150 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship: economic and social embedding of the production of futures

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    Entrepreneurship, the practice of creating new economic enterprises through innovation that are sustained by economic performance, is, theoretically, an individualistic account of socio-economic change. If new enterprises and new economies are created by entrepreneurship then to what extent does this activity harbour prescience and to what extent does its creative destruction carry moral responsibility? Although entrepreneurship is socially constructed as an individualistic account of the production of new patterns of organisation, theories of entrepreneurship span a number of ontologies, i.e. individual motives, new firm formation, socially beneficial activity, the production of networks and multi-organisational forms, and even of micro economies. The paper discusses the conception entrepreneurship as a set of socially constructed processes which together produce futures at multiple ontological levels, and seeks to identify relationships between this body of knowledge and anticipating, creating and 'minding' futures

    Moving forward with complexity and diversity

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    The chief meaningful characteristic of Futures Studies is ontological and epistemological insecurity, not confidence from chaos. Our experienced world is continuously being reconstructed through flows of information and actions. There are more worlds than we could ever know. The best we can hope for is awareness from flows

    Contrasting approaches to preparedness: a reflection on two case studies

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    This chapter reflects on ongoing research in SMEs in the manufacturing and service sectors. It contrasts different approaches to the issue of preparedness from an organisational and social perspective, in two cases where new enterprise-wide business processes were implemented and integrated in different settings. In both cases, the emergence of new systems presented a huge challenge to companies hard-pressed to marshal the resources to mount effective change and implementation projects on this scale. The cases presented enable a comparison of different strategies used, one firm responding to organic growth, and the other to rapid industry-driven change. The chapter focuses not on the implementations per se, but instead on the issue of preparedness for change. The chapter concludes by drawing out general lessons concerning how to support and maintain organisational preparedness for enterprise wide change in different industry setting

    Capturing the dynamics of co-production and collaboration in the digital economy

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    In the digital economy, the creative industries revolve around dynamic, innovative and often unorthodox collaborations, whereby numerous large, small and micro-businesses come together for the duration of a project, then disband and form new partnerships for the next project. Research designs must therefore address multiple contexts and levels presenting an analytical challenge to researchers. In this project we extend work that investigates the significance of emergence in theorising entrepreneurship into an exploration of how to articulate the creation and flow of value and effective ontology in a creative landscape

    Modernisation of foresight methodology: reflexivity and the social construction of knowledge. A note to authors in COSTA22

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    Following a very interesting discussion during and after the Final MC in Brussels this week, We offer you some thoughts of guidance on how you might take account of the Action in your publications that are COSTA22-inspired. We refer in particular to the planned books and special editions. The key idea from COSTA22 was a modernisation of methodology in support of the wider use of foresight methods amongst a diversity of contexts. The aphorism > underlies an overt recognition of the socially constructed nature of > and the reflexivity that operates in constructing meaning from this knowledge. The guidance note takes this discussion further

    An emergence perspective on entrepreneurship: processes, structure and methodology

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    This paper explores entrepreneurship from the perspective of emergence, drawing on literature in complexity theory, social theory and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is conceptualised as the production of emergence, or emergent properties, via a simple model of initial conditions, processes of emergence that produces emergent properties at multiple levels (new phenomena such as products, services, firms, networks, patterns of behaviour, identities). Conceptualisation through emergence thus embraces actors, context, processes and (structural) outcomes. This paper builds on previous work that theorises the relationship between entrepreneurship and social change. We extend that work by considering the methodological implications of relating processes of entrepreneurship to the emergence of new phenomena

    Value creation and change in social structures: the role of entrepreneurial innovation from an emergence perspective

