28 research outputs found

    Essays about the Chinese History

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    The Sungians around Jyojin 成尋 : the shadow of old and new factions

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    An Index to the Chu-fan-chih 『諸蕃志』

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    Binli - ceremonies to receive foreign delegates - in the Sung dynasty : in connection with Chengxun\u27s levee

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    How were foreign delegates treated in China? It is a simple question, but actually it is a critical issue deeply concerned not only with the diplomatic relations with the countries concerned but with the national strength in international situations and the mainstay of politics. It is natural that the successive dynasties of China paid close attention to how to treat foreign delegates. During the Tang dynasty, rules governing diplomatic protocols were called Binli. Binli provided rules of courtesy for greeting and bidding farewell to delegates, receptions, and levees during Tang dynasty, and is described in \u27Dai Tang Kai Yuan Li\u27. Efforts are being made to restore it. It appears that Binli also had an influence on the Sung dynasty. But even after examining \u27Son Hui Shua\u27, it is difficult to determine if specific details of Bini were similar to Fang Wan of Tang dynasty, especially if different levels of courtesy were set according to the importance of visiting countries and the frequency of visits. Fortunately, the Tang dynasty official documents and private letters are attached to Chengxun\u27s book of travels in China, \u27Can Tian Tai Wu Tai Shan Ji\u27, and there are some overlaps with the small volume of remaining Sung dynasty materials. So it is possible to learn about Sung Dynasty Binli from the descriptions by Chengxun. In this paper, literature on the Sung Binli is examined and compared with the descriptions by Chengxun. This paper then discusses the order of the levee conducted at Yan He Dian inside Don Hua Men, procedures leading up to the levee, handling of offerings, banquets at Court, grants from the Emperor, and taboos

    Jyojin 成尋 and Buddhist temples in Hang-chou 杭州 during the Sung period

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    Sunnains around Jyōjin : Jyōjin and Su\u27Tung-pó

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