6 research outputs found

    Covering walks in graphs

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    Covering Walks  in Graphs is aimed at researchers and graduate students in the graph theory community and provides a comprehensive treatment on measures of two well studied graphical properties, namely Hamiltonicity and traversability in graphs. This text looks into the famous Kӧnigsberg Bridge Problem, the Chinese Postman Problem, the Icosian Game and the Traveling Salesman Problem as well as well-known mathematicians who were involved in these problems. The concepts of different spanning walks with examples and present classical results on Hamiltonian numbers and upper Hamiltonian numbers of graphs are described; in some cases, the authors provide proofs of these results to illustrate the beauty and complexity of this area of research. Two new concepts of traceable numbers of graphs and traceable numbers of vertices of a graph which were inspired by and closely related to Hamiltonian numbers are introduced. Results are illustrated on these two concepts and the relationship between traceable concepts and Hamiltonian concepts are examined. Describes several variations of traceable numbers, which provide new frame works for several well-known Hamiltonian concepts and produce interesting new results

    The kk-metric colorings of a graph

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    summary:For a nontrivial connected graph GG of order nn, the detour distance D(u,v)D(u,v) between two vertices uu and vv in GG is the length of a longest uvu-v path in GG. Detour distance is a metric on the vertex set of GG. For each integer kk with 1kn11\le k\le n-1, a coloring c ⁣:V(G)Nc\colon V(G)\to \mathbb N is a kk-metric coloring of GG if c(u)c(v)+D(u,v)k+1|c(u)-c(v)|+D(u,v)\ge k+1 for every two distinct vertices uu and vv of GG. The value χmk(c)\chi _m^k(c) of a kk-metric coloring cc is the maximum color assigned by cc to a vertex of GG and the kk-metric chromatic number χmk(G)\chi _m^k(G) of GG is the minimum value of a kk-metric coloring of GG. For every nontrivial connected graph GG of order nn, χm1(G)χm2(G)χmn1(G)\chi _m^1(G)\le \chi _m^2(G)\le \cdots \le \chi _m^{n-1}(G). Metric chromatic numbers provide a generalization of several well-studied coloring parameters in graphs. Upper and lower bounds have been established for χmk(G)\chi _m^k(G) in terms of other graphical parameters of a graph GG and exact values of kk-metric chromatic numbers have been determined for complete multipartite graphs and cycles. For a nontrivial connected graph GG, the anti-diameter adiam(G){\rm adiam}(G) is the minimum detour distance between two vertices of GG. We show that the adiam(G){\rm adiam}(G)-metric chromatic number of a graph GG provides information on the Hamiltonian properties of the graph and investigate realization results and problems on this parameter

    A Note on the Total Detection Numbers of Cycles

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    Let G be a connected graph of size at least 2 and c :E(G)→{0, 1, . . . , k− 1} an edge coloring (or labeling) of G using k labels, where adjacent edges may be assigned the same label. For each vertex v of G, the color code of v with respect to c is the k-vector code(v) = (a0, a1, . . . , ak−1), where ai is the number of edges incident with v that are labeled i for 0 ≤ i ≤ k − 1. The labeling c is called a detectable labeling if distinct vertices in G have distinct color codes. The value val(c) of a detectable labeling c of a graph G is the sum of the labels assigned to the edges in G. The total detection number td(G) of G is defined by td(G) = min{val(c)}, where the minimum is taken over all detectable labelings c of G. We investigate the problem of determining the total detection numbers of cycles

    A Note on the Total Detection Numbers of Cycles

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    Let G be a connected graph of size at least 2 and c :E(G)→{0, 1, . . ., k− 1} an edge coloring (or labeling) of G using k labels, where adjacent edges may be assigned the same label. For each vertex v of G, the color code of v with respect to c is the k-vector code(v) = (a0, a1, . . ., ak−1), where ai is the number of edges incident with v that are labeled i for 0 ≤ i ≤ k − 1. The labeling c is called a detectable labeling if distinct vertices in G have distinct color codes. The value val(c) of a detectable labeling c of a graph G is the sum of the labels assigned to the edges in G. The total detection number td(G) of G is defined by td(G) = min{val(c)}, where the minimum is taken over all detectable labelings c of G. We investigate the problem of determining the total detection numbers of cycles

    Vertex rainbow colorings of graphs

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    In a properly vertex-colored graph G, a path P is a rainbow path if no two vertices of P have the same color, except possibly the two end-vertices of P. If every two vertices of G are connected by a rainbow path, then G is vertex rainbow-connected. A proper vertex coloring of a connected graph G that results in a vertex rainbow-connected graph is a vertex rainbow coloring of G. The minimum number of colors needed in a vertex rainbow coloring of G is the vertex rainbow connection number vrc(G) of G. Thus if G is a connected graph of order n ≥ 2, then 2 ≤ vrc(G) ≤ n. We present characterizations of all connected graphs G of order n for which vrc(G) ∈ {2,n-1,n} and study the relationship between vrc(G) and the chromatic number χ(G) of G. For a connected graph G of order n and size m, the number m-n+1 is the cycle rank of G. Vertex rainbow connection numbers are determined for all connected graphs of cycle rank 0 or 1 and these numbers are investigated for connected graphs of cycle rank 2

    On Monochromatic Subgraphs of Edge-Colored Complete Graphs

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    In a red-blue coloring of a nonempty graph, every edge is colored red or blue. If the resulting edge-colored graph contains a nonempty subgraph G without isolated vertices every edge of which is colored the same, then G is said to be monochromatic