503 research outputs found

    Noether's variational theorem II and the BV formalism

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    We review the basics of the Lagrangian approach to field theory and recast Noether's Second Theorem formulated in her language of dependencies using a slight modernization of terminology and notation. We then present the Cattaneo-Felder sigma model and work out the Noether identities or dependencies for this model. We review the description of the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism and show explicitly how the anti-ghosts encode the Noether identities in this example.Comment: 15 pages, submitted to the Proceedings of the 2002 Winter School ``Geometry and Physics'', Srni, Czech Republi

    Sh-Lie algebras Induced by Gauge Transformations

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    The physics of ``particles of spin ≤2\leq 2'' leads to representations of a Lie algebra Ξ\Xi of gauge parameters on a vector space Φ\Phi of fields. Attempts to develop an analogous theory for spin >2>2 have failed; in fact, there are claims that such a theory is impossible (though we have been unable to determine the hypotheses for such a `no-go' theorem). This led BBvD [burgers:diss,BBvd:three,BBvD:probs] to generalize to `field dependent parameters' in a setting where some analysis in terms of smooth functions is possible. Having recognized the resulting structure as that of an sh-lie algebra (L∞L_\infty-algebra), we have now reproduced their structure entirely algebraically, hopefully shedding some light on what is going on.Comment: Now 24 pages, LaTeX, no figures Extensively revised in terms of the applications and on shell aspects. In particular, a new section 8 analyzes Ikeda's 2D example from our perspective. His bracket is revealed as a generalized Kirillov-Kostant bracket. Additional reference

    The sh Lie structure of Poisson brackets in field theory

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    A general construction of an sh Lie algebra from a homological resolution of a Lie algebra is given. It is applied to the space of local functionals equipped with a Poisson bracket, induced by a bracket for local functions along the lines suggested by Gel'fand, Dickey and Dorfman. In this way, higher order maps are constructed which combine to form an sh Lie algebra on the graded differential algebra of horizontal forms. The same construction applies for graded brackets in field theory such as the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky bracket of the Hamiltonian BRST theory or the Batalin-Vilkovisky antibracket.Comment: 24 pages Latex fil

    A Frame Bundle Generalization of Multisymplectic Momentum Mappings

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    This paper presents generalized momentum mappings for covariant Hamiltonian field theories. The new momentum mappings arise from a generalization of symplectic geometry to LVYL_VY, the bundle of vertically adapted linear frames over the bundle of field configurations YY. Specifically, the generalized field momentum observables are vector-valued momentum mappings on the vertically adapted frame bundle generated from automorphisms of YY. The generalized symplectic geometry on LVYL_VY is a covering theory for multisymplectic geometry on the multiphase space ZZ, and it follows that the field momentum observables on ZZ are generalized by those on LVYL_VY. Furthermore, momentum observables on LVYL_VY produce conserved quantities along flows in LVYL_VY. For translational and orthogonal symmetries of fields and reparametrization symmetry in mechanics, momentum is conserved, and for angular momentum in time-evolution mechanics we produce a version of the parallel axis theorem of rotational dynamics, and in special relativity, we produce the transformation of angular momentum under boosts.Comment: 23 page

    BRST Extension of Geometric Quantization

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    Consider a physical system for which a mathematically rigorous geometric quantization procedure exists. Now subject the system to a finite set of irreducible first class (bosonic) constraints. It is shown that there is a mathematically rigorous BRST quantization of the constrained system whose cohomology at ghost number zero recovers the constrained quantum states. Moreover this space of constrained states has a well-defined Hilbert space structure inherited from that of the original system. Treatments of these ideas in the Physics literature are more general but suffer from having states with infinite or zero "norms" and thus are not admissible as states. Also the BRST operator for many systems require regularization to be well-defined. In our more restricted context we show that our treatment does not suffer from any of these difficulties. This work was submitted for publication March 21,2006

    The Bastion Network Project

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    Workshop on Education in Computer Security (WECS) 6The Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Information Systems Security Studies and Research (CISR) has developed a small, but realistic network lab—the Bastion Network—that is dedicated to educating students in the myriad elements involved in the secure operation of a computer network. This paper describes the rationale for this network lab, and offers an overview of a simple framework that could accommodate educational network interaction with other schools that have similar IA educational goals, and that have, or may soon acquire, similarly designated labs. The framework describes the essential elements of a memorandum of understanding, and twelve suggested inter-network cyber-exercise scenarios

    Working Toward a Definition of Futile Care in the United States Health Care System

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    While end-of-life and palliative care measures are difficult subjects to address, decision-making for patients and family members becomes more complicated when there is a lack of understanding of when care is appropriate or when it is futile in nature. To date, there is no one definition of what constitutes futile care that is used by health care providers as they counsel patients and family members regarding what is appropriate care at the end-of-life. In fact, the recent debate and media coverage surrounding the Terri Schiavo case in Florida has brought this issue to a national concern. Thus the purpose of this independent study is to begin to develop and apply a definition of futile care and to discover if there are commonalities when a situation is thought to be futile. The independent study used Imogene King’s theoretical model, specifically the perception component of her model, to begin to define this concept. The study included an in-depth review of the current literature, both research-based and opinion articles to explore this issue. The goal of the study was to better define futile care in terms that health care practitioners and consumers of health care can understand and use in clinical settings. Implications for nursing would include better communications and improve care offered to patients in a variety of clinical settings, as patients at the end-of-life are seen in all clinical settings and among all age groups. By reviewing the literature on certain circumstances of the application of what is thought to be futile, a better working definition of futile care can be developed and patients and family members will hopefully become more informed decision makers. The study concludes with recommendations for nursing practice, research, education, and health policy

    SLIDES: Response of the System to Various Hydrological and Operational Assumptions: Reclamation Modeling Results

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    Presenter: Terry Fulp, US Bureau of Reclamation. 43 slides

    SLIDES: Response of the System to Various Hydrological and Operational Assumptions: Reclamation Modeling Results

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    Presenter: Terry Fulp, US Bureau of Reclamation. 43 slides

    On homomorphisms of commutative inverse semigroups

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