1,938 research outputs found

    Anomalous Chiral Action from the Path-Integral

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    By generalizing the Fujikawa approach, we show in the path-integral formalism: (1) how the infinitesimal variation of the fermion measure can be integrated to obtain the full anomalous chiral action; (2) how the action derived in this way can be identified as the Chern-Simons term in five dimensions, if the anomaly is consistent; (3) how the regularization can be carried out, so as to lead to the consistent anomaly and not to the covariant anomaly. Our method uses Schwinger's ``proper-time'' representation of the Green's function and the gauge invariant point-splitting technique. We find that the consistency requirement and the point-splitting technique allow both an anomalous and a non-anomalous action. In the end, the nature of the vacuum determines whether we have an anomalous theory, or, a non-anomalous theoryComment: 28 page

    A Perturbative Study of a General Class of Lattice Dirac Operators

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    A perturbative study of a general class of lattice Dirac operators is reported, which is based on an algebraic realization of the Ginsparg-Wilson relation in the form γ5(γ5D)+(γ5D)γ5=2a2k+1(γ5D)2k+2\gamma_{5}(\gamma_{5}D)+(\gamma_{5}D)\gamma_{5} = 2a^{2k+1}(\gamma_{5}D)^{2k+2} where kk stands for a non-negative integer. The choice k=0k=0 corresponds to the commonly discussed Ginsparg-Wilson relation and thus to the overlap operator. We study one-loop fermion contributions to the self-energy of the gauge field, which are related to the fermion contributions to the one-loop β\beta function and to the Weyl anomaly. We first explicitly demonstrate that the Ward identity is satisfied by the self-energy tensor. By performing careful analyses, we then obtain the correct self-energy tensor free of infra-red divergences, as a general consideration of the Weyl anomaly indicates. This demonstrates that our general operators give correct chiral and Weyl anomalies. In general, however, the Wilsonian effective action, which is supposed to be free of infra-red complications, is expected to be essential in the analyses of our general class of Dirac operators for dynamical gauge field.Comment: 30 pages. Some of the misprints were corrected. Phys. Rev. D (in press

    Phase Operator for the Photon Field and an Index Theorem

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    An index relation dim ker aadim ker aa=1dim\ ker\ a^{\dagger}a - dim\ ker\ aa^{\dagger} = 1 is satisfied by the creation and annihilation operators aa^{\dagger} and aa of a harmonic oscillator. A hermitian phase operator, which inevitably leads to dim ker aadim ker aa=0dim\ ker\ a^{\dagger}a - dim\ ker\ aa^{\dagger} = 0, cannot be consistently defined. If one considers an s+1s+1 dimensional truncated theory, a hermitian phase operator of Pegg and Barnett which carries a vanishing index can be defined. However, for arbitrarily large ss, we show that the vanishing index of the hermitian phase operator of Pegg and Barnett causes a substantial deviation from minimum uncertainty in a characteristically quantum domain with small average photon numbers. We also mention an interesting analogy between the present problem and the chiral anomaly in gauge theory which is related to the Atiyah-Singer index theorem. It is suggested that the phase operator problem related to the above analytic index may be regarded as a new class of quantum anomaly. From an anomaly view point ,it is not surprising that the phase operator of Susskind and Glogower, which carries a unit index, leads to an anomalous identity and an anomalous commutator.Comment: 32 pages, Late

    Remark on Pauli-Villars Lagrangian on the Lattice

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    It is interesting to superimpose the Pauli-Villars regularization on the lattice regularization. We illustrate how this scheme works by evaluating the axial anomaly in a simple lattice fermion model, the Pauli-Villars Lagrangian with a gauge non-invariant Wilson term. The gauge non-invariance of the axial anomaly, caused by the Wilson term, is remedied by a compensation among Pauli-Villars regulators in the continuum limit. A subtlety in Frolov-Slavnov's scheme for an odd number of chiral fermions in an anomaly free complex gauge representation, which requires an infinite number of regulators, is briefly mentioned.Comment: 14 pages, Phyzzx. The final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Chiral and axial anomalies in the framework of generalized Hamiltonian BFV-quantization

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    The regularization scheme is proposed for the constrained Hamiltonian formulation of the gauge fields coupled to the chiral or axial fermions. The Schwinger terms in the regularized operator first-class constraint algebra are shown to be consistent with the covariant divergence anomaly of the corresponding current. Regularized quantum master equations are studied, and the Schwinger terms are found out to break down both nilpotency of the BRST-charge and its conservation law. Wess-Zumino consistency conditions are studied for the BRST anomaly and they are shown to contradict to the covariant Schwinger terms in the BRST algebra.Comment: LaTeX, 24p

