clear discrepancy between current installations and research-level designs can be easily noticed. Whether this gap is due to the natural distance between research and engineered applications or to mismatching of needs and solutions remains to be understood. This paper discusses the results of a survey about user expectations with respect to intelligent homes. Starting from a very simple and open question about what users would ask to their intelligent homes, we derived user perceptions about what intelligent homes can do, and we analyzed to what extent current research solutions, as well as commercially available systems, address these emerging needs. Interestingly, most user concerns about smart homes involve comfort and household tasks and most of them can be currently addressed by existing commercial systems, or by suitable combinations of them. A clear trend emerges from the poll findings: the technical gap between user expectations and current solutions is actually narrower and easier to bridge than it may appear, but users perceive this gap as wide and limiting, thus requiring the AmI community to establish a more effective communication with final users, with an increased attention to real-world deploymen

    Publishing LO(D)D: Linked Open (Dynamic) Data for Smart Sensing and Measuring Environments

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    The paper proposes a distributed framework that provides a systematic way to publish environment data which is being updated continuously; such updates might be issued at speciļ¬c time intervals or bound to some environment- speciļ¬c event. The framework targets smart environments having networks of devices and sensors which are interacting with each other and with their respective environments to gather and generate data and willing to publish this data. This paper addresses the issues of supporting the data publishers to maintain up-to-date and machine understandable representations, separation of views (static or dynamic data) and delivering up-to-date information to data consumers in real time, helping data consumers to keep track of changes triggered from diverse environments and keeping track of evolution of the smart environment. The paper also describes a prototype implementation of the proposed architecture. A preliminary use case implementation over a real energy metering infrastructure is also provided in the paper to prove the feasibility of the architectur

    Enabling Machine Understandable Exchange of Energy Consumption Information in Intelligent Domotic Environments

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    In the 21st century, all the major countries around the world are coming together to reduce the impact of energy generation and consumption on the global environment. Energy conservation and its efficient usage has become a top agenda on the desks of many governments. In the last decade, the drive to make homes automated and to deliver a better assisted living picked pace and the research into home automation systems accelerated, usually based on a centralized residential gateway. However most devised solutions fail to provide users with information about power consumption of different house appliances. The ability to collect power consumption information can lead us to have a more energy efficient society. The goal addressed in this paper is to enable residential gateways to provide the energy consumption information, in a machine understandable format, to support third party applications and services. To reach this goal, we propose a Semantic Energy Information Publishing Framework. The proposed framework publishes, for different appliances in the house, their power consumption information and other properties, in a machine understandable format. Appliance properties are exposed according to the existing semantic modeling supported by residential gateways, while instantaneous power consumption is modeled through a new modular Energy Profile ontolog

    User Expectations in Intelligent Environments

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    The deļ¬nition of Intelligent Environments has always been focused around their users, aiming at helping them in a smart and transparent way, and avoiding bothering them or acting against their will. The complexity of IEs, whose technologies range from sensors to machine learning, from distributed architectures to tangible interfaces, from communication protocols to data analysis, challenges researchers from various ļ¬elds to contribute innovative and eļ¬€ective solutions. In this quest for technical solutions to the myriad requirements of an intelligent environments, user expectations are often left behind, and while researchers tend to focus on niche technical aspects, they risk of losing the big picture of an IE ā€œhelping users in their daily lifeā€. This paper analyzes the recent literature of the Intelligent Environmentsā€™ research community, aiming at highlighting to which extent users are taken into account, or are involved, into the reported research works. Evidence shows that, while most papers refer to users in their description, only a small minority actually involve them in the design, testing or experimentation phase

    User Expectations in Intelligent Environments - Issues and Opportunities in the Interaction of Intelligent Users and Intelligent Environments

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    The definition of Intelligent Environments has always been focused around their users, aiming at helping them in a smart and transparent way, and avoiding bothering them or acting against their will. The complexity of IEs, whose technologies range from sensors to machine learning, from distributed architectures to tangible interfaces, from communication protocols to data analysis, challenges researchers from various fields to contribute innovative and effective solutions. In this quest for technical solutions to the myriad requirements of an intelligent environments, user expectations are often left behind, and while researchers tend to focus on niche technical aspects, they risk of losing the big picture of an IE ā€œhelping users in their daily lifeā€

    dWatch: a Personal Wrist Watch for Smart Environments

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    Intelligent environments, such as smart homes or domotic systems, have the potential to support people in many of their ordinary activities, by allowing complex control strategies for managing various capabilities of a house or a building: lights, doors, temperature, power and energy, music, etc. Such environments, typically, provide these control strategies by means of computers, touch screen panels, mobile phones, tablets, or In-House Displays. An unobtrusive and typically wearable device, like a bracelet or a wrist watch, that lets users perform various operations in their homes and to receive notifications from the environment, could strenghten the interaction with such systems, in particular for those people not accustomed to computer systems (e.g., elderly) or in contexts where they are not in front of a screen. Moreover, such wearable devices reduce the technological gap introduced in the environment by home automation systems, thus permitting a higher level of acceptance in the daily activities and improving the interaction between the environment and its inhabitants. In this paper, we introduce the dWatch, an off-the-shelf personal wearable notification and control device, integrated in an intelligent platform for domotic systems, designed to optimize the way people use the environment, and built as a wrist watch so that it is easily accessible, worn by people on a regular basis and unobtrusiv

    Home Energy Consumption Feedback: A User Survey

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    Buildings account for a relevant fraction of the energy consumed by a country, up to 20-40% of the yearly energy consumption. If only electricity is considered, the fraction is even bigger, reaching around 73% of the total electricity consumption, equally divided into residential and commercial dwellings. Building and Home Automation have a potential to profoundly impact current and future buildings' energy efļ¬ciency by informing users about their current consumption patterns, by suggesting more efļ¬cient behaviors, and by pro-actively changing/modifying user actions for reducing the associated energy wastes. In this paper we investigate the capability of an automated home to automatically, and timely, inform users about energy consumption, by harvesting opinions of residential inhabitants on energy feedback interfaces. We report here the results of an on-line survey, involving nearly a thousand participants, about feedback mechanisms suggested by the research community, with the goal of understanding what feedback is felt by home inhabitants easier to understand, more likely to be used, and more effective in promoting behavior changes. Contextually, we also collect and distill users' attitude towards in-home energy displays and their preferred locations, gathering useful insights on user-driven design of more effective in-home energy display

    Security Evaluation of Arduino Projects Developed by Hobbyist IoT Programmers

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    Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on cheap hardware and the easy-to-use software Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Nowadays, because of its open-source nature and its simple and accessible user experience, Arduino is ubiquitous and used among hobbyist and novice programmers for Do It Yourself (DIY) projects, especially in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain. Unfortunately, such diffusion comes with a price. Many developers start working on this platform without having a deep knowledge of the leading security concepts in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Their applications, often publicly available on GitHub (or other code-sharing platforms), can be taken as examples by other developers or downloaded and used by non-expert users, spreading these issues in other projects. For these reasons, this paper aims at understanding the current landscape by analyzing a set of open-source DIY IoT projects and looking for potential security issues. Furthermore, the paper classifies those issues according to the proper security category. This studyā€™s results offer a deeper understanding of the security concerns in Arduino projects created by hobbyist programmers and the dangers that may be faced by those who use these projects
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