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    Aim: Our aim is to develop a more complete understanding of how processes that entrepreneurs perform interact with wider society and the causal effects of society on entrepreneurial behaviour and vice versa. We aim to show how entrepreneurial agency is put into effect in relation to the disruption of social structure and social change. This has implications for innovation and entrepreneurship policy and practice, and for entrepreneurship theory. We also investigate the role of ‘value’ in these processes. Contribution to the literature Our central argument is that emergent forms (or ‘emergents’) may be short lived (ephemeral) but have causal power on the performance of the actors in the system of inter-relationships in the innovation ecosystem. The emphasis on inter-related social processes and ontological stratification provides theoretical development of extant entrepreneurship theory on new venture creation (by explaining process), effectuation (by linking individualism and holism) and opportunity recognition (by deconstructing opportunity into anticipation, ontology and process). Methodology The paper takes an 'emergence' perspective as a way to understand entrepreneurial processes that give rise to innovation. The anticipation of value and the inter-relationship with social and organisational structures are fundamental to this perspective. A longitudinal analysis of a case study of the development of a new business model within an entrepreneurial firm is described. The case is followed through seven phases in which the relationship between process and emergent ontological status is shown to have destabilising and stabilising effects which produce emergent properties. Results and Implications One methodological contribution is framing how to conceptualise the empirical evidence. Emergents have causal effects on the anticipations of value inherent in their particular system of innovation. This causality is manifest as the attraction of resource in the firm; the stabilisation of the emergent constitutes strategy in the enterprise. A key role of the entrepreneurs in our case study was the creation and maintenance of evolving ontological materiality, as meaningful to themselves and to those with whom they interacted. In simple terms, they made things meaningful to people who mattered

    Creative methodologies for understanding a creative industry

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    The chapter presents a conceptual framework for the identification and analysis of value creating and value capture systems within creative industry contexts based on theoretical and empirical studies. It provides a ‘digital economy’ perspective of the creative industries as a micro-level example of a wider analytical problem, which is how society changes itself. The increasing level of innovation and creativity produces greater levels of instability in social structures (habits, norms etc.) Completely new industries can arise (and ‘creatively’ destroy old ones) as new stabilised patterns form, particularly where entry costs are tumbling, such as digital milieu. Observations of workshops over several days with creative groups, interviews with creative enterprises, literature reviews on creative industries, business models and value systems have informed the analysis and conceptualisation. As a result we present a conceptual framework that we suggest can capture how novelty arises as emergent order over time. We have extended previous work that investigates the significance of emergence in theorising entrepreneurship into an exploration of how to articulate the creation and flow of value and effective ontology in a creative landscape. In the digital economy, the creative industries revolve around dynamic, innovative and often unorthodox collaborations, whereby numerous large, small and micro-businesses come together for the duration of a project, then disband and form new partnerships for the next project. Research designs must therefore address multiple contexts and levels presenting an analytical challenge to researchers. Methodologically, we suggest that the framework has analytical potential to support the collection of data: ordering and categorising empirical observations concerning how different phenomena emerge over time across multiple levels of analysis and contexts. Conceptually, the work broadens the notions of ‘business model’ to consider value creating systems and particular states reached by those systems in their evolution. The work contributes new concepts for researchers in this field and a wider framework for practitioners and policy makers

    Anticipating technological futures in rural enterprises

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    The purpose of this paper is to elaborate ways in which rural enterprises prepare for their futures with respect to technological developments. It sets out a methodological framework for operationalizing the notion of Anticipation and applies this to data from interviews with a range of rural small enterprises The methodology takes an anticipatory perspective. Anticipation is conceptualised as processes that mediate between knowledge and action; how knowledge is ‘used’ to guide and motivate practices. The data is drawn from eleven case studies of small enterprises in rural areas, based on interviews with the principals and follow-up engagement with the firms to help them shape their digital strategies. Analysis to date, initially published at the ISBE conference in 2015 and subject to more data and analysis for this paper, highlights the particular concerns and focus of the business owner-managers with regard to their identify and practices the digital economy. This analysis also helps to reveal the more precise nature of the mediating quality of anticipation between knowledge and action in rural entrepreneurial contexts in a digital economy. This mediation, termed ‘modelling relations’, appears to focus on the boundary conditions of the enterprise, i.e. the limits of its relationships with stakeholders and with technologies; testing in various ways how these can be modified to create greater value. External resources, such as the university play a part in this process of experimentation or testing. The work allows us to understand the actual challenges being addressed by rural enterprises, rather than taking a supply-side perspective on what these might be. In particular it helps us understand how these challenges are constructed, anticipated and responded to. This knowledge is likely to be of value to other rural enterprises in that they can learn and judge what anticipatory practices might help them to achieve their prospects. This in turn will have effect on the design of rural business model

    Rethinking business models as value creating systems

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    The generic notion of a business model is well understood by investors and business managers and implies a number of anticipations; chiefly that it is a replicable process that produces revenues and profits. At its heart is some replicable process, artefact or proposition around which the everyday practices are formed. There are a number of reasons why this conception is weak in the Creative Industries. We have identified that the rationale for ‘business models’ in the Creative Industries include providing an attractor for non goal oriented creative activity, for stabilising emergent properties from creative activities and for maintaining the stability of these by anticipating revenues
