16,314 research outputs found

    Mathematical Structure of Rabi Oscillations in the Strong Coupling Regime

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    In this paper we generalize the Jaynes--Cummings Hamiltonian by making use of some operators based on Lie algebras su(1,1) and su(2), and study a mathematical structure of Rabi floppings of these models in the strong coupling regime. We show that Rabi frequencies are given by matrix elements of generalized coherent operators (quant--ph/0202081) under the rotating--wave approximation. In the first half we make a general review of coherent operators and generalized coherent ones based on Lie algebras su(1,1) and su(2). In the latter half we carry out a detailed examination of Frasca (quant--ph/0111134) and generalize his method, and moreover present some related problems. We also apply our results to the construction of controlled unitary gates in Quantum Computation. Lastly we make a brief comment on application to Holonomic Quantum Computation.Comment: Latex file, 24 pages. I added a new section (Quantum Computation), so this paper became self-contained in a certain sens

    Note on Coherent States and Adiabatic Connections, Curvatures

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    We give a possible generalization to the example in the paper of Zanardi and Rasetti (quant-ph/9904011). For this generalized one explicit forms of adiabatic connection, curvature and etc. are given.Comment: Latex file, 12 page

    Flow Representation of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian : General Case

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    In this paper the explicit flow representation to the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian is given in the general case. This representation may be useful in creating cat states for the system of atoms trapped in the optical ring.Comment: Latex ; 8 pages ; 1 figure ; minor change

    More on the Isomorphism SU(2)⊗SU(2)≅SO(4)SU(2)\otimes SU(2)\cong SO(4)

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    In this paper we revisit the isomorphism SU(2)⊗SU(2)≅SO(4)SU(2)\otimes SU(2)\cong SO(4) to apply to some subjects in Quantum Computation and Mathematical Physics. The unitary matrix QQ by Makhlin giving the isomorphism as an adjoint action is studied and generalized from a different point of view. Some problems are also presented. In particular, the homogeneous manifold SU(2n)/SO(2n)SU(2n)/SO(2n) which characterizes entanglements in the case of n=2n=2 is studied, and a clear-cut calculation of the universal Yang-Mills action in (hep-th/0602204) is given for the abelian case.Comment: Latex ; 19 pages ; 5 figures ; minor changes. To appear in International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics (vol.4, no.3

    General Solution of the Quantum Damped Harmonic Oscillator

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    In this paper the general solution of the quantum damped harmonic oscillator is given.Comment: Latex ; 10 pages ; no figure ; typos corrected. The quantum damped harmonic oscillator is solved completel

    Coherent states, Path integral, and Semiclassical approximation

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    Using the generalized coherent states we argue that the path integral formulae for SU(2)SU(2) and SU(1,1)SU(1,1) (in the discrete series) are WKB exact,if the starting point is expressed as the trace of e−iTH^e^{-iT\hat H} with H^\hat H being given by a linear combination of generators. In our case,WKB approximation is achieved by taking a large ``spin'' limit: J,K→∞J,K\rightarrow \infty. The result is obtained directly by knowing that the each coefficient vanishes under the J−1J^{-1}(K−1K^{-1}) expansion and is examined by another method to be legitimated. We also point out that the discretized form of path integral is indispensable, in other words, the continuum path integral expression leads us to a wrong result. Therefore a great care must be taken when some geometrical action would be adopted, even if it is so beautiful, as the starting ingredient of path integral.Comment: latex 33 pages and 2 figures(uuencoded postscript file), KYUSHU-HET-19 We have corrected the proof of the WKB-exactness in the section

    Shell structures in oxygen isotopes described with modern nucleon-nucleon interactions

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    Shell structures in the N\simeq Z nucleus ^{17}O and the neutron-rich oxygen isotopes ^{23}O and ^{25}O are microscopically described by calculating single-particle energies with modern nucleon-nucleon interactions within the framework of the unitary-model-operator approach. It is found that the effect of three-body cluster terms on the single-particle energy is more important in ^{23}O and ^{25}O than ^{17}O.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Talk at the International Symposium on "A New Era of Nuclear Structure Physics (NENS03)", 19-22 Nov. 2003, Niigata, Japa
