109 research outputs found

    Unusual aggregation property of recombinantly expressed cancer-testis antigens in mammalian cells

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    Transient expression of human intracellular proteins in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells is a reliable system for obtaining soluble proteins with biologically active conformations. Contrary to conventional concepts, we found that recombinantly expressed intracellular cancer-testis antigens (CTAs) showed frequent aggregation in HEK293 cells. Although experimental subcellular localization of recombinant CTAs displayed proper cytosolic or nuclear localization, some proteins showed aggregated particles in the cell. This aggregative property was not observed in recombinant housekeeping proteins. No significant correlation was found between the aggregative and biophysical properties, such as hydrophobicity, contents of intrinsically disordered regions and expression levels, of CTAs. These results can be explained in terms of structural instability of CTAs, which are specifically expressed in the testis and aberrantly expressed in cancer cells and function as a hub in the protein–protein network using intrinsically disordered regions. Hence, we speculate that recombinantly expressed CTAs failed to form this protein complex. Thus, unfolded CTAs formed aggregated particles in the cell

    Successful Management of Pregnancy Complicated by Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome Using MR Angiography-Based Evaluation

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    Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KTS) is a rare congenital disease, and extensive cutaneous hemangiomas and abnormal venous vessels are characteristic. In our case, to manage her pregnancy with KTS, whole-body MRA was performed before delivery. A 29-year-old woman was referred at 28 weeks because of prominent vulvovaginal varicosities due to KTS. At 35 weeks, hypertrophy and multiple venous varicosities of her leg as well as massive vulvovaginal varicosities became prominent with a normal coagulation profile. Systematic MRAs revealed hemangiomas and varicosities in the right leg, the lower abdomen, and the pubic region, while no obvious AVM was detected around the bronchial tube and spine. We decided to deliver her baby by cesarean section at 37 weeks under general anesthesia, and a healthy baby was delivered. No blood transfusion was required. Prophylaxis against thrombosis was performed after the operation. She was discharged with her baby. Her vulvovaginal varicosities shrunk considerably one month later

    Manifestation of Headache Affecting Quality of Life in Long COVID Patients

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    Objectives: The present study aimed to elucidate the characteristics of long COVID patients with headaches. Methods: A single-center retrospective observational study was performed for long COVID outpatients who visited our hospital from 12 February 2021 to 30 November 2022. Results: A total of 482 long COVID patients, after excluding 6, were divided into two groups: the Headache group of patients with complaints of headache (113 patients: 23.4%) and the remaining Headache-free group. Patients in the Headache group were younger (median age: 37 years) than patients in the Headache-free group (42 years), while the ratio of females (56%) in the Headache group was nearly the same as that in the Headache-free group (54%). The proportion of patients in the Headache group who were infected in the Omicron-dominant phase (61%) was larger than the proportions of patients infected in the Delta (24%) and preceding (15%) phases, and that trend was significantly different from the trend in the Headache-free group. The duration before the first visit for long COVID was shorter in the Headache group (71 days) than in the Headache-free group (84 days). The proportions of patients in the Headache group with comorbid symptoms, including general fatigue (76.1%), insomnia (36.3%), dizziness (16.8%), fever (9.7%), and chest pain (5.3%) were larger than the proportions of patients in the Headache-free group, whereas blood biochemical data were not significantly different between the two groups. Interestingly, patients in the Headache group had significant deteriorations of scores indicating depression and scores for quality of life and general fatigue. In multivariate analysis, headache, insomnia, dizziness, lethargy, and numbness were shown to be involved in the quality of life (QOL) of long COVID patients. Conclusions: The manifestation of headaches related to long COVID was found to have a significant impact on social and psychological activities. Alleviation of headaches should be a priority for the effective treatment of long COVID

    Rice Mutants Lacking Starch Synthase I or Branching Enzyme IIb Activity Altered Starch Biosynthetic Protein Complexes

