169 research outputs found

    Cluster Origin of Triple Star HD 188753 and its Planet

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    The recent discovery by M. Konacki of a ``hot Jupiter'' in the hierarchical triple star system HD 188753 challenges established theories of giant-planet formation. If the orbital geometry of the triple has not changed since the birth of the planet, then a disk around the planetary host star would probably have been too compact and too hot for a Jovian planet to form by the core-accretion model or gravitational collapse. This paradox is resolved if the star was initially either single or had a much more distant companion. It is suggested here that a close multi-star dynamical encounter transformed this initial state into the observed triple, an idea that follows naturally if HD 188753 formed in a moderately dense stellar system--perhaps an open cluster--that has since dissolved. Three distinct types of encounters are investigated. The most robust scenario involves an initially single planetary host star that changes places with the outlying member of a pre-existing hierarchical triple.Comment: Accepted by ApJL; minor changes from origina

    The Distribution of Stellar Mass in the Pleiades

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    As part of an effort to understand the origin of open clusters, we present a statistical analysis of the currently observed Pleiades. Starting with a photometric catalog of the cluster, we employ a maximum likelihood technique to determine the mass distribution of its members, including single stars and both components of binary systems. We find that the overall binary fraction for unresolved pairs is 68%. Extrapolating to include resolved systems, this fraction climbs to about 76%, significantly higher than the accepted field-star result. Both figures are sensitive to the cluster age, for which we have used the currently favored value of 125 Myr. The primary and secondary masses within binaries are correlated, in the sense that their ratios are closer to unity than under the hypothesis of random pairing. We map out the spatial variation of the cluster's projected and three-dimensional mass and number densities. Finally, we revisit the issue of mass segregation in the Pleiades. We find unambiguous evidence of segregation, and introduce a new method for quantifying it.Comment: 41 pages, 14 figures To Be Published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Discovery and physical characterization as the first response to a potential asteroid collision: The case of 2023 DZ2

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    Near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) that may evolve into impactors deserve detailed threat assessment studies. Early physical characterization of a would-be impactor may help in optimizing impact mitigation plans. We first detected NEA 2023~DZ2_{2} on 27--February--2023. After that, it was found to have a Minimum Orbit Intersection Distance (MOID) with Earth of 0.00005~au as well as an unusually high initial probability of becoming a near-term (in 2026) impactor. We aim to perform a rapid but consistent dynamical and physical characterization of 2023~DZ2_{2} as an example of a key response to mitigate the consequences of a potential impact. We use a multi-pronged approach, drawing from various methods (observational/computational) and techniques (spectroscopy/photometry from multiple instruments), and bringing the data together to perform a rapid and robust threat assessment.} The visible reflectance spectrum of 2023~DZ2_{2} is consistent with that of an X-type asteroid. Light curves of this object obtained on two different nights give a rotation period PP=6.2743±\pm0.0005 min with an amplitude AA=0.57±\pm0.14~mag. We confirm that although its MOID is among the smallest known, 2023~DZ2_{2} will not impact Earth in the foreseeable future as a result of secular near-resonant behaviour. Our investigation shows that coordinated observation and interpretation of disparate data provides a robust approach from discovery to threat assessment when a virtual impactor is identified. We prove that critical information can be obtained within a few days after the announcement of the potential impactor.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 15 page