    Lorentz-invariant CPT violation

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    A Lorentz-invariant CPT violation, which may be termed as long-distance CPT violation in contrast to the familiar short-distance CPT violation, has been recently proposed. This scheme is based on a non-local interaction vertex and characterized by an infrared divergent form factor. We show that the Lorentz covariant TT^{\star}-product is consistently defined and the energy-momentum conservation is preserved in perturbation theory if the path integral is suitably defined for this non-local theory, although unitarity is generally lost. It is illustrated that T violation is realized in the decay and formation processes. It is also argued that the equality of masses and decay widths of the particle and anti-particle is preserved if the non-local CPT violation is incorporated either directly or as perturbation by starting with the conventional CPT-even local Lagrangian. However, we also explicitly show that the present non-local scheme can induce the splitting of particle and anti-particle mass eigenvalues if one considers a more general class of Lagrangians.Comment: 28 pages; note added in proof; version published in Eur. Phys. J. C (2013) 73: 234

    Fluctuation-dissipation theorem and quantum tunneling with dissipation at finite temperature

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    A reformulation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem of Callen and Welton is presented in such a manner that the basic idea of Feynman-Vernon and Caldeira -Leggett of using an infinite number of oscillators to simulate the dissipative medium is realized manifestly without actually introducing oscillators. If one assumes the existence of a well defined dissipative coefficient R(ω)R(\omega) which little depends on the temperature in the energy region we are interested in, the spontanous and induced emissions as well as induced absorption of these effective oscillators with correct Bose distribution automatically appears. Combined with a dispersion relation, we reproduce the tunneling formula in the presence of dissipation at finite temperature without referring to an explicit model Lagrangian. The fluctuation-dissipation theorem of Callen-Welton is also generalized to the fermionic dissipation (or fluctuation) which allows a transparent physical interpretation in terms of second quantized fermionic oscillators. This fermionic version of fluctuation-dissipation theorem may become relevant in the analyses of, for example, fermion radiation from a black hole and also supersymmetry at the early universe.Comment: 19 pages. Phys. Rev. E (in press

    Continuous non-perturbative regularization of QED

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    We regularize in a continuous manner the path integral of QED by construction of a non-local version of its action by means of a regularized form of Dirac's δ\delta functions. Since the action and the measure are both invariant under the gauge group, this regularization scheme is intrinsically non-perturbative. Despite the fact that the non-local action converges formally to the local one as the cutoff goes to infinity, the regularized theory keeps trace of the non-locality through the appearance of a quadratic divergence in the transverse part of the polarization operator. This term which is uniquely defined by the choice of the cutoff functions can be removed by a redefinition of the regularized action. We notice that as for chiral fermions on the lattice, there is an obstruction to construct a continuous and non ambiguous regularization in four dimensions. With the help of the regularized equations of motion, we calculate the one particle irreducible functions which are known to be divergent by naive power counting at the one loop order.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, 5 Encapsulated Postscript figures. Improved and revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Invariant Regularization of Anomaly-Free Chiral Theories

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    We present a generalization of the Frolov-Slavnov invariant regularization scheme for chiral fermion theories in curved spacetimes. local gauge symmetries of the theory, including local Lorentz invariance. The perturbative scheme works for arbitrary representations which satisfy the chiral gauge anomaly and the mixed Lorentz-gauge anomaly cancellation conditions. Anomalous theories on the other hand manifest themselves by having divergent fermion loops which remain unregularized by the scheme. Since the invariant scheme is promoted to also include local Lorentz invariance, spectator fields which do not couple to gravity cannot be, and are not, introduced. Furthermore, the scheme is truly chiral (Weyl) in that all fields, including the regulators, are left-handed; and only the left-handed spin connection is needed. The scheme is, therefore, well suited for the study of the interaction of matter with all four known forces in a completely chiral fashion. In contrast with the vectorlike formulation, the degeneracy between the Adler-Bell-Jackiw current and the fermion number current in the bare action is preserved by the chiral regularization scheme.Comment: 28pgs, LaTeX. Typos corrected. Further remarks on singlet current

    Quantum anomaly and geometric phase; their basic differences

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    It is sometimes stated in the literature that the quantum anomaly is regarded as an example of the geometric phase. Though there is some superficial similarity between these two notions, we here show that the differences bewteen these two notions are more profound and fundamental. As an explicit example, we analyze in detail a quantum mechanical model proposed by M. Stone, which is supposed to show the above connection. We show that the geometric term in the model, which is topologically trivial for any finite time interval TT, corresponds to the so-called ``normal naive term'' in field theory and has nothing to do with the anomaly-induced Wess-Zumino term. In the fundamental level, the difference between the two notions is stated as follows: The topology of gauge fields leads to level crossing in the fermionic sector in the case of chiral anomaly and the {\em failure} of the adiabatic approximation is essential in the analysis, whereas the (potential) level crossing in the matter sector leads to the topology of the Berry phase only when the precise adiabatic approximation holds.Comment: 28 pages. The last sentence in Abstract has been changed, the last paragraph in Section 1 has been re-written, and the latter half of Discussion has been replaced by new materials. New Conclusion to summarize the analysis has been added. This new version is to be published in Phys. Rev.