749 research outputs found

    A class of nowhere differentiable functions satisfying some concavity-type estimate

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    We introduce and investigate a class P of continuous and periodic functions on R. The class P is defined so that second-order central differences of a function satisfy some concavity-type estimate. Although this definition seems to be independent of nowhere differentiable character, it turns out that each function in P is nowhere differentiable. The class P naturally appears from both a geometrical viewpoint and an analytic viewpoint. In fact, we prove that a function belongs to P if and only if some geometrical inequality holds for a family of parabolas with vertexes on this function. As its application, we study the behavior of the Hamilton–Jacobi flow starting from a function in P. A connection between P and some functional series is also investigated. In terms of second-order central differences, we give a necessary and sufficient condition so that a function given by the series belongs to P. This enables us to construct a large number of examples of functions in P through an explicit formula

    E1-Like Activating Enzyme Atg7 Is Preferentially Sequestered into p62 Aggregates via Its Interaction with LC3-I

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    p62 is constitutively degraded by autophagy via its interaction with LC3. However, the interaction of p62 with LC3 species in the context of the LC3 lipidation process is not specified. Further, the p62-mediated protein aggregation's effect on autophagy is unclear. We systemically analyzed the interactions of p62 with all known Atg proteins involved in LC3 lipidation. We find that p62 does not interact with LC3 at the stages when it is being processed by Atg4B or when it is complexed or conjugated with Atg3. p62 does interact with LC3-I and LC3-I:Atg7 complex and is preferentially recruited by LC3-II species under autophagic stimulation. Given that Atg4B, Atg3 and LC3-Atg3 are indispensable for LC3-II conversion, our study reveals a protective mechanism for Atg4B, Atg3 and LC3-Atg3 conjugate from being inappropriately sequestered into p62 aggregates. Our findings imply that p62 could potentially impair autophagy by negatively affecting LC3 lipidation and contribute to the development of protein aggregate diseases. © 2013 Gao et al

    2α+t2\alpha+t cluster structure in 11^{11}B

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    The cluster structures of the excited states in 11^{11}B are studied by analyzing the isoscalar monopole and quadrupole strengths in the 11^{11}B(dd,dâ€Čd') reaction at Ed=200E_d=200 MeV. The excitation strengths are compared with the predictions by the shell-model and antisymmetrized molecular-dynamics (AMD) calculations. It is found that the large monopole strength for the 3/23−3/2^-_3 state at Ex=8.56E_x=8.56 MeV is well described by the AMD calculation and is an evidence for a developed 2α+t2\alpha+t cluster structure.Comment: Revised according to the referees' comment

    Senescence marker protein 30 in acute liver failure: validation of a mass spectrometry proteomics assay

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Our previous proteomic study showed that the senescence marker protein (SMP30) is selectively present in the plasma of a murine model of acute liver failure (ALF). The aim of this study was to validate this SMP30 expression in the plasma and liver tissues of mice and humans with ALF.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>After the proteomic analysis of plasma from a murine model of D-galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide (GalN/LPS)-induced ALF by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) and mass spectrometry, the expression levels of SMP30 in the plasma and liver tissues were validated by western blot and RT-PCR analyses. These results were then confirmed in plasma samples from humans.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>These data validate the results of 2-DE, and western blot showed that SMP30 protein levels were only elevated in the plasma of ALF mice. Further analysis revealed that GalN/LPS induced the downregulation of SMP30 protein levels in liver tissues (by approximately 25% and 16% in the GalN/LPS-treated mice and in the treated mice that survived, respectively; <it>P </it>< 0.01). Hepatic SMP30 mRNA levels decreased by about 90% only in the mice that survived the GalN/LPS treatment. Importantly, plasma obtained from patients with ALF also contained higher levels of SMP30, about (3.65 ± 0.34) times those observed in healthy volunteers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study shows that SMP30 is not only a potential biomarker for the diagnosis and even prognosis of ALF. It also plays a very important role in a self-protective mechanism in survival and participates in the pathophysiological processes of ALF.</p

    Isovector effective NN interaction in 28Si(p,n)28P(6-) at 198 MeV

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    We report measurements of the cross section and a complete set of polarization observables for the View the MathML source reaction at a bombarding energy of 198 MeV. The data are compared with distorted wave impulse approximation calculations employing response functions normalized to inelastic electron scattering. The spin-longitudinal polarized cross section IDq is slightly over-predicted by the calculations, while the normal spin-transverse polarized cross section IDn is significantly under-predicted. The calculated in-plane spin-transverse IDp and spin-scalar ID0 polarized cross sections agree well with the experimental data. These results are consistent with those for View the MathML source scattering at the same energy, and thus it is concluded that isospin-mixing effects are not responsible for the discrepancy between theory and experiment in the View the MathML source case. Energy half-off-shell effects as medium effects on the effective nucleon?nucleon interaction are also investigated and found to be too small to be responsible for the discrepancy

    Wilson Loops in Superconformal Chern-Simons Theory and Fundamental Strings in Anti-de Sitter Supergravity Dual

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    We study Wilson loop operators in three-dimensional, N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory dual to IIA superstring theory on AdS4 x CP3. Novelty of Wilson loop operators in this theory is that, for a given contour, there are two linear combinations of Wilson loop transforming oppositely under time-reversal transformation. We show that one combination is holographically dual to IIA fundamental string, while orthogonal combination is set to zero. We gather supporting evidences from detailed comparative study of generalized time-reversal transformations in both D2-brane worldvolume and ABJM theories. We then classify supersymmetric Wilson loops and find at most 1/6-supersymmetry. We next study Wilson loop expectation value in planar perturbation theory. For circular Wilson loop, we find features remarkably parallel to circular Wilson loop in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. First, all odd loop diagrams vanish identically and even loops contribute nontrivial contributions. Second, quantum corrected gauge and scalar propagators take the same form as those of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. Combining these results, we propose that expectation value of circular Wilson loop is given by Wilson loop expectation value in pure Chern-Simons theory times zero-dimensional Gaussian matrix model whose variance is specified by an interpolating function of `t Hooft coupling. We suggest the function interpolates smoothly between weak and strong coupling regime, offering new test ground of the AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: v1. 34 pages, 11 figures: v2. major revision, all loop proof added 42 pages, 11 figure

    Charged particle-like branes in ABJM

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    We study the effect of adding lower dimensional brane charges to the 't Hooft monopole, di-baryon and baryon vertex configurations in AdS4×P3AdS_4 \times \mathbb{P}^3. We show that these configurations capture the background fluxes in a way that depends on the induced charges, and therefore, require additional fundamental strings in order to cancel the worldvolume tadpoles. The study of the dynamics reveals that the charges must lie inside some interval in order to find well defined configurations, a situation familiar from the baryon vertex in AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5 with charges. For the baryon vertex and the di-baryon the number of fundamental strings must also lie inside an allowed interval. Our configurations are sensitive to the flat BB-field recently suggested in the literature. We make some comments on its possible role. We also discuss how these configurations are modified in the presence of a non-zero Romans mass.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figures, discussion of charges improved, published versio