    Mass Segregation in Globular Clusters

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    We present the results of a new study of mass segregation in two-component star clusters, based on a large number of numerical N-body simulations using our recently developed dynamical Monte Carlo code. Specifically, we follow the dynamical evolution of clusters containing stars with individual masses m_1 as well as a tracer population of objects with individual masses m_2=\mu m_1, using N=10^5 total stars. For heavy tracers, which could represent stellar remnants such as neutron stars or black holes in a globular cluster, we characterize in a variety of ways the tendency for these objects to concentrate in or near the cluster core. In agreement with simple theoretical arguments, we find that the characteristic time for this mass segregation process varies as 1/\mu. For models with very light tracers (\mu <~ 10^-2), which could represent free-floating planets or brown dwarfs, we find the expected depletion of light objects in the cluster core, but also sometimes a significant enhancement in the halo. Using these results we estimate the optical depth to gravitational microlensing by planetary mass objects or brown dwarfs in typical globular clusters. For some initial conditions, the optical depth in the halo due to very low-mass objects could be much greater than that of luminous stars. If we apply our results to M22, using the recent null detection of Sahu, Anderson, & King (2001), we find an upper limit of ~25% at the 63% confidence level for the current mass fraction of M22 in the form of very low-mass objects.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Minor revisions reflecting the new results of Sahu et al. on M22. 13 pages in emulateapj style, including 9 figures and 3 table

    The Mass and Structure of the Pleiades Star Cluster from 2MASS

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    We present the results of a large scale search for new members of the Pleiades star cluster using 2MASS near-infrared photometry and proper motions derived from POSS plates digitized by the USNO PMM program. The search extends to a 10 degree radius around the cluster, well beyond the presumed tidal radius, to a limiting magnitude of R ~ 20, corresponding to ~ 0.07 M_sun at the distance and age of the Pleiades. Multi-object spectroscopy for 528 candidates verifies that the search was extremely effective at detecting cluster stars in the 1 - 0.1 M_sun mass range using the distribution of H_alpha emission strengths as an estimate of sample contamination by field stars. When combined with previously identified, higher mass stars, this search provides a sensitive measurement of the stellar mass function and dynamical structure of the Pleiades. The degree of tidal elongation of the halo agrees well with current N body simulation results. Tidal truncation affects masses below ~ 1 M_sun. The cluster contains a total mass ~ 800 M_sun. Evidence for a flatter mass function in the core than in the halo indicates the depletion of stars in the core with mass less than ~ 0.5 M_sun, relative to stars with mass \~1 - 0.5 M_sun, and implies a preference for very low mass objects to populate the halo or escape. The overall mass function is best fitted with a lognormal form that becomes flat at ~ 0.1 M_sun. Whether sufficient dynamical evaporation has occurred to detectably flatten the initial mass function, via preferential escape of very low mass stars and brown dwarfs, is undetermined, pending better membership information for stars at large radial distances.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables, accepted by AJ, to appear April 200

    Searching for Planets in the Hyades. I. The Keck Radial Velocity Survey

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    We describe a high-precision radial velocity search for jovian-mass companions to main sequence stars in the Hyades star cluster. The Hyades provides an extremely well controlled sample of stars of the same age, the same metallicity, and a common birth and early dynamical environment. This sample allows us to explore the dependence of the process of planet formation on only a single independent variable: the stellar mass. In this paper we describe the survey and summarize results for the first five years.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; To appear in the July 2002 issue of The Astronomical Journa

    Mergers of close primordial binaries

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    We study the production of main sequence mergers of tidally-synchronized primordial short-period binaries. The principal ingredients of our calculation are the angular momentum loss rates inferred from the spindown of open cluster stars and the distribution of binary properties in young open clusters. We compare our results with the expected number of systems that experience mass transfer in post-main sequence phases of evolution and compute the uncertainties in the theoretical predictions. We estimate that main-sequence mergers can account for the observed number of single blue stragglers in M67. Applied to the blue straggler population, this implies that such mergers are responsible for about one quarter of the population of halo blue metal poor stars, and at least one third of the blue stragglers in open clusters for systems older than 1 Gyr. The observed trends as a function of age are consistent with a saturated angular momentum loss rate for rapidly rotating tidally synchronized systems. The predicted number of blue stragglers from main sequence mergers alone is comparable to the number observed in globular clusters, indicating that the net effect of dynamical interactions in dense stellar environments is to reduce rather than increase the blue straggler population. A population of subturnoff mergers of order 3-4% of the upper main sequence population is also predicted for stars older than 4 Gyr, which is roughly comparable to the small population of highly Li-depleted halo dwarfs. Other observational tests are discussed.Comment: number of pages depends on font, margins, columns etc (58 with given format), 14 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    A New Nearby Candidate Star Cluster in Ophiuchus at d = 170 pc