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    Amylopectin, the major component of starch, is synthesized by synergistic activity of multiple isozymes of starch synthases (SSs) and branching enzymes (BEs). The frequency and length of amylopectin branches determine the functionality of starch. In the rice endosperm, BEIIb generates short side chains of amylopectin and SSI elongates those branches, which can be further elongated by SSIIa. Absence of these enzymes greatly affects amylopectin structure. SSI, SSIIa, and BEIIb associate with each other and with other starch biosynthetic enzymes although SSIIa is low activity in japonica rice. The aim of the current study was to understand how the activity of starch biosynthetic enzyme complexes is compensated in the absence of SSI or BEIIb, and whether the compensatory effects are different in the absence of BEIIb or in the presence of inactive BEIIb. Interactions between starch biosynthetic enzymes were analyzed using one ss1 null mutant and two be2b japonica rice mutants (a mutant producing inactive BEIIb and a mutant that did not produce BEIIb). Soluble proteins extracted from the developing rice seeds were separated by gel filtration chromatography. In the absence of BEIIb activity, BEIIa was eluted in a broad molecular weight range (60–700 kDa). BEIIa in the wild-type was eluted with a mass below 300 kDa. Further, majority of inactive BEIIb co-eluted with SSI, SSIIa, and BEI, in a mass fraction over 700 kDa, whereas only small amounts of these isozymes were found in the wild-type. Compared with the be2b lines, the ss1 mutant showed subtle differences in protein profiles, but the amounts of SSIIa, SSIVb, and BEI in the over-700–kDa fraction were elevated. Immunoprecipitation revealed reduced association of SSIIa and BEIIb in the ss1 mutant, while the association of BEIIb with SSI, SSIIa, SSIVb, BEI, and BEIIa were more pronounced in the be2b mutant that produced inactive BEIIb enzyme. Mass spectrometry and western blotting revealed that SSI, SSIIa, SSIIIa, BEI, BEIIa, starch phosphorylase 1, and pullulanase were bound to the starch granules in the be2b mutants, but not in the wild-type and ss1 mutant. These results will aid the understanding of the mechanism of amylopectin biosynthesis

    IL-19 Contributes to the Development of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis by Altering Lipid Metabolism

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    Interleukin (IL)-19, a member of the IL-10 family, is an anti-inflammatory cytokine produced primarily by macrophages. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a disease that has progressed from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and is characterized by inflammation and fibrosis. We evaluated the functions of IL-19 in a NAFLD/NASH mouse model using a 60% high fat diet with 0.1% methionine, without choline, and with 2% cholesterol (CDAHFD). Wild-type (WT) and IL-19 gene-deficient (KO) mice were fed a CDAHFD or standard diet for 9 weeks. Liver injury, inflammation, and fibrosis induced by CDAHFD were significantly worse in IL-19 KO mice than in WT mice. IL-6, TNF-α, and TGF-β were significantly higher in IL-19 KO mice than in WT mice. As a mechanism using an in vitro experiment, palmitate-induced triglyceride and cholesterol contents were decreased by the addition of IL-19 in HepG2 cells. Furthermore, addition of IL-19 decreased the expression of fatty acid synthesis-related enzymes and increased ATP content in HepG2 cells. The action of IL-19 in vitro suppressed lipid metabolism. In conclusion, IL-19 may play an important role in the development of steatosis and fibrosis by directly regulating liver metabolism and may be a potential target for the treatment of liver diseases

    Reactive oxygen species induce chondrocyte hypertrophy in endochondral ossification

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    Chondrocyte hypertrophy during endochondral ossification is a well-controlled process in which proliferating chondrocytes stop proliferating and differentiate into hypertrophic chondrocytes, which then undergo apoptosis. Chondrocyte hypertrophy induces angiogenesis and mineralization. This step is crucial for the longitudinal growth and development of long bones, but what triggers the process is unknown. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been implicated in cellular damage; however, the physiological role of ROS in chondrogenesis is not well characterized. We demonstrate that increasing ROS levels induce chondrocyte hypertrophy. Elevated ROS levels are detected in hypertrophic chondrocytes. In vivo and in vitro treatment with N-acetyl cysteine, which enhances endogenous antioxidant levels and protects cells from oxidative stress, inhibits chondrocyte hypertrophy. In ataxia telangiectasia mutated (Atm)–deficient (Atm−/−) mice, ROS levels were elevated in chondrocytes of growth plates, accompanied by a proliferation defect and stimulation of chondrocyte hypertrophy. Decreased proliferation and excessive hypertrophy in Atm−/− mice were also rescued by antioxidant treatment. These findings indicate that ROS levels regulate inhibition of proliferation and modulate initiation of the hypertrophic changes in chondrocytes

    Calcium sparks enhance the tissue fluidity within epithelial layers and promote apical extrusion of transformed cells

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    In vertebrates, newly emerging transformed cells are often apically extruded from epithelial layers through cell competition with surrounding normal epithelial cells. However, the underlying molecular mechanism remains elusive. Here, using phospho-SILAC screening, we show that phosphorylation of AHNAK2 is elevated in normal cells neighboring RasV12 cells soon after the induction of RasV12 expression, which is mediated by calcium-dependent protein kinase C. In addition, transient upsurges of intracellular calcium, which we call calcium sparks, frequently occur in normal cells neighboring RasV12 cells, which are mediated by mechanosensitive calcium channel TRPC1 upon membrane stretching. Calcium sparks then enhance cell movements of both normal and RasV12 cells through phosphorylation of AHNAK2 and promote apical extrusion. Moreover, comparable calcium sparks positively regulate apical extrusion of RasV12-transformed cells in zebrafish larvae as well. Hence, calcium sparks play a crucial role in the elimination of transformed cells at the early phase of cell competition