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    The recent discoveries of nearby star clusters and associations within a few hundred pc of the Sun, as well as the order of magnitude difference in the formation rates of the embedded and open cluster populations, suggests that additional poor stellar groups are likely to be found at surprisingly close distances to the Sun. Here I describe a new nearby stellar aggregate found by virtue of the parallel proper motions, similar trigonometric parallaxes, and consistent color-magnitude distribution of its early-type members. The 120 Myr-old group lies in Ophiuchus at dd ≃\simeq 170 pc, with its most massive member being the 4th-magnitude post-MS B8II-III star ÎŒ\mu Oph. The group may have escaped previous notice due to its non-negligible extinction (AVA_V ≃\simeq 0.9 mag). If the group was born with a normal initial mass function, and the nine B- and A-type systems represent a complete system of intermediate-mass stars, then the original population was probably of order ∌\sim200 systems. The age and space motion of the new cluster are very similar to those of the Pleiades, α\alpha Per cluster, and AB Dor Moving Group, suggesting that these aggregates may have formed in the same star-forming complex some ∌108\sim10^8 yr ago.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figs., to appear in Nov. 2006 A

    PV Ceph: Young Star Caught Speeding?

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    Three independent lines of evidence imply that the young star PV Ceph is moving at roughly 20 km/s through the interstellar medium. The first, and strongest, suggestion of motion comes from the geometry of the HH knots in the "giant" Herbig-Haro (HH) flow associated with PV Ceph. Bisectors of lines drawn between pairs of knots at nearly equal distances from PV Ceph imply an E-W motion of the source, and a plasmon model fit to the knot positions gives a good fit of 22 km/s motion for the star. The second bit of damning evidence comes from a redshifted "trail" of molecular gas, pointing in the same E-W direction implied by the HH knot geometry. The third exhibit we offer in accusing PV Ceph of speeding involves the tilt apparent in the high-velocity molecular jet now emanating from the star. This tilt is best explained if the true, current, jet direction is N-S, as it is in HST images, and the star is moving at roughly 20 km/s. Tracing the motion of PV Ceph backward in time, to the nearest cluster from which it might have been ejected, we find that it is very likely to have been thrown out of the massive star-forming cluster NGC 7023 (more than 10 pc away). We propose that PV Ceph was ejected, at a speed large enough to escape NGC 7023, at least 100,000 years ago, but that it did not enter the molecular cloud in which it now finds itself until more like 35,000 years ago. Our calculations show that the currently-observable molecular outflow associated with PV Ceph is about 10,000 years old, so that the flow has had plenty of time to form while in its current molecular cloud. But, the question of what PV Ceph was doing, and what gas/disk it took along with it in the time it was traveling through the low-density region between NGC 7023 and its current home is an open question.Comment: To be published by the Astrophysical Journal. Figures 1, 6, and 7 are in gif format. See material from the AAS press conference related to this work at: http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~agoodman/Presentations/aas04PVCeph

    Velocity Dispersion of Dissolving OB Associations Affected by External Pressure of Formation Environment

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    This paper presents a possible way to understand dissolution of OB associations (or groups). Assuming rapid escape of parental cloud gas from associations, we show that the shadow of the formation environment for associations can be partially imprinted on the velocity dispersion at their dissolution. This conclusion is not surprising as long as associations are formed in a multiphase interstellar medium, because the external pressure should suppress expansion caused by the internal motion of the parental clouds. Our model predicts a few km s−1^{-1} as the internal velocity dispersion. Observationally, the internal velocity dispersion is ∌1\sim 1 km s−1^{-1} which is smaller than our prediction. This suggests that the dissipation of internal energy happens before the formation of OB associations.Comment: 6 pages. AJ accepte
